Long time…..

 1. Ever been given an engagement ring?

Yep, back in the fall of 1997 I believe it was.


2. Longest friendship?

 I have a number of friends from when I was 5 that I am still in contact with on a regular basis.  I have two close friends who I’ve been friends with for at least 23 years or more now.  And I still talk to them on a regular basis as well.  One of those friends is like a sister to me.  And then there is my husband, who I’ve been friends with for almost 20 years now.  Most of the people in my life have been there for 20-30 years or so.


3. Last gift you received?

Believe it was the flowers and poem and such from my sons’ for Mother’s Day.  Otherwise it was the little kiln-fired giraffe my son made in school that he brought home the last day of school.  Either way, much appreciated and treasured deeply!


4. How many times have you dropped your cell?

None, since I rarely ever carry it!


5. When’s the last time you worked out?

 It’s been awhile.


6. Thing you spend a lot of money on?

 Food, diapers, kids.


7. Last food you ate?

 hot dogs with all the fixin’s with beans for dinner.  


8. First thing you notice about the opposite sex?

 Eyes, smile, sense of humor.


9. One favorite song?

 Not sure.


10. Where do you live?



11. High school you attended:


Memorial High


12. Cell phone service provider:

 two phones, two providers:  Verizon for the phone that WAS mine until hubby claimed it (lol) and Virgin Mobile for mine.


13. Favorite mall store:

<p style="color: rgb(68, 61, 166); font-family: 'Bookman Old Style'; font-size: 21px; font-weight: bold; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px; “> Barnes & Noble and the new kitchen store


14. Longest job ever had:

 Other than being a Mom.  ðŸ˜‰  I worked at a uniform rental company starting at age 15 until I was done with college, so about 7 or so years.


15. Do you own a pair of dice?

 in board games.  Hubby used to have a special set of dice he had for many years, but don’t know if he still has those.


16. Do you prank call people?

 Nope, haven’t done that since grade school.


17. Last wedding attended?

 Hubby’s cousin’s back in 2007 I think.  But we do have my cousin’s wedding coming up in a couple of weeks.


18. First person you’d call if you won the lottery:

 hubby, then my Mom.


19. Last time you attended church:


2009 for my hubby’s Grandmother’s funeral.


20. Favorite pastime:


Reading, sleeping, watching TV/movies and FB.


21. Biggest lie you have heard?

 Oh, so many over the years to many to remember.


23. Where’s your favorite place to eat with friends?

 No idea, have not been out with friends since graduating from college a few years back.


24. Can you cook?

 Sure can

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25. What car do you drive?

 Dodge Grand Caravan


26. Best kisser?


I have to say my hubby since he’s the only person I’ve ever kissed that I wasn’t related to.  lol


27. Last time you cried?

 Not long ago.  I should never watch those Coming Home soldier stories.  lol


28. Most disliked food:

 liver, brussel sprouts.


29. Thing you like most about yourself?


I am stubborn and can stand up for myself and stand my ground.  My eyes, my hair.


30. Thing you dislike most about yourself:

 Weight, my stubborness (lol), my impatience with stupid people.


Yes, there is no 31.


32. Longest shift you have worked at a job?

 At an actual job, 10 hours.  But I have put in longer ‘shifts’ as a Mom!


33. Favorite movie?



34. Can you sing?



35. Last concert?

 Does my son’s school concert count?  lol  I’ve never been to any other type.

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36. Last kiss?

 Less than an hour ago from my kids’ when they went to bed.  From my hubby, this morning when he left for work.


37. Last movie rented?

 Have 2 Netflix movies waiting to be watched right now.


38. Thing you never leave home without?

 credit card and drivers license.


39. Favorite vacation spot?



40. Do you like Chinese food?

 Some.  I like the kind I make better than restaurant stuff.


42. Is your room clean?

 Sort of.  I recently cleaned it up pretty good in anticipation of getting a new mattress soon.


43. Laptop or desktop computer?

 On a regular basis, laptop.  But we have 2 desk tops and 4 laptops running in this house.  lol


44. Favorite comedian?

 Don’t know.


45. Do you smoke?

 No, never.


46. Sleep with or without clothes?

 With, and I’m particular.  lol


47. Who sleeps with you every night?



48. Long distance relat

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July 28, 2011

I like the Chinese food I make better than restaurants as well 😀

July 29, 2011

Yay you wrote! 🙂