Nothing special

 Borrowed from jennyjo79:


*What’s one thing about you people wouldn’t expect?

That I’m not as shy as I first appear, and once I get used to you and you get to know me I’m rather talkative.

*Do you think you could ever decide on a tattoo design if you chose to get one?

I’ve often thought about this.  Maybe a small little mouse (because that was my nickname growing up from someone who meant alot to me but is no longer with us) or a bird with a flower (because my Grandma loved watching birds and flowers and she’s no longer with me either).  But I’d want it small and somewhere where it’s not obnoxious.

*If you married the last person you kissed, what would your last name be?

Same as it is now.

* Have you ever had a crush on someone "too young" for you?

I married someone younger than me, so I guess technically yes.  lol

*Older than me? 

Not by much, but yes.

* Do you shave your legs more than once a week?


* Are you a risk taker?

Not to much.

* If you could cuddle with anyone right now, who would you pick?

Probably my kids.

* Person you last sent a text to?

Don’t text, so no one.

* Are you tanned?

Yep, spent a bunch of time outside this summer.

* What were you up to at 11pm last night?

Getting my back massaged by my hubby before relaxing in to read my book and going to sleep.

* How many hours did you sleep last night?

around 8 I think.

* Would you get married if you could right now?

I already took that walk almost 11 years ago!

* Where did you last sleep other than your house?

Hotel when we went to a family party last month.

* What are you listening to?


* When was the last time you saw your dad?

My biological one, 19 years ago.  My "adopted" one, 3 years and 8 months ago when he passed away.

* Who was the last person’s house you went to besides your own?

Husband’s aunt and uncle’s house last month on our annual family visits.

* Do you have any bruises?

<p style="color: rgb(92, 3, 9); font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 13px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing:2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px; “>Yep, on my shin.  And probably a few on my legs in general.

* Pick a word that begins with the first letter of your first name?


* First person under ‘J’ on your cell phone?

Jason, a friend of my husband’s that he used to work with.

* What is your favorite fruit?

I like all fruit, but I really like good fresh, strawberries

* Do you try to wear dresses whenever you can?

Nope, not unless I have to for some type of occasion.

* What is your favorite type of jewelry (i.e. bracelets, necklaces, etc.)?


* Do your parents or anyone else you know buy you things for no reason?

My Mom does.

* Would you go 2 days without eating for $200?

I’d sure try!

*Are you subscribed to any magazines?

Not right now, but thinking about renewing my subscription to Taste of Home.  Yum!

* If given the chance, would you move to another country?

It would depend on alot of things.  I might consider it if all the pieces fell into place.

*What are your plans for the future?

Don’t know right now.

*What if the last person you had a thing with comes up to you and says "I’m sorry."?

I would accept their apology and have a good long talk w/them.  <– Ditto

* Are you ready to get out of this town?

No, I rather like my little village.  

*Do you hate the last boy you had a conversation with?

No. He gets on my very last nerve somedays, but of course I don’t hate him.  <– ditto

*Is there someone you fight constantly with?

Not constantly.  lol

*The last person you had a thing with, do you know all their past?


*How well do you trust people?

I’m not as trusting as I probably should be.  But when I do give people the benefit of the doubt, I sometimes wish I hadn’t.

*Name one thing you dislike about your day so far?

That it’s a weekend day and it’s almost over.  Weekends go by to fast.

*How about you put your legs behind your head?

<p style="color: rgb(92, 3, 9); font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 13px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px; “>If I did that, they would have to call an ambulance or a hearse to take me away because I don’t think I would survive it!  lol

*Have you ever stolen anything off of a road?


*How is your last ex doing?

One is separated/divorcing and the other recently go engaged and broke it off.  So not very well I would say!

*Is there someone you’d wait forever for?


*Are you wearing a necklace, who got it for you?

I’m not.  🙁  I need to put one back on again one of these days.

*Did you mean "I love you" when you said it last?


*Do you like the smell of coconuts?

No, I don’t like coconuts no matter what form they are in.

* Is there someone who can always make you smile?

My kids

*Is there someone that can always make things better?

Yes, my sons’.   Their smiles, their silliness, their hugs and I love you’s can make anything better.

*Excited for anything?

Not right now.  I was recently excited to finally see my ring my hubby got me for our anniversary.  It was being fixed and I was anxious to see the results.  I have it and it turned out gorgeous!  So it was worth all the hassle and excitement.  lol

*At the moment, do you miss someone?

I do.  🙁

*Anything you’d like to say to your ex?

I saw one a year ago at my reunion and just did the normal nice, small talk.  Spent more time talking to his girlfriend than I did him!  lol

*How was this past weekend?

It was ok.  But it goes by to quickly!

*Do you give up easily?

Depends.  Sometimes I hold my ground and sometimes it’s just easier to give in.

*So the last person you kissed asks you to marry them, you say?

I said yes the first time, I might as well say yes again!  lol

*Is there somebody you can’t live without?

My friends and family <— Ditto.

* What’s on your mind?

What to do with dinner and the rest of our weekend.

*What would you like to take back? 

Nothing at the moment that I can think of.

*What was your dream about last night?

<p style="color: rgb(92, 3, 9); font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 13px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px; “>I don’t recall a dream from last night.

*Do you get along with the opposite or same sex better?

Probably the opposite sex. Sure, everyone needs a good "girlfriend," but overall I always liked hanging out w/the guys better. They’re so much more easy-going; it’s nice.  <– ditto

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September 27, 2010

I always am wondering what I should do for dinner.

November 11, 2010

RYN: It’s funny, cause the goalie was [obviously] even smaller a few years ago when they started, so he looked even more ready to tip over back then! I think this is the first year his head has actually reached the net! :-p