Life just needs to slooooowwww down…..

I know its been a while since I’ve written.  I always have good intentions of sitting down to do so, but then life just seems to sneak it’s way back in and gobble up any time I do have.

Well, let’s see.  I’m almost 35 weeks now.  So sometime in the next 4-5 weeks we should be lucky enough to welcome this new little person into our family.  I’m getting anxious.  Not so much about the labor and delivery part.  Well, some about that.  I mean come on, after all, I will be pushing another human out of my body! lol  But more so to finally see what it is that we are having.  I have felt from the beginning that this is a girl.  But I’m afraid to get my hopes up on that being right so I’m trying to stay positive and neutral about the whole thing.  Every one we run across though insists it’s a girl or has to be a girl.  But only time shall tell us the real truth on that one I guess.  I just had my routine check up again yesterday and all is going great.  Also got pre-registered for the hospital so I don’t have that worry anymore.  Any time I need to go I’ll be all set with that.

Also had an appointment yesterday with my new attorney.  He finally had all of the paperwork he needed to try and figure out this mess that I am in and he wanted to go over it all with me in person to let me know what we are looking at.  I have to say that he made my day when I walked in and the first thing he brought up was malpractice against my old attorney.  Always a good way to start off my day!  lol  He said that due to the conduct that the old attorney exhibited in choosing to ignore the tax documents that should have gotten reported way back in 2007 it was a clear case of malpractice.  So he said the interest that has accrued on those past due taxes from 2007 will be the responsibility of the old attorney.  And if the state and federal tax departments want to impose any fines and penalties those also will be tacked onto what the old attorney owes.  He said that neither I nor any of the other 4 heirs will be saddled with those amounts since it was clearly the attorney’s fault that we are all in this situation.  He said he will approach the old attorney with the solid dollar figures once the state and Feds have figured out what they all want to do and if he doesn’t want to pay them personally then my new attorney will contact the old one’s malpractice insurance carrier and they will pay for it.  But that means not so good repercussions if they ahve to pay for it becuase then misconduct allegations get placed on his records, etc.  So he figures that the old attorney will simply just pay it and make it go away as quickly an dwasily as possible.  But if not, we know we have alternatives so it’s all good.  I feel that is the least he can do considering the mess he created for me.

The other bit of good news was that since I was properly discharged from my position as personal representative of the estate and that is filed with the Courts I am not 100% liable for the full amount.  It WILL be split 5 ways amongst all of us that were heirs to the estate.  So I am only responsible for paying back to the government my 1/5th share of whatever the end result is.  So that was absolutely GREAT news.  DH and I were so concerned about that because we had been told right from the start that the full amount might be my responsibility.  While I would have paid it had that been true, this is much better news to have gotten. 

Given that we each only have to shoulder a 1/5th share it shouldn’t be horrible for each person to have to pay their amount.  If it all goes like the rough figures look right now we each will only having to fork over $3,000-3,500 a piece.  And with not having to pay any of the interest or penalties that most definitely helps.  I know I was relieved to hear that was aobut the extent of the money that I would have to give back.  I’m not sure the others will feel the same way even though rightfully it is something they would ahve done anyway had this all been properly filed.  But asking for money back from a buncho f money hungry, greedy people might prove to be quite a challenge.  But again, there are alternatives to that too and none of it involves it being my problem.

So yesterday overall was a good news day.  I left the house before 10 and didn’t get home until after 4.  DH stayed home with the boys all day.  That was a real thrill for him!  He said he’s not sure how I do it every day beause he personally would not want to do it.  lol  He did manage to get some work done remotely so it wasn’t a total loss of a day for him. But I expected the kids to be down for their naps at like 3 like they are any other day and when I arrived home after 4 I was greeted at the front door with a huge smile and a hug from the 2 yr old who was beyond excited to see me.  He apparently would not go down for a nap until he saw me.  But even after I was home they were both so wound up that I was finally home to stay that they couldn’ t nap.  lol


Today I took my van in for a routine oil change and tire rotation.  Usually takes about a half hour.  When it was done in a half hour I thought I was ready to get back on the road again.  Until the mechanic said "well we have good and bad news for you".  Ut oh.  So 4 1/2 hours later and $550 more poor I walked out of there with a fully repaired van.  Some of the stuff that got fixed today I’ve known about for quite some time.  Some of it was new.  But now it is all fixed up and ready to roll for a long time now.

