Oh what a night…..

Calgon, take me away!


I am less than impressed with this stupid weather lately.  We went from being in the upper 90’s over Labor Day to highs in the 60’s.  It’s been overcast, dreary, and rainy for entirely to long now.  Especially with those cooler temps.  Uggh.  Welcome to early fall in WI!  Blech.  The only thing that is going to be worse than the crazy weather now is the crazy weather yet to come once winter sets in.


And a huge thanks goes out to my DH’s supervisor.  She’s had a horrendous cold for a while now.  To the point of requiring her to take days off from work and stuff like that.  Well, apparently she didn’t take enough time off.  DH came home and warned me that she had been sick for quite a while iwth this.  We hoped for the best that it wouldn’t find it’s way to us.  But not quite so lucky.   So far DH and I have been lucky to not come down with anything.  But the boys not so lucky.  🙁


K came down with a stuffy, runny nose on Friday afternoon.  So we had a low key weekend.  Then out of the blue yesterday after the kids had their naps J woke up with a crappy nose.  And  being male, he doesn’t handle it well and acts as if he’s about to die!  lol 


Last night it was a ROUGH night for all of us.  J was just not getting comfortable at all.  So he cried and carried on every chance he got.  Which, in turn, kept K awake more often than necessary.  I kid you not, no one in our house got to actually go to sleep until almost 5 a.m. this morning.  this morning K wakes up looking all rested and cheerful.    J wasn’t exactly tired looking himself.  Regardless of the fact they barely had any sleep.  I on the other hand was tired!  I’m sure DH is too.  And to top it all off, DH decided that since we were already awake and couldn’t get to sleep that at 3 a.m. this morning it was prime time to talk to me and talk about things that would have been better discussed at a more reasonable hour.  When I pointed that out then he got cranky.  Men.  And then guess what?  Becuase he spent all of that time yapping at me instead of getting sleep he had the audacity to grump at ME when J woke up again and wouldn’t go down.  Hellooooo!?!?!!?!?!?  I told him to be quiet and go to sleep while he could.  But he didn’t and somehow that was MY fault.  See what exhaustion does to a person?  lol


Thankfully both kids are really good about taking medicine when they need too.  And I say thankfully because this is only a recent development with K again.  He used to be great at taking his meds.  But then out of the blue he got it in his head it would make him sick and he refused to take anything.  But now he’s back on track and realizes it doesn’t make him sick and it helps.  So thank God!    I think K is on the downward slide to getting over it.  But since J just came down with it yesterday we have a ways to go with him.  He’s got green goo oozing out of his face.  Oh joy.  So the trusty ol’ booger sucker has made it’s appearance!  lol


I have so much I could be doing today but I have no energy to do anything.  And to top it all off, my back/hip feels like it’s about to go out on me.  🙁   That’s just what I need at this point.  I’m just not having the best few weeks.


I want to see the positives in life right now, but there are too many not so nice things right now.  Grrr.  The good thing is that the boys are happy to just play and enjoy themselves.  That they both love to get hugs and kisses.  And that they are both still so silly that they keep us all laughing.  So I guess there is still plenty of good.


But I’m off to go play with the boys, wipe noses, do laundry and all of those other fun things.  And hopefully tonight we all get to sleep!  Yay!!!! 

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September 16, 2008

Gotta love the weather here in good ole Wisconsin. UGH! I want the warm weather to come back! Gavin came down with the same cold on Saturday and now Noah has it too. Its no fun. 🙁 I hope you are all feeling much better soon!

September 16, 2008

Man!!!! How blooming frustrating!! Get better kids!!

September 16, 2008

Hang in there!