On the brink of insanity……

Now I’ve heard of the terrible two’s, the terrifying three’s.  But I thought I was safe when my son hit 4 because we never and I mean NEVER had any of those other things to contend with.  We got lucky, that much I know.

But that child made me look at him today like I had never saw him before.  I swear.

Last night when he went with me to the grocery store he was being such a cutie.  This is how our conversation went:

K:  "Mommy, I’m hungry.  My tummy is hungry"

Me:  "How can your tummy be hungry, you just got done eating before we left?"

K:  "But my tummy is hungry.  I just need a smackerel of honey."

Me:  "You need a smackerel of honey, huh?"  (trying really hard not to just bust out laughing at this point!)

K:  "Yes, I need a smackerel of honey.  Where’s the honey pot?"

Me:  "I don’t know, I don’t have a honey pot, sweetie."

We continued to walk down an aisle and he suddenly shouts out:

K:  "Look Mommy, a honey pot!"

I look over and sure enough we were passing the section where all the honey was.  Which prompted this:

K:  "Mommy look, it’s a Pooh bear!  He’s got a honey pot in his tummy.  There’s my smackerel of honey!"

I just burst out laughing because what he was pointing to was those little bears that have honey in them.  He thought it was a Pooh bear with honey in his tummy.  It was just way to cute.  And that’s how my little boy is most of the time, his personality is like that.

Fast forward to today………

I got a partial distribution check from the Estate I’ve been handling for the past 15 months.  It was a large enough sum that I just didn’t want to sit on the check and risk losing it, or worse, having the kids get their chubby little hands on it and shredding it for me.  So I decided to go to the bank and open an account to put it in.  And as long as I was going I had some checks to cash, and I wanted to put some stuff in my safe deposit box and get some info out of it.  Sounds simple enough, right?   Yeah, I thought so too.  lol

We get there and I cashed my checks.  While I was doing that my son decides to restack all of the magazines the bank has on their coffee table in the waiting area and piles them into one gigantic huge pile.  So I went and fixed that.

I asked about opening a new account and while the lady went to find someone that could do that my son decides to pop into some of the open offices and say ‘hi’ to the people in them.  I told him repeatedly to sit down and behave.  At one point he crossed his arms across his chest and said "Mommy, your crabby and your driving me all crazy!".  lol

Finally we get to go and see the person that can set up the account.  She unfortunately has an all glass office.  So my son decided it would be a wise move to put his hands all over the glass, press his nose to the glass, you name it.  Repeatedly while I’m trying to talk to this person and deal with what I came to do I keep telling him to sit down and behave.  Then some old guy walked by and talked to him and what not.  Unfortunately, the old guy stopped just outside of the office we were in and got a drink from the water cooler thin they had there.  Now up until that point my son hadn’t noticed, or noticed and didn’t care, that there was a water thing there.  But he did then!  lol  Suddenly he came down with a big case of the thirsties.  I told him to wait and I’d get him something to drink when we were all done. 

While the lady got all my new account stuff done I went to do what I wanted with my safe deposit box.  They took us into this big room full of the boxes so they could get ours out.  My son discovered that there was a metal gate to close on the door we had just come in through so he took the liberty of closing it and essentially locking us in.  Not a big deal, but not something he needed to have done.  the lady helping us got the box out and asked K if he wanted to carry it.  Which, of course, he did. So he starts carrying this box out of the gated room.  He no sooner hits the main lobby area and he starts to take off for the front door with the safe deposit box laying across his arms!  But I managed to get him to come back pretty easily and quickly before he got to far out of reach.  They shuttle us to this tiny little room so we can have privacy to do what I need to.  It was literally probably about a foot and half across and probably about 4 feet long.  So tiny.  Especially when it’s a full sized adult and two very active little boys who are being shut in there!  lol

I ended up having to sit J down on the floor because he’s a grabby one and can get his hands on things in a split second before you can even think of getting it out of reach.  So he was happy to just sit on the floor.  Until K decided to get on the floor too.  lol  Then the two of them play tag around and around me while I"m trying to get this stuff done in the fastest manner possible.  J then decides that hey, there is a gap under the door.  So he lays down and tries to wedge his big old head under the door.  And the door is probably only about 8-10 inches off the ground so not much clearance and my son has a big old round head.  So I grab him quick before he has a chance to get his head stuck under there and we have to resort to calling the fire dept to bring the Jaws of Life to dislodge him.  lol  They continue their game of drive Mommy crazy while I quickly finished up.

