One year ago today…..

 One year ago today a new little person entered our world and made it just a little bit brighter.


It hardly seems possible that a whole year has now passed since my beautiful little boy was born.  

A whole year since our anticipation of what we were going to have was finally answered.

A whole year of getting to know this new person that fit into our family from the moment he entered this 

world as if he was always intended to be here.


A year of smiles, giggles, watching an angelic baby sleep in my arms when he slows down long enough to snuggle.

A year of brotherly love (and sometimes brotherly wrestling matches!  lol)


I love watching him army crawl across the floor as fast as he can to get to his brothers’ or to me with a big smile on his face.

I love watching him as he learns and grows.  Going from a helpless little being, to a chubby cheeked, chubby legged little boy

that is learning how to make those chunky little legs work.  Playing with toys and learning how things work.


He’s amazing.  He’s such a great baby.  So quiet, so laid back, he just goes with the flow and rarely cries.  He truly has been a

really wonderful addition to our family.


Happy First Birthday Evan Lucas!  

May all the years to come be just as amazing as the past year has been. I love you with all of my heart!  

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May 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Evan!