Passing time on a rainy day……

My favorite food: steak and lobster. Yum!  But like most any foods.

I am normally stereotyped as: quiet and shy

My unshortened first name is: Cathy

I wish I was called: I’m ok with my name the way it is.

My middle name is: Della

I was born on: March 7, 1976

I am a: daughter, wife, and mother.  Plus many other things!

My cell phone company is: one is Alltel and the other is Virgin Mobile

My eye color is: Brown.

My shoe size is: 8 1/2 or 9

My ring size is: oh boy, I think the last time I had a ring sized it was either an 11 or a 12. 

My height is: 5’7"

I am allergic to: nickel

I was born in: Eau Claire, WI

I live in: H*****, WI, it’s near La Crosse.

The last book I read: Was  The Truth About Forever.  it was pretty good.

My bed is: cozy & comfy.

One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: They aren’t exactly deep and the simplest things can make their minds jump to sex.

I am glad I’m my sex because: I don’t have an appendage that drives my thoughts but can think for myself.

Favorite holiday: The Christmas season. Not just Christmas itself, but all the great stuff that leads up to it, too.  <—totally agree

The perfect kiss would be: The one you you wanted but didn’t expect to get.

The last three CD;s I bought are: Colbie Caillat, and I can’t remember the other two since it’s been a long time since I bought an actual CD.

Last song that made me cry was: I don’t recall.

My most treasured possession(s) is(are): while they aren’t actually "possessions" I say my children.  But for other things I would say my photos of friends and family.

What did you do last night: made chicken fingers and pasta for dinner, copied some stuff off for my Mom so I could get it in the mail today, played with the kids, and watched a little TV before heading off to bed to read for a bit.

My skin’s reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): Burn first, then tan.

Do You Believe In …

Santa? I believe because my kids do.  😉

Love at first sight? Can happen.

Luck? I think things happen for a reason but sometimes a little bit of luck might help them take place.

Fate? Yes. Again, I think everything happens for a reason and people and/or things come into our lives when they are meant to and when they have a purpose.

Hate? Is a very powerful word and not one that I use frequently.  Intense dislike is more like it.  lol

Aliens? nope

Hell? I think it’s a possibility.

Ghosts? Yes and no.

Horoscopes? Nope

Soulmates? Yes

Which is Better …

Hugs or Kisses? Both are nice, but I especially like hot, steamy kisses.  <—–ditto

Drunk or High: Neither one!

Phone or Online: Online.

Red heads or Black hair: I can’t discount either one.  My DH has dark hair but my son has red/auburn hair so I’m partial to both I think!

Blondes or Brunettes: Again, partial to both I think.  DH is brunette as am I.  But our youngest son is blonde!

Hot or cold: somewhere in between would be nice.

Summer or winter: while I’m sick of winter at this point I can’t say I look forward to the intense heat of the summer.  Yuck!  I like the spring and fall better because it’s not to hot, not to cold yet.

Coffee or tea: I have never liked coffee.  Not a huge tea drinker either unless it’s iced tea or possibly a good sweet tea.

Chocolate or vanilla:  chocolate but I don’t mind a good french vanilla

Night or Day: Night.

Oranges or Apples: Both are good just depends on my mood.

Curly or Straight hair: I LOVE curly hair!  My hair is naturally curly/wavy and I love it.  And my youngest son has naturally curly hair as well and I love the curls.

Here’s What I Think About …

Abortion: There are certain extreme situations where I think it should be allowed [I.E. rape, incest, etc}  or if the mother’s life is most definitely going to be in jeapordy but that is about the extent of that.  I don’t think it should ever be used as a form of birth control. 

Backstabbers:   will eventually get what is coming to them in the end I believe. 

Parents: Seem to make so much more sense once you’re a parent yourself!  Totally!!!!!!

School: I actually miss it.  🙁

Last time I …

Yelled at someone: it’s been a little bit now.

Last time I hugged someone: about an hour ago when I put the boys’ down for their naps.

Seen someone I haven’t seen in a while: Over Easter weekend.

Misc. …

Who’s the ditziest person you know: hmm, it depends on what it’s involving.  sometimes it’s my SIL but the majority of the time it’s my MIL.

Who makes you laugh the most: my boys

One thing I’m mad about right now is: that the stupid hospital where M was over a year ago thinks they can file a claim for money 9 months after the filing deadline has passed.  Grrr.