I take the box back to the lady to put back in the vault and she asks K if he wants to help.  Of course, again, he did.  So she had him take my key and push it in and then she had him help her lock it all back up again.  he thought that was pretty cool.  lol

On our way back out of the bank we were to stop back at the office where the lady had the stuff waiting for me on my new account.  All I had to do was sign my name in two little spots.  That takes what, like two minutes tops?  Not even I don’t think.  I went to sign the first spot and I notice K has run out and I can see him through the glass wall that he’s at the water cooler. So I apologize and excuse myself to go and get him.  By the time I reached him he had already poured himself a littel bit of water in a glass.  I told him that was enough, took it away from him and we all went back into the office.  I managed to get half way through my first signature and I see K reach for teh glass of water.  I told him to wait a second and I would be able to help him.  But of course, in that independent I can do everything myself four year old attitude, he slowly slide it towards himself and took a drink.  I sighed a sigh of relief when he drank and hadn’t spilled anything.  I was just finishing up my second signature when he went to reach for the cup again to get a drink and SPLASH he accidentally knocked it over!  So now this poor woman has this puddle of water sitting on her desk.  I just thank God that she didn’t have any paperwork or anything on it or it could have been super diseasterous.  I asked for some Kleenex or napkins or something and said I would clean it up, but she said it was no big deal and not to worry about it.  I was just beside myself.  I just apologized and apologize over and over about it and grabbed K by the hand and hurried him out the door.  I was so frustrated, embarrassed, upset that I just wanted to get out of there.

I scolded him when we got to the car, told him that I was very upset with his behaviors and disciplined him for misbehaving like he had.  It was just insane.  Thankfully on the way home he fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep for a decent nap once we got home so that has helped. 

I dont know if he was just tired or what his issue was today but he was a little hellion and if you knew my son you would know that is NOT him at all.  He just does not act like that in public and is not that misbehaved.  I have no idea what was wrong with him today.  But I suppose, just like adults, kids have their off days too but holy man I don’t think it could get any more off than that!  lol

And of course my youngest one.  Now he’s another story in itself.  lol  I had him sitting on the counter while I was cashing my checks and the teller was lookign at him and smilnig at him and stuff like that doing the "hi cute baby" type of thing.  My son is NOT afraid of strangers.  But he looked at her, kind of furrowed his brows and then did this thing where he blows at you and the sound kind of makes like a scoffing sound.  Well, generally it’s kind of cute because he pudges up his little cheeks and what not and he’s just a cutie.  But on occasion when he does that he has a tad to much spit in his mouth and he essentially ends up spitting at you unintentionally.  Well, guess what, he had to much spit. lol  I swear, it’s like watching a camel or llama spit when that happens with him.  lol  I told him that watn’t nice and he turned to me, looked at me and blew in my direction then!  lol  Little stinker.  But he’s 15 months old, he doesn’t exactly know any better and besides, he thinks he’s being cute becuase people usually laugh when he does that and go "oh that’s so cute!" 

There was a moment in time during this whole ordeal of being at the bank that made me very glad that something that happened was not my fault.  lol  While we were in the tiny room I heard this loud crashing sound, like glass breaking.  Then it was followed by a shrill scream and a whole lot of commotion and "oh my gosh is everyone ok?"  types of things.  Now being in a bank I have to say that for a split second  the ‘oh my gosh are they getting robbed’ thought flashed across my mind before it was quickly erased.  Apparently another Mom had brought her kids along for the whole wonderful banking experience today too and they had to have been sat on the counter because they knocked off all of the ceramic banks that were sittin gup there.  lol  They went crashign to the floor and busted them all.  I can honestly say that I was thanking my lucky stars that with the way things were going for me up to that point that I was just very glad that we were all in that tiny room and no where in the vicinity to have anyone think my kids had done that.  lol

I told DH that if I EVER have to do that sort of thing again I will be picking him up at work (the bank is literally blocks from his office) and he will be sitting in the car with the kids so I can get in and out in a timely fashion without destroying the bank.  He laughed and said that he was glad that we had money in the bank or we may not be welcome there anymore.  lol

So when I got home both boys were sleeping in their carseats.  K I took up to his bed and he stayed asleep.  J woke up when the car stopped but I was able to change him, get him a bottle and put him back down for a nap again.  All was good.

