
Someone has stolen all of my energy.  My DH informs me that the "someone" lies about a foot and a half below my nose and who we have yet to meet!  lol  If he/she is done with it I wish they would give it back SOON!  lol  Seriously, I am sooooo freaking tired all the time.  I remember being a little bit with my 2nd pregnancy, but this one takes the cake.  Usually by the 2nd trimester I have no issues with being tired again until the very end when I’m trying to lug around my big tummy.  But once again yesterday I was on my laptop and started nodding off.  So I just laid down on the couch and took a nap.  DH was watching the kids so I figured I could get away with it.  I swear I could sleep 12 hours straight and not feel less tired most days.  Somedays I’m pretty good though and have energy and can get stuff done.  But those days are few and far between right now.  I hope more of them start showing up though, I could use that. 

I suppose it doesn’t help that my youngest has been waking up in th emiddle of the night again.  He was great for a few nights in a row, not a peep out of him.  But last night he started in about 20 minutes after I fell asleep.  Ugh.  DH tried to figure out his problem but apparently didn’t.  He no sooner came back to bed and we heard him screaming out again.  I told him it sounded like he was hurting somehow.  So he brought him to me when he couldn’t figure it out anymore.  Wasn’t long after I had him that I got the biggest burps out of him, and he calmed down some.  Then he was just so super tired he was cranky about that.  Didn’t fuss when he was laid down so I figured I had finally taken care of his issue.  But then our oldest heard his brother screaming and came wandering into our room to make sure his little brother was ok, sat on the bed talking to him and stroking his head and trying to make him feel all better.  That was pretty sweet to see.  I feel sorry for J though.  He has multiple teeth trying to come in at once, which I’m sure is contributing to the waking up in the middle of the night again thing.  Plus I think he’s in a growth spurt so he seems to be more hungry all the time and he wakes up hungry in th emiddle of the night too.  Well, then add a gas bubble filled tummy on top of it and you have a nice recipe for not getting any sleep!  Everyone keeps telling me how going from one child to two was so hard, but that going from two children to three is so easy.  I sure hope they are right!


This weekend was kind of a lazy one around our house.  Which was nice because we surely could use that.  But lazy or not the weekends seem to fly by way entirely to fast.  I still think the work week should only be two days and the rest of the days a weekend! 

Friday the boys decided that Mommy was just having it way to easy lately and decided to change that.  They were both downstairs in our family room playing.  K was playing with trains on his train table and J was playing with him when I checked on them.  They were being quiet and playing together nicely, every Mother’s dream.  lol  I went back to what I was doing and then realized that it was nap time.  This was literally just a few minutes after having just checked on them.  I gathered up their sleeping buddies and started upstairs to their room and I started calling them to come up.  They are always great about coming when I call them and tell them it’s nap time, and like usual they both came up without complaint.  But when they got into their room all of a sudden there was this overpowering orange smell.  More to myself than to anyone else I said out loud "where’s the orange smell coming from?"  and my oldest piped up and said "Mommy, Jakie was helping out by making the house smell pretty!"  That immediately set the Mommy radar on full alert!  I asked him what that meant and if he could show me.  So he takes me back down to the family room and points and said "see he was squirting pretty stuff in the room."  And sure enough, there on my DH’s computer desk sat a bottle of Orange Glo furniture oil/polish.  Yikes!  I ran over to that area and promptly slipped on the carpeting.  Yeah, carpeting is not supposed to  resemble walking on ice the last time I recall!  I quickly snatched up the bottle and looked around surveying the damage.  Finally I just told K we were going upstairs and getting ready for nap.  I threw the bottle into the bathroom along the way and got him back upstairs.  I went to change J and get him ready for nap but when I went to pick him up I almost dropped him because he was so slippery!  He had on a fleece outfit and he was soaked in this stuff.  Uggh.  So I took his clothes off and wne and cleaned him off to get that stuff off his skin and put him down for his nap.  I checked K and he only had a little bit on his hands from helping his brother get up the stairs so it was easy enough just to wash his hands off and throw him in bed for a nap too. 

Then the real fun began.  I went back down there trying to figure out how the heck to clean that up.  So I called DH and asked him if he had any ideas and he had none.  But he did suggest calling my Mom since she was home (man it’s great she’s retired now!  lol)  So I called her and she suggested using Resolve carpet cleaner on it.  Luckily we had just bought a new bottle of it so I ran to get aht and found it said it could cut through dirty motor oil stains, grease, oils, etc.  Sounded like just the ticket to me!  lol  So I tried it and it seemed to work quiet well.  So I set out to clean the carpeting with that and soak up as much of that stuff that I could out of the carpet.  He had also soaked an upholstered footstool/storage cube that we keep their toys in, so I tried it on there too.  I had toys that needed to be washed down because they had been suffieciently lubed up with it too.  It just seemed like it was everywhere.  And just when I thought I had found all of the spots then I would run across a new one.  Finally I had it to the point where it was saturated with the Resolve and it jsut needed to dry so I knew where I was at. So I called it quits for a little bit. 

