Of Doctors and Presidents

J had his 2 year old well check today.  And it was overall great news.  Dr said he is growing very nicely and making great progress and there are no concerns.  So it’s always good news to know they are growing and doing what they should, and that as a parent we are obviously doing the right things to help him achieve that.

We’ve always called him our peanut because he was so much smaller than K was as a baby/toddler.  J has always been of average height and weight, perfectly right on for the 50% range on the scales they chart them on.  Whereas our older son was always in the 90+% from the beginning.  So it was a different experience to have an ‘average’ baby, so we always lovingly call him our peanut.  Well, I think he may be outgrowing his ‘peanut’ status!  lol  He all of  a sudden seems to be taking off and growing like a weed.

His stats:

height:  33.9 inches

weight:  30 lbs 1 oz.

He’s had a great growth spurt in the past 6 months, even though he has become SOOOOOO mobile in that amount of time he still has grown and gained a nice amount of weight.  He’s becoming a little boy faster each day.

And, like always, they do the estimated height prediction for him as an adult based on his stats at age 2.  And according to that he should be around approx. 6′ 1", so around his Dad’s height.  Not to shabby if that’s where he ends up.

I remember when they did that for our oldest son we were floored.  Like I said, he’s always been on the upper end of the curve to off the charts.  So when they did their estimations based on his stats they told us we could likely expect him to be 6′ 5".   We are excited, curious and anxious to see where he actually does end up height wise given that estimation.  I told DH that if he ends up on that 6′ 5" range he is soooo buying his own clothes!  lol  I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to have my two "babies" towering over me at 6 ft plus someday.  Oye!  lol


Told our Dr today that we are expecting another.  She said she’ll be placing her vote in for a girl.  lol  And then said that she really does hope we get a girl this time because God only knows we’ve had quite an experience raising two boys.  But she said in her experience with her patients who have that make up of children (2 boys 1 girl) she said that the little girl runs the household.  lol  I laughed because I thought that just sounding amusing.  And she said no she was dead serious, a 3rd child who is a girl with 2 older brothers and ends up being the last child typically runs the house.  She said that J would most definitely be put in his place.  lol  It would be interesting to see if she is actually right about all of that, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.  Seems like I say that an awful lot lately.  lol



I DVR’d the inauguration stuff today since I was out of the house today for appts and such.  I’ve watched others in the past and figured why not this one.  I know there are plenty of skeptics out there about the person now leading our country, and I know there are plenty of others out there that are optimistic that today was the beginninf of a whole new time in our country.  No matter what you think about him as a person or what has been said in the campaigns and today, it is agreeable that today was the beginning of change. 

We watched it tonight.  My youngest son was entranced by it all.  He kept pointing to the TV and all of the people that were in attendance going "wow!".  Any time people applauded he would clap right along with him.  And when the crowds would chant "O-bam-a" he quickly picked up on that and chanted right along with them.  I couldn’t help but smile and laugh at him.  Obviously he is to young to understand what he was doing and what today was all about, but he got into it all the same.  Our oldest son probably doesn’t understand it all completely either, but at least some day he will and can say he watched this "historic day" in history take place.  (I know people are getting sick of hearing that term, but that’s what it is).


Well, I’m off to watch my silly 2 year old try to lay on his belly on a ball and roll himself across the room.  lol


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January 20, 2009

Random noter here My younger son at two was projected to be 6 ft 6 inches at full growth. He is now in his 30’s and is 6 ft 8 in! His older brother is 6 ft and introduces his sibling as “This is my Baby Brother!” Of course, since there are 21 years between them, he IS entitled to say that! LOL

January 21, 2009

LOLOLOL… J almost weighs as much as Noah! WOW!

January 21, 2009

I was running around this morning and thinking…AH I forgot to email her and tell her I sent the package! So sorry about that! It cost a bit less to ship that I expected but then Paypal charged me for the credit card transaction (stupid Paypal) so it ended up about the same. I’m so glad you like them! They’ll be cute on your girl (you ARE having a girl!)

January 22, 2009

RYN: he’s 7…been a while since I saw you. You had a good dr visit too, I see, and I didn’t know you are pregnant! When are you due?