Mother’s day weekend

Let’s see.  I don’t update as much as I could (should) so we’ll start a few days back and go from there.

Friday I got my package from my SIL that I have been waiting for.  She FINALLY got around to sending me my birthday present. (my birthday was at the beginning of March.  lol)  But since it was so late she decided to make it a combined birthday and Crhistmas present.  lol  So I got a pair of diamond hoop earrings from her.  They are nice.

I had a very busy day on Friday around here.  I intended to clean the house and do laundry.  But since I don’t exactly like to do either of those things I ended up finding other things to occupy my time. lol   So to help me procrastinate I went outside and mowed the lawn.  Then when the kids went down for their nap in the afternoon I spent the time cleaning up the house.  I spent 3 hours cleaning and stuff before DH came home from work. 

When DH got home he became a pain in my butt.  lol  I swear sometimes I have no idea what is wrong with him when he comes home.  He saw that I had mowed the lawn, he saw that I had been/still was cleaning the house.  And he comes home, changes clothes and plops himself down on the couch with his computer as if there was nothing to be done!  Then to top it off he asked what was for dinner.  I told him nothing.  (I was a little irritated at him by then!)  Instead of offering up suggestions he started to complain.  Seriously?!?!?  I told him I had stuff out but didn’t know what to make with it and I didn’t know for sure if it was defrosted completely.  So when I suggested what I was thinking I might make with it THEN he starts offering up suggestions of what we could do instead because he was certain he was goign to get stuck helping out.  And instead of helping he was more willing to go and pick up dinner for us or whatever.  Men.  lol  He wasted over an hour and a half trying to figure out something else before I finally just caved and went into the kitchen and started making food.  He followed wanting to know what I was doing, what was I making, etc.  Again, seriously, what was he thinking?!?!?  Last minute he decides that what I was going to make he doesn’t want, he wanted something else so I had to switch gears and make what he wanted.  I honestly should have said to bad for you but I made it anyway, just took a ton of shortcuts to get it done and on the table in the fastest possible manner.

And to make it all that more pleasureable for me and decides to get on the "what to you want for Mother’s Day" kick and continues to hound me nonstop about it.  My son has been telling him for months now what he wanted to get for me but DH forgets or just plain doesn’t listen at all.  So he tells me that I need to translate so he knows what is going on.  So I tell him what K is telling him and he says "fine, we’ll go and get that then" and gets his shoes and K’s shoes on so they can go to town.  Then he tells me before he goes he wants me to check online to make sure they have what he wants.  So I do, find out that what he wants ended up being an online exclusive item at the store he wanted to get it from.  I tell DH that and he gets crazy and is all grumpy because he doesn’t know what to do.  He continues to grump about that for the next hour or more.  during this time dinner was done and I sat K and I down to eat, DH decided to join us even though he was "ticked" that he couldn’t get what he wanted at the store.  I let him stew over it while he ate and tried to just leave him alone.  In the end, he never did end up leaving the house to go and check to see if he could actually get it or something like it in a store.    Instead he told me to just find what I wanted online and order it.  And then he wonders why I HATE gifting holidays/events!  lol  He said he had one other thing he wanted to get for me but he was going to have to order that online as well but he would do it eithe rFriday night or Saturday.  Well, guess what it’s now Monday and he never bothered to do it because he "assumed" that I would just take care of it if I turly wanted it and since I didn’t do it then he didn’t either.  What is wrong with men?  It always amazes me that my DH can act as if these events sneak up on him.  He’s always surprised when it gets to be Christmas, my birhtdayk, our anniversary and Mother’s Day.  As if they aren’t at the same time EVERY year for the past how many years that we have been together.   He talks about it briefly in advance of those dates and then promptly dismisses it from his mind as being ‘taken care of’.  Just boggles my mind that he can’t seem to plan ahead and actually think of something, then do the footwork to get it and in a person’s hands ON the actual date they are supposed to have it.  I don’t operate like that, which is why I can’t seem to wrap my head around it I guess. I  have things bought well in advance and ahve everything ready to give to the person when they are supposed to get it (generally anyway)