I had just got the steam cleaner out and was trying to figure out how to use it (DH has always used it before because he finds it fun to use) when DH walked in the door.  So he got it all set and we went back down to steam clean the carpet.  That managed to get the rest of it out of the carpet and the upholstered storage cube.  I was rather impressed taht it all turned out so well since it looked like such a mess when I initially found it.  We had to open a window in the house to air it out though because the concentrated orange oil smell was so strong it was giving me headaches.  But now you can’t tell anything had even happened to the carpeting or the footstool and the smell is all gone.  My Mom said she should take the boys to her house for a while and maybe she would get a super clean house out of it, but she didn’t need

it lubed up like mine.  lol 

And I’m sure there are those who wonder how in the world did my 21 month old get a bottle of Orange Glo to even have sprayed around like that.  I wish I knew.  I didn’t know there was anything like that he could have gotten ahold of.  I keep all my cleaning supplies locked up where he can’t get them.  We have a few things way down in our basement but the kids usually only go down there with one of us so we know what is going on.  DH figures it’s possible it was down in the basement and maybe on one of J’s adventures he may have slipped down there and grabbed it, brought it back up and stashed it somewhere.  K told me that J got it from under Daddy’s computer desk before he started spraying it.  So I am really at a loss.  DH claims he didn’t have anything like that at his desk but I have no idea really.  I do remember that it was a full bottle when I last knew it was still in the hosue and put away.  But now it’s only about half or little less.  J thought he had done a good thing though, he was all smiles and clapping for himself for making the hosue smell pretty.   Oh, the joys of having boys!  And to think they can do THAT much damage in just a couple of minutes.  Oye!

So because I had worked so long all afternoon on getting things cleaned up and then again after Dh came home he decided to be nice.  I had stuff out for dinner but he wasn’t feeling what I had out or was going to make.   So he went and placed and order and went and got me my favorite meal from a place in our village and surpirsed me with a slice of Turtle cheesecake something or another.  So that was nice.

Saturday we slept in and relaxed.  Didn’t get out of the house until almost 1 p.m.  Grabbed lunch real quick at Jimmy John’s and bought a couple of loaves of french bread from them for $.50 a piece.  Not a bad deal!  then stopped at Target to get a few things we needed and know are way cheaper there than at Walmart.  Then on to Walmart to get our weekly shopping done since it seemed like we were running out of everything since we hadn’t been shopping in almost 2 weeks.  Then home for the boys to take a nap. 

When the boys got up from their naps we got ready and headed back to town.  We have been looking around for new shoes for J and talking about what we should get him.  While we were at Target DH decided to go and measure J’s feet while he waited for me to get the things I needed.  Come to find out J’s feet were way larger than I had expected so he truly did need new shoes!  So when we went back to town I took along my 15% off coupon I had for Kohl’s and we went and checked there.  Found a shoe that was ok that they actually had in stock in his size and it was on sale so we picked it up.  I wasn’t like totally in love with them and it looked like he was struggling to get used to heavy shoes on his feet.  So DH agreed we could pop on over to the mall and check out JcPenney.  We did, I found a pair that I liked way better but there was no way I was going to pay over $42 for a pair of shoes for a child who’s feet grow like weeds and may not be able to wear them for very long.  So we decided just to keep the ones we bought at Kohl’s.  And while we were out K said he was getting hungry so we stopped at Applebee’s for dinner that night.  Had a really good waiter.  They had ran out of crayons, so when K asked for some the guy said they didn’t have any but he dug in his pockets and gave him a pen to use instead so he could have fun.  And then he said to J that he had something that would keep him happy to if he just waited.  He went off and we could hear the balloon machine int he background blowing up balloons.  Wasn’t long he came back with this balloon he had put together that looked like a bug, he even drew on a face and everything!  It was cute, for a balloon.  So that kept both the boys entertained while we were there.  J apparently liked it so much that when the guy came back he flashed him the biggest smile ever and he pointed his little pointer fingers at the guy.  The waiter burst out laughing and did the same thing back to J and kept telling him "you the man!"  Didn’t take long for J to fully catch on to that and everytime he saw the guy he gave him the ‘you the man’ fingers.  Everyone around us was just cracking up.  lol 

Sunday was another lazy day.  Left the hosue just long enough to get something for lunch, grab milk that we had forgot to buy the day before and head back home.  DH played on the Wii for quite a while, I took a nap and then read the newspaper.  DH again decided to be nice and went and placed an order for eggs benedict for me and sprinkle cakes for K for dinner and went and picked it up.  the only thing that ruined our day was last night.  Just as DH was walking in the door we got a phone call from someone he does some contracting work for (he’s worked with them since he was just out of HS and all the way through college and beyond). He had sent them a contract for a new project that they are embarking on and we got the call that they "couldn’t undertand it" not being "legal experts" and all and wnated it totally changed and put into a "language normal people can understand".  So both DH and I were just livid.  It’s as clear and simple as any contract could possibly be.  It doesn’t have any big words in it, no legal mumbo jumbo like you would typically see in a contract, it’s straightforward.  Well, DH ate and calmed down and then tried to return their call.  He left messages and called 3 times after that and no answer.  Which was dumb because they live right there at their business and that’s where they called from not even 15 minutes before DH returned the first call and left messages.  Stupid.  So now he has that headache to have to worry about and contend with until it gets resolved.  I am just so over having to deal with those idiots it’s not funny.  I think DH is at that point too now.  I’m not sure he will ever do another new project with them again.

