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What is the one thing you do the most during an average day?
Go up and down stairs.  We live in a quad level home, so no matter where I need to go there are stairs to climb.  Good work out though!  lol

Who do you speak to most often?

During the day, probably Annissa or Tiffany on chat.  Otherwise it’s my kids.

What time do you usually do your chores?

I do what I can between 11 and 3.  And once the kids are down for a nap I do the other things that  I need to do that helps NOT to have two little ones "helping" with all of the time.  Usually all of my chores are done by 7 or so at night after dinner is done and the dishes are all cleared.  Then it’s time to relax for a bit before the bedtime routine starts for the kids followed up by my bedtime.

What is the worst thing about waking up?

Having to get out of a nice, warm snuggly bed to hit the ground running pretty much. 

When did you last vacuum?

I need to do that in the next day or so.  It’s a necessary evil when you have two little boys in the house (well, 3 if you count DH!)

Who in your household takes out the trash?

I generally do.  DH does take it out on occasion.  But I am the one that does the cooking and the cleaning out of the fridge and stuff.  And on garbage day DH usually takes it out to the end of the driveway, but if he forgets then I do it.

Do you have a job? If so, what is your "profession"?
domestic engineer and Mom extraordinaire  lol  (just joking!)

What do you dread most during the day?
deciding what to make for dinner.

Do you cook your own meals?
Yes, sometimes on the weekend we go out

How do you spend your weekends?
running errands, doing laundry, occasionally watching a movie, just hanging out as a family


What is your favorite way to pass the time?
reading, watching TV/movies, computer

Who do you spend the most time being bored with?
I don’t have time to be bored really.  But on the rare occasion when I have nothing else to do, the kids are napping, and everything is as it should be, then I would say it’s Annissa. 

When boredom strikes, who do you call?
  I don’t call anybody on an actual phone.  I typically email or chat with my friends and family online.

How much time (on average) do you spend online per week?
probably more than I should!

Do you drive? If so, what is your vehicle of choice?
Yes, I do drive.  And my vehicle of choice is anything that can comfortably seat my family of 4 (soon to be 5) and still have cargo space and room to grow. 

Do you have a favorite clothing item? If so, describe it.
My jeans and tshirts if I’m going out.  If I’m just hanging out at home then my comfy PJ pants or fleece pants.

What do you consider your style of dress?
Jeans, tshirts, tennis shoes.  Pretty much the "Mommy uniform" and anything that is comfy.

What is/was your best subject in school? Worst?
I loved choir
I despised math.

What is a trait you really need to work on improving?
being quick to snap when I’m irritated or frazzled.

What makes you angriest?
People who blow money and then tell you they don’t know why they struggle so much with finances  <—-I would have to agree with this.

What makes you happiest?
my family

Where is your favorite place to "just let loose"?


Have you ever wished you were someone else? Who?


What do you want to be when you grow up?

As far as a career, my idea of what I wanted has changed and morped as I have grown up and grown older.  But really what I want to be is what I am, a Mommy and a wife.  The rest is just details.

Where do you want to live?
The community we live in is nice, WI isn’t so bad (except for when it’s -45!).  A bigger house would be nice.  So I guess where I am at is ok, except for maybe that bigger house.

If you had unlimited funds, what would be your first major purchase?
a larger house for my family since we are increasing in number and the kids continue to grow and need more space.  And then the next thing would be a different vehicle for me to drive.

What is one recent dream that came true?
Well, it hasn’t come true yet but it is coming true soon.  And that’s having a 3rd child.

Do you have any fantasies you want fulfilled?

I would like to travel someday and show my kids all the great things there are out there to see.

What is one thing you are driven to succeed at?
Being the best Mom and wife I can be for my family.

What are 3 of your year-end goals?
To have a healthy baby in May, hopefully be a little more financially stable (the economy has to help with that though), have a successful kindergartener that is happy and loves school

Is anyone holding you back from succeeding?


What is the weirdest thing you’ve done today?
aske my DH where the kids gallon of milk was because I couldn’t find it anywhere and the entire time I was looking for it and asking him about it I was actually holding it in my own hand. lol  (I blame it on pregnancy brain and that’s the story I’m sticking to! lol)

Do you ever get spurts of "craziness" for no reason?
it’s never for "no" reason, there is usually a reason behind it.   lol

How many times have you visited the restroom since you woke up? 
I have no clue.  After all I am pregnant!

Do you ever collect fall leaves?
I don’t personally.  But my kids do and give them to me to keep all the time.

You feel a burp coming on…do you hide it or let it out?
I try to hide it the best I can if I’m out and about.  But sometimes if I am all by myself at home then I’m not so careful.

What’s the most embarrassing thing you have done this week?
I’m not sure I’ve done anything embarrassing….yet.

Do you have any rituals you do when you get in the car?
Buckle the kids into their carseats, start the car, buckle my seatbelt, adjust the radio volume and heat settings.  And if my DH has driven the car before me, then I readjust my seat to where I can reach the pedals and readjust the mirror so I can see.

Have you ever gotten to pet an animal only found in zoos?
Koala bear, kangaroo and wombat

What smell turns you on the most?
my hubby.  I love the smell of his aftershave and deodorant.

What smell turns you off the most?
right now, it’s

tuna.  Blech.

What is your background on your computer?
some pink colored wall of a house with a window on it and dried wild flowers on it or something. 

What one thing can you not leave home without?
diaper bag

How many keys are on your keyring? 4 or 5

What book have you read more than once?
baby name book!

Are you addicted to anything?
the computer and Mocha Cappucino hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon.  Yum!


is the most annoying?
My mom’s moron.  He drives me freakin’ batty.  Grrrr…..

pushes you to succeed the most?
my kids.

makes you laugh?
my kids

makes you cry?

knows more about you than anyone else?
DH and Annissa

would help you bury the body?

lol  Annissa.

would be the first to turn you in to the cops?
for whatever reason I have a feeling it would be Tiffany, just because she’s kind of a nut that way.

would be the first to break you out of jail?
Again: Annissa (well, assuming she wasn’t sitting right there beside me!  lol)

would take a bullet for you?

would you take a bullet for?
my family

seems to make the pain go away?

DH and my kids

talks to you more on the internet than real life?
Annissa, my Mom

has bought you the most stuff?
my Mom

knows most of your passwords?


What is your favorite time of year?
Spring and Fall

Who do you like to shop for most?

My kids.

Do you enjoy Christmas? If so, what do you like most?
I love everything about it.  I love the decorating, the presents, the food, the music, just everything.

What do you normally do for New Years Eve?
Spend it at home with my family.  And at midnight get a kiss from DH, watch the ball drop and then either call it a day or go back to whatever we were doing.  Real exciting I know!  lol

Where do you wish you were right now?
someplace warmer!

Is there someone you wish you could see right now?

I would love to see my Grandma and M.  Because I would love to have been able to tell them about this baby.

What was the last thing you ate?

a homemade steak and mushroom potpie that I made for dinner.  Yum!

What electronic item rules your life the most?
computer and TV

What was the last movie beginning with T you saw?
I have no idea.

Do you alphabetize your contact lists?
Yes, makes it easier if I have to have someone else look up something for me.

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January 14, 2009

ryn: You got it! Send me your address and I’ll let you know about shipping tomorrow or the next day and give you my paypal info!

January 14, 2009

RYN: Yup you can redeem Gymbucks online now.

January 15, 2009

Can you send me your email address and I’ll send you a “request for payment” I think that will work. Looks like shipping will be $4.80. So the total should be $15.80.