
I am a freakin’ nervous wreck right now.  I swear, if my heart beats any faster it will jump right out of my chest and run down the street all by itself! 

Today I meet my new attorney for the first time.  I’m not so much nervous about meeting him.  I’m more nervous to hear the news he will be able to give me and what can be done about this whole estate tax situation.  The unknown things in life are often very scary.

After the crazy day DH and I had on Tuesday dealing with all of this I am soooooo ready to be done with this whole stupid thing.  I’m glad to be rid of my old attorney and his "maybe’s" and "I think’s" and "I don’;t know’s" all the time.  Oh, yeah, and I am especially glad to be rid of him for wanting to totally sacrifice me and not take any blame himself.

I am hopeful that today is the beginning of a whole new time for me.  I hope to get to the resolution of this as quickly as is possible when dealing with a government entity. 

I just want to move on with my life and know that all of this is finally behind me for good.  I know that day is out there……somewhere.

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