Riding in the rain

It seems that lately I just don’t have much going on.  Certainly not much of anything that is worthy of talking about to anyone else. 


Friday  we headed out for the weekend.  It had been a wait and see type of thing for the entire week but we finally just figured what the heck and headed out after DH got home from work. 


Saturday my son popped out of bed before 5:30 a.m.   Oye…….  I tried to persuade him to go back to bed but that was fruitless.  He would just lay there waiting and waiting for everyone else to wake up.  By 6 a.m. J was awake as well.  So we got them both dressed and headed out for breakfast around 7.  When we were done with breakfast we headed back to get my DH rolled out of bed because we had to be somewhere by 9:30.  Finally managed to get him up and everyone ready and in the car by 9:15.   


When we arrived where we were headed a newspaper reporter was already there snapping pictures.  And shortly after the TV station rolled in to start videotaping and interviewing.  See, we went on a tractor procession.  We belong to an antique collector’s club and they were participating in a processional that covered many miles as a part of June Dairy days activities.  After all, it is the Dairy state!    We figured out the logistics of who was doing what and decided that my DH and youngest son would follow the processional in the suburban just in case of bad weather or if anyone had any problem along the way.  My Mom, K and I went on the covered wagon that was being pulled in the processional.  So we got all loaded up and everyone into position and we headed out.


The processional was to leave at 9:30.  But due to the reporters and such it got started just a little bit later than that.  We headed out, got across the highway which was only a short distance, and pulled into the gas station there to congregate under their canopy because a really big storm suddenly rolled in.  We ended up staying there for at least 45 minutes to an hour huddled under cover and staying out of the rain that was pounding down around us.  Finally it let up and we decided to chance it and head out.  It turned out to be a wonderful ride after that.  The sun came out, there was a nice breeze, just overall a nice time to be outside.  We had a couple little cloudbursts but not the torrential downpour like we had in the beginning.  It took us an hour and 45 minutes to get to the bar that we were headed to.  We stopped there, grabbed lunch, relaxed a bit and then headed back out to continue our trip back to our starting poing.  An hour and 15 minutes later we were back where we started.  We sure drew alot of attention from people that passed us, got lots of waving and everything.  My son was smiles from ear to ear the entire time and waved at everyone and everything.  He even saw this little kid come running out to the end of his driveway when we were passing by and my son waved at him and hollered out "do you want a ride?"  lol  We had to explain that we couldn’t just pick up people along the way but it was a nice thing to offer anyway.  He thought he was the luckiest little boy in the world, let me tell you!  He was sad when the ride came to an end and he had to wave good=bye to all the tractors that had participated and to the wagon we rode on.  Silly boy.  lol  That’s the kind of thing that childhood memories are made of.  And I’m just glad that we are able to do stuff like that with him.  It may seem strange and weird to some but to each their own I guess.  For my son this is the greatest thing ever.


Got back from our little adventure late on Saturday afternoon and K insisted on being able to ride HIS tractor.  So we got it out of the shed and he got to go on a nice long ride on it.  Again, smiles from ear to ear.  He loves being able to do stuff like that.  He talks about it forever before and after he gets so excited over it all.  But we had to cut short the fun when it started to get dark out and another storm started to roll through that night.


Sunday was just a lazy day.  Couldn’t do much of anything outside for the majority of it since it was raining out again.  We had a meeting to go to but thankfully that was under a picnic shelter so that wasn’t so bad.  then it was back for naps and more outdoor fun in between the rain showers. 


We headed back home late, late on Sunday night. Didn’t get home until after 1 I think.  DH, who had slept the majority of Saturday late afternoon and evening away, insisted that I drive home.  I had been up super early for two days so I was tired.  DH was wide eyed though.  So I struggled to make the drive home.  It was super foggy too, which didn’t help my tiredness. But we made it home safe and sound.  Unloaded the van, put the two sleeping monkeys to bed, jumped in the shower, and I was asleep by 1:45.  lol  I was so tired I felt like I could have slept for a week though.  Ughhh.


I’m still reeling from the early mornings I think.  I just feel tired and blah.  I just want to curl up in a nice comfy bed and sleep.  Usually that’s not me but it has been lately. 


