Still under the weather

Kiddos are still under the weather.  At least K seems to be getting a little bit better.  But then again he has had this thing now for 5-6 days already so that’s to be expected.  he’s been doing an awesome job taking his meds like he needs to, eating well, and getting lots of sleep. So that’s all helping him get better.  And my good little boy has even started taking a Scooby Doo vitamin every day.  lol  He picked them out so I figured that would be the best way to go.  Easier to get him to take meds if he picks it out.  So he promptly tells me every morning now to give him his tooth medicine (flouride drops) and his Scooby Doo.  lol  And he matter of factly tells DH and I that if he keeps taking his Scoobies like a good little boy then the ‘bugs’ will stay out of his tummy (meaning he won’t get sick).  So he’s got this figured out a little bit!

Yesterday was a rough day with J though.  After not really sleeping Monday night he was in tough shape.  And he wouldn’t nap yesterday either, which did NOT help his cause.  By the time bedtime rolled around he was looking like death warmed over.  His eyes were a deep purple underneath, watery, his nose was running like a faucet but he was so obviously stuffed up, you could hear it when he breathed.   Just  a sad sight over all.  So I gave him some decongestant and put some Baby Vaporub under his nose and put him down for the night.  he fussed a couple of times in the next couple of hours.  But then he was silent.  At 5 this morning I awoke suddenly realizing that I hadn’t heard a peep out of him all night.  So when Dh’s alarm went off I told him to flip on the monitor and see how J was doing.  He said he couldn’t tell what was going on.  So he popped his head into their room to check and said he was sound asleep and doing just fine.  When I got K up for the day J didn’t wake up, he was still out cold and didn’t even wiggle his little finger.  So I let him sleep.  I checked on him a few times but he was obviously still out cold.  Finally a little after noon he woke up on his own and he looked sooooo much better than yesterday.  I guess he just needed all that sleep.  So far today he’s been a little better.  Wouldn’t really take a nap today either, the little stinker.  so hopefully he sleeps as well tonight as he did last night.

And BTW, I have to say that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies are freakin’ geniuses.  I didn’t know this had taken place until I actually needed something.  I went to get some cold meds for J and was having a difficult time finding something that provided dosages for someone his age.  Finally I just asked the pharmacist about it and she looked at me as if I had sprouted a second head!  And I was promptly informed that children under the age of 2 are NOT to get any type of medication.  so I asked her what your supposed to do with them them when they are sick and miserable.  She looked at me like I had just asked her to take my goldfish for a walk.  lol  She just restated that they can’t have meds and wandered off.  So we did a little research on the internet to see if we could find out WHY since this person apparently couldn’t explain it.  And DH found that the reason for it was becuase they were afraid that parents would overdose their children if they were under the age of two or something like that.  So explain this to me:  if, when they had meds that they provided proper dosages for a child under 2, they were afraid of a parent overdosing their child then how do they think they have solved this problem by removing the meds completely?  Because, to me, it just seems like a parent is going to get desparate or whatever and is going to medicate them anyway but they are going to do it by themselves, wihtout dosing guidelines and just purely by guess.  Does that make sense to anyone else?????  It doesn’t to me.  It seems like the potential to overdose is MUCH higher now that they don’t provide dosing instructions for children under 2.  Just sounds stupid to me.  But who am I to have an opinion.  lol

But anyway.  DH didn’t want what I was going to make for dinner last night so he decided to make dinner instead.  lol  That works for me!  So I guess tonight I better make what I was going to make last night.  Unless of course he comes home tonight and wants to cook again….. 

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September 17, 2008

Yeah, it is really stupid. You can get childrens meds and then google dosage and you can find out exactly how much to give by weight. Its rather ridiculous that you have to go through all that work just to give your sick miserable kids something to help them. UGH!

September 18, 2008

I hope the kids feel better.

September 20, 2008

This totally pissed me off too… here is the site that I have fallen in love with cuz it gives a bunch of different meds.. Anyway … it’s just stupid. I hope the boys are feeling better!!! 🙁 {{HUGS}}