Sometimes things do work out……

Well, another installment in the continuing saga of  ‘lending money to friends’.  lol

On Monday she got smart mouthed about having all of her bills paid current and all this crap.  And how she was going after work to look at getting a cat.  When she mentioned she had "extra" money and her bills were all current I got ticked.  And I reminded her that she still owed me money.  She got a little snippy about it and that was the end of the conversation because she was leaving to go look at that cat.

Usually when something like that takes place she calls me as soon as she gets off work, but she didn’t.  No sleep lost here over that!  lol  No calls for the next 4 days either.  Then on Wednesday I got an IM that said "wow.  weird not being able to talk to you anymore".  And then later another one that said "I sent something in the mail let me know ASAP when you get it". 

So yesterday I got a package in the mail.  I opened it and there was a note in there that in the end said "our friendship is worth more than the nightmare I’m making of all of this.  Please accept my apologies".  And the note was wrapped around 11 checks.  Yes you read that right, ELEVEN checks. 

My first "payment" can actually be cashed today for $20.  Then I have to wait two weeks and cash one for $10.  And every two weeks between today and the end of March I think it is I have a check to cash either for $10 or $20.  Yeah, so I won’t totally be paid off for another 5 months.  Everything in moderation I guess!  lol  The funny thing is even with that payment schedule she still shorted me $10.  But like DH said, let’s get through the checks we do have before worrying about that.

She called last night to ‘explain’ how to handle the checks.  She said she figured I was probably smart enough to have figured it out but thought she should tell me, just in case.  Whatever. 

And guess what she had the balls to say to me.  "if and when  you ever do this again and loan me money, please just remind me at the beginning just to write out a series of checks like I just did from the start and we won’t have this problem."  I laughed out loud at that!  Seriously, "if and when" I do that again for her?!?!?!?  I told her flat out there was no way that would be happening again. She continued to say "yeah, but when you do it again" and I repeatedly had to tell her that this was THE last time I was doing that for anyone.  It just didn’t seem to sink it.  Finally I told her that I have learned my lesson through this.  I knew before not to lend money to friends but I know for sure now that I will never lend out money, period.  She kind of got quiet and then tried to change the subject as if it were no big deal.  Yeah, I won’t be doing this again.  I don’t care what.  I will help friends out in any other way that I can, but I won’t be lending out any money anymore.

So hopefully now the checks won’t bounce.  that is my biggest fear at this point.  But I guess we’ll see! 

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October 17, 2008

Oh goodness, now wouldn’t that be funny. Or not. Wouldn’t you be charged for that?? She is a piece of work I tell ya. And to think that she actually thinks there will be another time! That woman has some gall I tell ya. But I guess it paid off to get pissed at her and let her know it.

October 17, 2008

if she banks at a bank that you have near you cash it there, don’t deposit the check into your account. They can also check at her bank if you ask if there’s enough to cover the check before you attempt to cash it. I did that recently and all they needed was my thumb print and voila! I had my cash.