The last movie I saw in the theater was: II don’t remember.  I know it was while I was pregnant with K  so that means it was something in 2003.  lol

The most unsatisfactory answer I’ve ever received: I don’t know.

Some things I love about the opposite sex are: their sense of humor, ability to laugh.  It changes with time I think though.

This summer I am: not planning a ton.  We have a few things we know we are going to be doing but otherwise we are just going to enjoy whatever comes our way.

The thing I will miss most when I leave home is: I don’t plan on leaving home anytime soon!  I did that 8 years ago!!  But as much as I feel  stir crazy about being cooped up in the house sometimes I enjoy being here and coming home again.

The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: is spring and being able to get outside again.

Tomorrow: is Saturday and we are possibly going to a Thomas the train thing for K.

Today: is Friday. It’s raining, for the second day straight.  And we are planning on having a relaxing night at home.

Next Summer: K will be 5 1/2 almost, J will be 2 1/2. (yikes!)  and that’s about all I know right now!

Next Week: J has an appt with an oral surgeon.  and we were supposed to be going on a vacat

ion to the Dells but I think that may not be happening anymore.  🙁

People call me: Cathy and Mommy.

The person who knows the most about me is: DH, Annissa, then possibly Tiffany.

The person that can read me the best is: my friends, definitely.

The one thing I can’t do is: Forget.

I have gotten a speeding ticket: Once almost 2 years ago now I think.

My zodiac sign is: Pisces

The one person who can’t hide things from me: I think it’s a tie between two of my friends.

Right now I am talking to: No one.

I have/will get a job at: home.  I’m a SAHM!  someday I’ll get a job somewhere else but for right now I love what I am doing and wouldn’t change it for the world.

I have these pets: One cat to many!  lol

The worst sound in the world: nails on a chalkboard, teeth on a fork, fork scraping on a plate.

The person that makes me cry the most is: probably my DH.

My boy/girlfriend: turned into my husband 8 years ago at the end of this month!

Florida or Hawaii: Hawaii, because I’ve never been there.  But Florida is ok.

My favorite piece of clothing: is a comfortable tshirt and jeans.

My favorite sport is: I don’t care for sports really.

Beep: Honk!  lol  Seriously, what is this all about?!?!?  lol

The school I go to is: the school of life.  lol  I’ve been out of school now almost 4 years.

Last person I got mad at: was my hubby because he wasn’t listening when I was talking to him and kept cutting me off mid sentence.  Grrrr…

My worst drinking experience was: can’t say I’ve had one since I’m not really much of a drinker at all.

The all-time best thing in the world is: being a Mom.

The most annoying thing ever is: being under appreciated.

How You Feel ….

The most annoying person you know is: my MIL

I lose all respect for people who: tell you one thing and then turn around and do the exact opposite the moment your back is turned and then act as if they didn’t/would never do that.

The movies I have cried at are: way too many to name.

My closest friend: is Annissa.  We’ve been friends for a whole lotta years now!

TV show you watch: ER, House, to many to name I think!  lol

Favorite web site: OD, eBay

I want to be: on vacation!!!!!!

The worst pain I was ever in was: When I was in labor with my kids.  Both were natural, unmedicated births so I felt the full glorious experience.

My favorite phrase:  Seriously?

My room has: a lived in look!  lol  I actually have a sign by our front door that says "This House Isn’t Under Construction, Kids Just Live Here!"  lol

My favorite celebrity is: Still a little partial to Noah Wylie

Last time you cried:  I don’t remember exactly when but it’s not been all that long.

My weakness is: my kids.

What do you regret most: I try not to regret anything and believe everything happens for a reason.  <—-ditto

I filled out 205 questions because: my kids are napping, there is nothing good on TV to watch, and my friends weren’t on IM to chat with.

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April 11, 2008

Was that really 205 questions???? LOL Noah Wylie. WOW! Hadn’t thought of him in a while. I miss him!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE ER! Started watching it when it first started and havent missed an episode. 😀

April 11, 2008

Mm steak…

April 13, 2008

OMG you did it too … yep I have to steal this one.. LOLOLOL I’m LOL’ing over me knowing you better then Tiffany… and I know I’m one of those people who can’t hide stuff from you! LOL…. Question: Would you guys be able to come up to E.C. next weekend for some sort of party for Nathan? LOLOL… since we’re not going to the Dells??? (wahhhhhhhhhhhhh)