This morning I got up early too, which I didn’t want to do.  BUt I knew that DH had some paperwork that he needed to hand in at work.  We’ve been working on figuring this out for a few days but it wasnt still 100% figured out this morning and it was due today.  So I got up to go over it with him.  Ended up having to try and contact our medical insurance carrier to see what they considered reasonable and customary  pricing for the surgery that my son is having next month.  That only frustrated my DH more becuase the woman was trying to tell him that it was $150.  Um, yeah, that didnt sound right to either of us since the hospital is telling us the surgery is $4100.  So DH finally asked to talk to someone else so he was transferred only to get a recording that he would have to leave his name and stuff and they would get back to him in about 24 hours.  So that was a no go. So we winged it and hope for the best.  Just frustrating.  We can’t get a single answer out of the hospital on the CPT codes for the various things that are involved int he surgery.  They only provide us with the main procedure and the insurance carrier wants all of them to be able to figure it out.  But the hospital won’t provide that to us unless we put in a request for a "estimate" from them (which I’ve already done but they dind’t do it the way we wanted) and wait.  Well, last time we had them run an estimate they told me within 24 hours we’d get a call with the information and within 48 hours we’d get a letter confirmation with all of the detailed info on it as well.  It took them over a week to even call us and another few days before we g

ot the detailed letter that didn’t tell us much other than some of the stuff seems highly outrageous for pricing.  Gotta love the medical field and a hospitals ability to charge ridiculous prices for things.  Maybe it’s just me, but I find it ridiculous that they can charge like twice the amount for anesthesia as they do for the specialized surgeon to actually do the delicate surgery.  Especially since they are only putting him out for 3-5 minutes total.  And yes, I know that anesthesiologists have a very delicate and precise job to do as well and that a person’s life can hang in the balance if they do something wrong, but come on, for tha short amount of time it doesn’t seem to warrant charging TWICE the surgeon’s fees for the procedures.  Oh well, what ya gonna do I guess, it is what it is.


I looks like it is going to storm again.  Blech.  It’s been doing that almost daily for a couple of weeks now.  And if its not raining and storming then it’s hot and super humid out.  Which I hate even worse.  I’d rather be out and about in the rain than in the heat and humidity.  I was just glad that we weren’t home this weekend. I think I would have not liked to have seen the weather we got pounded with here.  Not hat far from where we live now tornadoes went through, with high winds and inch sized hair.  And it hit hard down where we used to live too, so I’m glad we dont live there anymore.  We didn’t get any damage or anything but we got enough rain out of that storm. 


I have to figure out what to do for my DH for Father’s Day.   He always says "I don’t need anything" or something along those lines which doesn’t help my cause at all.  And to top it off, his birthday is the next day.  At least this year it’s not ON Father’s Day like it sometimes is.  But I get slammed with trying to figure out what to get him for both things now and it’s not easy since he doesn’t do anything or want anything.  And if I pick out something that I know he can use or something he always acts like I didn’t get what he wanted, even though he never wants anything.  Just frustrating.  I did order him two books in the series that he is reading but that doesn’t seem like very much for either Father’s Day or his birthday.  And I’ve had a hard time keeping him away from running to a book store when he thinks about it because eh wants to get his books so badly.  Now I just have to hold him off a few more days.  lol  But I am at a total loss as to what to get him this year.  Everyone is asking him the same question "what would you like" and he dodges it everytime, so then they turn to me thinking I have the answers.  Yeah, right!  lol


Well, think I’ll be off for now.  I’ve got to muster up some energy to try and get things done.  That is going to be so hard though because I ache all over, and just feel tired and blah.  Thankfully I have the boys or I would probably just curl up in bed and stay there. 

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June 10, 2008

looking at you for answers.. that’s funny…. tell him he needs to get his own opinion, preferences? … something! LOL… … er… Nathan just took off crawling across the floor with my cell phone!?!?! Hummmmm… Sounds like K had a ton of fun though!! I hope you got pictures (even though you never share any! LOL)

June 10, 2008
June 10, 2008

Sounds like K had a blast!!! I love it when kids get excited about something. Its so much fun to watch them be excited! I wish it would stop raining!! We did finally get some sun though!! ::sigh:: Napping sounds soooo nice right about now!

June 10, 2008


June 11, 2008

gosh this colour scheme is gorgeous. It might have been here for ages. It might be new. Either way, it’s just gorgeous. It’s really working for me today. Lol.