Then this morning when I got up I heard this strange sound int he house.  I couldn’t figure out what it was at first.  But it sounded like water running.  I looked all over the place and wasn’t coming up with anything.  But the sound kept reminding me of when we have the sprinklers on in the summer and the water is turned on outside.  Then I walked into the living room and it got louder.  But I still couldn’t place my finger on what it was.  Then I noticed through the opening at the bottom of the blinds that it looked like it was pouring rain outside and pelting the front windows.  So I looked out the other windows and noticed it wasn’t raining any place else.  So I went to the front door and opened it and there is literally a geyser of water sprouting just outside of my front door.  Uggggh.  So I ran upstairs and got dressed, through on my coat and went outside.  Here DH never turned off the outside faucets for winter.  And we have it hoooked up by a hose to a faucet further out towards the edge of the y

ard so we can hook the hoses on it for the sprinklers and reach the farthest parts of our yard.  Well, apparently with it still having the water turned on to this thing and it being in the low 30’s overnight for the past week it didn’t work well together.  It must have froze the valve out on the extension faucet and it blew this morning.  I don’t know how long it had been spraying out like Mt. St. Helen but there was ALOT of water everywhere.  The whole front of the house was getting just pelted as hard as it could with all this water, it was crazy.  So I ducked down and ran into the geyser to get to the faucet on the house to shut it off.  But oh what a mess.  So when I came back in the house I ran downstairs to see if there was any water in the basement, thankfully the answer to that was no.  But you better believe that when DH comes home tonight he is sooooo shutting off the water to the outside faucets for the winter like he was supposed to have already done!  With the amount of water that was everywhere outside I dn’t know how long it had been doing that.  I got up shortly after DH left for work.  So I would almost assume it was doing that when he left and he just didn’t say anything or do anything about it.  The ground was already so saturated it couldn’t take on any more water so there were deep pools of it sitting everywhere by the house, in the yard, everywhere.  And that doesn’t happen in just minutes.  Thankfully it wasn’t worse.

Well, better get moving for the day.  I finally got a check from my "friend" who owed me money.  Previously she had sent me a check for every 2 weeks between October and late March.  Well, she finally sold the chair that she had been bugging me about selling and she sent me one check for the entire amoutn and told me to get rid of all the other checks she had sent me.  She wanted me to have cashed it on Friday, but by the time the mail got here and everything it was to late to make it to the bank. And by the time we got near the bank on Saturday it was closed.  So DH said I have to make a special trip today to make sure and get it cashed before she goes and blows all of the money before we get a chance to cash it.    So that is my task for today.  Then home again, home again to do laundry (yuck) for the rest of the afternoon probably, then make dinner tonight for when DH comes home.  I’m sure DH will be on the phone all night with those idiots regarding the contract stuff.  This week is getting ready for company.  My Mom is coming down for Thanksgiving.  But I’m not exactly sure when.  I know at the latest she will be here by Tuesday because she is going with me Tuesday afternoon to my Dr’s appt.  But she could arrive as early as this weekend since she no longer has to work or be home for anything really.  So I have to get the house cleaned up, get the food bought for Thanksgiving.  Mom wants me to order an already cooked dinner so that all we have to do is reheat it. But I just saw the price of that in the paper yesterday and I am positive I can do it cheaper if I just buy everything separate and make the meal myself.  So that’s what I’m planning on doing.  Now I just ahve to figure out what I all want to have and go buy the stuff.  Then I should be set.  So it will be a busy week this week and an even busier one next week.  Then I’ll be ready for a vacation!   lol   Oh and I still have to make an appt to get my hair cut because I have to make an appt to get our family pics done for Christmas.  And get everything lined up for that too.  And I have to get that all done int he next week or so as well.    And we won’t even talk about the fact that I haven’t begun Christmas shopping yet.  Ugh.  Usually I am just about done with shopping and just pick up the last few things on Black Friday.  Well, not this year!  At best I will just be STARTING my shopping on Black Friday.  yeah, fun……    So I am off to get something accomplished.  God only knows I have enough stuff that needs to be done and time keeps ticking away from me!

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November 18, 2008

speaking of Christmas… what’s the plan this year? We’re doing that Christmas party – or do you want to do our own when you guys make it up (IF you do) … I still have last years gifts – how sad (I think I’m gonna have to take J’s out and get something else to replace it.. lol) Anyway – I found going from 2 to 3 WAY WORSE!!!!!!! I’m just saying that’s how it was for me.