On Saturday we slept in.  Don’t get a chance to do that often so it was nice to have a nice leisurely morning.  Got up, got everyone ready and by 12:30 we were out of the house.  What irked me was that I got the boys ready, got everything and everyone loaded into the van and had to come back in and tell DH that he had two mintues to get out to the car or we were leaving without him.  He was playing Wii and when he starts that stupid game that he likes to play he is at it forever and you can hardly pry his hands off the remotes.  Uggghh.  But he got the hint and he finally put his shoes on and came out.  lol  He decided he wanted to go to the mall for lunch so we went.

I checked a couple of places to get my Mom a gift for Mother’s Day.  I know, I just got done ranting about that sort of thing but I had thought of something, just had been ahving trouble finding it.  Couldn’t find it at the mall either so we left.  Made one last stop at Shopko and I found something for her and we headed home.

Now it may not seem like a big deal that I was trying to hurry DH up.  But I knew taht my Mom was arriving on saturday for the weekend.  He knew this too. But since she hadn’t said exactly down to the minute when she was going to be here he said he "didn’t know if she was comign or not and wasn’t going to waste all day at home waiting".  Which is why he was horsing around and not wanting to do things in a faster manner that day.  I just wanted to do what we had to and get back so we’d be home when she got here.

Well, we didn’t make it.  We got home and they had already been ehre and dropped off the dogs in the house and then took back off. I guess they sat around waiting a bit and when we didn’t show they came looking for us at the places they know we usually are then but we weren’t there.  It wasn’t long after we did get home that she came back though so it wasn’t too bad.

Saturday after Mom got back ehre she gave me my Mother’s Day present.  She bought me a outdoor swing with a canopy over it that converts into a bed.  It’s really nice.  I’ve wanted one for a long time to be able to sit in and relax outside, have a nice place to sit and watch the kids while they play and what not.  So now I have a really nice one.  So we put that together and got it all set up in the yard.  Then it started to rain so we headed out to go shopping and Made the Farm & Fleet, Home Depot and Menard’s run looking for a few items.  Saturday night we went out for dinner and had some really good food.  Then it was home to relax, play with the kids and just hang out for the rest of the night.

Sunday my DH made breakfast for all of us.  Then I gave my Mom her Mother’s Day present from me, and the one from the boys.  Then once it dried out a little outside we went out and put up lattice around the bottom of our deck and put some new "toys" on K’s swingset for him to enjoy.  We spent pretty much all afternoon outside doing one thing or another.  Mom and I took some stuff back that we didn’t need that we had bought the previous day and then hit the grocery store for a few things.   And when we got back home we grilled out brats and had a real nice dinner togheter.  Overall it was a real nice day.  Well, except for my DH who decided to be an indecisive pill all day long.  lol  But we just worked around him.  lol

Overall it was a nice weekend.  Despite my DH’s grumpy attitude for some of it and the rain.  lol

Oh, and I found out today that on Friday I became a cousin again.  My other cousin, a brother to the one who just had a baby in March, had their 2nd child on Friday, May 9th.  They already had a little girl that is almost 3 and now they just had a little boy.  Aron Anthony.  Lots of dark hair, dark eyes, just a real cutie.  So in a month and a half our family has grown by two new little additions, a boy and a girl.  Boys are not a surprise in our family, its a rarity that we get any girls though.  lol  But two healthy babies in the same year, very cool.

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May 12, 2008

RYN: He’s Army reserve 🙂 Great guess though!! I thought he looked military myself in the pictures. He does look like that generally.

May 12, 2008

I’m the type that has to plan things well in advance so the last minute stuff would drive me nuts :-/ Congratulations on the new addition!! 😀

May 12, 2008

Overall it sounds like you had a nice weekend. 🙂 I have to agree with you concerning men. Sometimes, they just don’t get it. LOL

May 12, 2008

boot to the head – I’m telling you…