Something fun

1. How long have you been together? 17 years and soon we’ll be celebrating 9 years of being married!

2. How long did you know each other before you started dating? A couple of months.

3. Who asked who out?   He did. 

4. Whose siblings do you see the most? Since I don’t have any siblings I’d have to say his!  lol  But we don’t see her very often.  🙁

5. Do you have any children together? Two boys so far (5 & 2) and a third child on the way in May!

6. What about pets? We have a cat

7. Did you go to the same school? Yes we did.  We actually met in high school.

8. Who is the most sensitive? It depends on the situation at hand.

9. Where do you eat out most as a couple? Perkins, TGIFridays or any place else we decide to go

10. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Melbourne, Australia

11. Who has the craziest exes? He does.

12. Who has the worst temper? We both do.

13. Who does the cooking? I do, but he does help at times.

14. Who is more social? He is.

15. Who is the neat freak? He is.  But he doesn’t do much about it.  He just knows that things get done, magically.  lol

16. Who is the most stubborn?  Again, we both are to a point.  It just depends on the situation. 

17. Who hogs the bed? He does.  It is a relatively new development and I can’t say I am liking it all that much.  lol

18. Who wakes up earlier?  He does during the week because he has to go to work.  But on weekends it’s usually me.

19. Where was your first date? Our first official date was to our Homecoming activities and dance.

20. Who has the bigger family?  He does.  His Dad came from a family of 10 so there are lots of relatives on his side.  My Mom came from a family of 5 and there aren’t as many relatives from that.

21. Do you get flowers often? No.  He and the boys bought me some for my birthday this year but I can’t remember the last time before that.  But I will occasionally pick up flowers for myself at the store, especially if they are on the 50% off rack!  lol

22. How long did it take to get serious? Considering we were in high school when we met it didn’t take too long.  Less time than our parents would have liked to have seen!  We dated long distance for a LONG time.  That’s when it was clear to everyone and anyone that we were dead serious about being together.

23. Who eats more? Depends on what we are eating.  But generally I think he eats a little more than I do.  And that is most definitely the case these days.

24. Who sings better? It is sooooo not him!  lol  I spent years in choir so I have a slight advantage in that department, not that I ever singr really (unless it’s to the kids when no one else is around!)  lol

25. Who’s better with the computer? Definitely him. He is a software engineer.  But I am a better searcher on the internet than he is.

26. Who drives when you are together?  Unfortunately, he does.  lol

27. Who picks where you go to dinner? Depends on if one of us has a bigger craving or preference for a certain place/type of food.  But usually it’s a mutual family decision.

28. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? We have both learned through the years that there is nothing wrong with admitting you were wrong when you know you are.  It’s a lifetime learning process.

29. Who wears the pants in the relationship?  We each have our own areas in the household that we take care of.  He takes care of providing for the family and everything we need and I take care of making sure everything else is done.

30. Who has more tattoos? Neither

31. Who eats more sweets? Probably me.  He only occasionally has a craving for something sweet.

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