A while ago I had received notice of a class action lawsuit against a major jewelry company and we are eligible to submit a claim in that.  Hence one of the reasons why I went to the bank today to get the value of our rings and such for this claim.  So I sat down and was going to fill out the paperwork when I realized that it wasn’t just limited to the few things I had originally thought.  So I went on a jewelry hunt in my room.  lol  I tore apart every single thing I have checking for prices, etc.  (I save the original receipts or whatever with the pieces for warranty purposes, etc)  And I went to my jewelry box and tried to open one of the drawers, it wouldn’t budge.  I knew what was in there but I just couldn’t get it to open so I could get it out.  I tried everything.  I got a flat object to try and stick in there to help push the box lid down, it didn’t work.  I tried sticking my hand int here but my hand was to fat.  I tried literally everything I could think of.  I managed to pull the handle off the drawer and that was about it.  I yanked, I pulled, I put my whole body weight into trying to get that drawer out but to no avail.  So I finally gave up and left it.

When DH called to say he was on his way home he asked how my day was.  So I gave him a brief rundown of my banking fun. lol  And then he said I sounded tired out and wanted to know what I had been up to.  I told him I was just having a fight with my jewelry box to which he outright burst out laughing.  lol  So I explained what I meant by that and he continued to laugh at me.  Dork.  lol  He continued to laugh and said he could just picture me having a fight with a jewelry box.  So he said he would help me when he got home.

In the end he ended up getting it out just the way I was trying.  He removed the front of the drawer and got it out and now he’s fixing the drawer back up for me.  But at least I got into it and I’ve put what was in there in a different spot so as to not repeat my fight I had today with it.  lol

So today has been a ton of fun, if you haven’t figured tha tout by now.  lol

Ohhhh, one more thing.

Like I said, I got a check for partial distribution.  But what I got that was even better was a letter from my attorney that was sent out to The Witch as she has become known (aka M’s sister).  She stormed into my attorney’s office a week ago and screamed at the top of her lungs, threw around accusations, harrassed the staff, etc.  You name it she did it that day.  What happened is she was eventually told to leave and not ever come back.  Well, today she got a TWO page letter from my attorney saying that she is NEVER to step foot back in his office, she’s not to call his office ever again.  If she has anythign further to talk about she is to put it in writing and mail it to his office or have her attorney relay messages.  She said she has "a couple" of attorneys but the one she had hired said he no longer represents her and she won’t say who the other is.  So we assume at this point she is also lying about that just like she was all the other things she was spouting about last week.  If only I could have been a fly on the wall today when she read that letter.  Ooooooh boy!  lol   So it will be interesting to see what develops now that she has been banned from my attorney’s office for eternity.    She was so disruptive that my attorney, who was seeing other clients behind closed doors at the time, said it was disturbing to his staff and his other clients with her acting the way she did.  He has advised the paralegal that handles everything in his office that if The Witch returns again she is to call the police and have her dealt with that way.  And because the majority of the attorney and paralegal bill for this estate has been because of her various shenanigans they are planning on breaking down the bills and she will have whatever amount that she has racked up for the estate deducted from ehr portion of the proceeds.  I thought that was fair.  The rest of them shouldn’t suffer because she decided to try and sabotage the estate.  So that should prove to be interesting too when she finds that out.

Fun, fun.  My life is filled full of all sorts of fun and interesting things, isn’t it?  lol

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May 8, 2008

I am laughing over the last paragraph – serves her right, seriously!! As for poor Mommy and the Adventures of K & J… oooooooooh my!! I think we all have great kids, but some days… they are just way off 🙁 I hope it never happens again. And you are right, there is always the bright spot of, your kids didn’t break anything! LOLOLOL

May 8, 2008

RYN: Will you be posting pictures of the Gymboree clothes that you got?? I love seeing what people buy. I’m weird lol..

May 9, 2008

Ha!! I love this entry!! BTW….Have a wonderful Mommy’s Day sweetie!!! You deserve it!! xoxoxoxoxo