But since I had the monsters with me (lol) I called DH to let him know what was going on and he came and got us.  We went downtown and went to the old fashioned ice cream parlor and got everyone a treat.  Then went for a nice long walk in the park that runs along the Mississippi.  The boys had a blast.  K said he was having alot of fun on our mystery adventure.  lol  DH was the only one that didn’t get a treat at the ice cream parlor the first time so on the way back he decided to stop in and get himself a treat finally.  lol  Then it was just wandering around town for a bit until the mechanic called to say the car was done.  DH was going to go back to work but decided it wouldn’t be worth it for the amount of time he would actually be there, so he decided to come home with all of us.  He said he needed a vacation anyway.  lol  It worked out for the best though because he was to meet iwth our financial advisor tonight anyway, so since he was home a little early he was able to go in and see him earlier and get back before his scheduled appt.  So it worked out pretty decent overall.


Now tomorrow I have to be back at the clinic by 10:30.  My midwife saw this spot I have on my tummy yesterday and she didn’t like the looks of it.  I’ve not been concerned because it was something that showed up after my first pregnancy and has been there ever since.  But she was really concerned about it and told me to get in to see a dermatologist right away.  So I called when I got home yesterday and

found out they were booked solid through the end of May.  So I figured at least I tried and I would just wait and make an appointment later.  Then all of a sudden the lady on the phone said she just got a cancellation for this Thursday so they plunked me into it.  So I’ll go and see what it is, I"m sure it’s nothing.  But my midwife will be notified that I was seen and what it is, etc so that should put her mind at ease some to know I got it checked out.


Friday DH has off from his regular job but is going to go in for a special meeting at his moonlighting job.  So I’m hoping for a relatively quiet day for a change.  Will be the first one really this week wehre we have no real appointments to go to or nohting of that sort. 

Saturday we are supposed to be working a consignment auction.  And in the afternoon I have my cousin’s baby shower to go to.  I find it rather funny that she is due two weeks after me and our family is throwing her a baby shower.  But they never once thought to throw me a shower.  I mean, yes, this is my 3rd child but that doesn’t mean that sometimes it wouldn’t be nice to at least be thought about and have something done for you that is nice like that.  But then again, I’m not surprised.  AFter all, it is my family and that’s just how they are.  Out of 3 kids I have only had one shower.  And  no one wanted to throw me that one until after the baby was born so that they could buy specific things.  Shower time came and I still didn’t get much of anything that was useful from those who threw the shower based on the ‘we need to know the gender’ principle!  whatever.  So I will drag my pregnant butt to her shower though.  lol


So that’s been life.  Busy, busy, busy.  The last few weeks have been like this.  Just a constant on the go type of thing.  I am looking forward to a little down time with some peace and quiet.  But I have another midwife appt in 2 weeks, then I’ll be down to the once a week appointments until this little person arrives.  Only 38 days until my official due date.  So really, I am in the any-day-now waiting period.  I can only imagine what life will be like once that little one arrives.  I think it”s been busy and chaotic now I think there is a possibility it might become mroe so soon!  But it’s all good.  It’s been a good pregnancy, can;’t complain one bit about it.  I feel great, everything has been going along so easily and quickly.  I am enjoying the time I have left where it’s just me and this little muffin inside my tummy.  But I am anxious to meet him/her!

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April 8, 2009


April 8, 2009

Busy busy!! I bet you are getting excited to find out what you are having! Its so much fun when you don’t know the sex before hand. 🙂