It’s as easy as ABC…..

The ABC’s of Me!

The Letter A
Are you available? Nope, haven’t been for many, many years.
What is your age?  31
What annoys you? People who drive and talk on cell phones.  If you can’t drive and use your turn signals what makes you think you can drive and talk at the same time????

The Letter B
Do you live in a big house? I guess it’s not small but there are most certainly much bigger ones out there.
When is your birthday?  March 7th.
Who is your best friend?  my DH, Annissa, and Tiffany

The Letter C
What’s your favorite candy?  Hershey’s with Almonds and Cadbury eggs.  Yum!
Who’s your crush? I guess that would have to be my DH.  lol 
When was the last time you cried? Sunday night.

The Letter D
Do you daydream?  Not often.  I just don’t have much time to just daydream my day away.
What’s your favorite kind of dog?  Pomeranians for small dogs and Siberian Huskies or labs for large dogs.
What day of the week is it?  Thursday

The Letter E
How do you like your eggs?  I like them over easy, scrambled, hard boiled.  And I LOVE eggs benedict.  Yum!
Have you ever been in the emergency room?  quite a few times.
What’s the easiest thing ever to do?  Anything you’ve already done before and know how to do.
Are you one to show your emotions?  I think I’m split on this.  If I think someone could hurt me somehow if I let them show then, no, I would keep them to myself.  But if you know me and you’ve been around me quite a bit then I’m not so guarded and will let the real me show through.

The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane?  Quite a few times.  I like to fly but haven’t gotten to in a few years now.
Do you use fly swatters?  Not as much as I used to.  But we own them!
Have you ever used a foghorn? Can’t say that I have.

The Letter G
Do you chew gum?  I used to chew it more.  I can’t remember the last time I actually chewed gum.
Are you a giver or a taker?  For the most part I’m a giver.
Do you like gummy candies?  I don’t like or dislike them. I’ll eat them if handed one, but it’s not something I’d buy for myself.

The Letter H
How are you?  I’m doing great, thanks for asking 😉
What color is your hair?  Brown with definite Auburn tendencies

The Letter I
What’s your favorite ice cream? Rum Raisin
Have you ever ice skated? No I haven’t.  My Mom tried to teach me as a kid but I never learned.
Do you play an instrument?  Not any more.

The Letter J
What’s your favorite jelly bean brand? I like the Starburst Jelly beans and some times I like a few of the licorice ones
Do you wear jewelry?  Yep, everyday I have on my wedding ring, my mother’s ring, my birthstone, a diamond pendant that says "Mom", two sets of earrings and my watch.  Oh yeah, and I wear a toe ring.  lol

The Letter K
Who do you want to kill?  No one at the moment.  lol
Do you want kids?  I have two already but I REALLY, REALLY want another.
Where did you go for kindergarten?  a little country school a couple of miles from my house.  It was called Little Red Elementary.  Bet ya can’t guess what color it was!  lol

The Letter L
Are you laid back?  Yes and no.  lol  It just depends on the situation.
Do you lie?  I try not to.

The Letter M
What’s your favorite movie? I LOVE "Grease" and have watched that a bazillion times. lol  But there are others too.
Do you still watch Disney movies?  I have kids, what do you think?!?  lol  Yes, I do and I enjoy them.
Do you like mangoes?  Yes, I do like mangoes.

The Letter N
Do you have a nickname? Not anymore.  But M used to call me Mouse my entire life.  Occasionally he would call me Turkey but not as often.  lol
What is your real name?  Cathy
What’s your favorite number? 7
Do you prefer night over day? I tend to be a bit of a night owl.  I’m not a huge morning person at all.  Middle of the day is ok I guess.  lol

The Letter O
What’s your one wish?  I have to many to narrow down just one.  lol
Are you an only child?  Yes I am!

The Letter P
What one fear are you most paranoid about?  I would have to say losing people close to me.
What are your pet peeves?  People who congregate in large groups in the middle of an aisle or something of that sort instead of just getting out of other people’s way.  If you want to waste your time then find a more suitable place to do it and leave the rest of us alone that don’t have time for your stupidity!  lol
What’s a personality trait you look for in people? Intelligence, sense of humor, compassion, love, lots of things I guess.

The Letter Q
What’s your favorite quote?  there are a few
Are you quick to judge people? My DH says yes.  But I think it’s a 50/50 thing really.  Sometimes a first impression turns out to be spot on and sometimes you have to learn to look past that first impression and admit that you were wrong.

The Letter R
Do you think you are always right? Not always.
Are you one to cry?  Not really, something usually has to be pretty bad to get me to that point.

The Letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain?: I love when it’s raining.  But sun is always good, as long as its not to hot.
Do you like snow? I like a small bit of it, but then I’m ok with it just going away and staying away.  I don’t like the cold that usually comes with it and I don’t like having to shovel it and deal with it or drive in it.
What’s your favorite season? Spring

The Letter T
What time is it? 3:35 p.m.
What time did you wake up?  Which time?!?!?  I was up twice in the middle of the night with the kdis, then when DH’s alarm when off by 7 and then a short time after that. 
When was the last time you slept in a tent?  I have never slept in a tent.

The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear? Yes
Underwear or boxers? I don’t like the whole boxer thing.

The Letter V
What’s the worst veggie?  brussel sprouts
Where do you want to go on vacation?  anywhere!  If things work out we’ll be going on a vacation in about a month with some friends.

The Letter W
What’s your worst habit? nailbiting has always been my worst habit.  But I’m sure I have many more!
Where do you live? Wisconsin
What’s your worst fear? Losing someone.

The Letter X
Have you ever had an x-ray?  Yes, I’ve had quite a few.
Have you seen the x-games?  I think so, but I am not 100% sure on that.
Do you own a xylophone? No.

The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow? It depends on the shade but it’s not to bad.
What’s one thing you yearn for?  another child first and foremost.  and secondary to that, a pink child! I have way to much testosterone in my house!!!!!  lol

The Letter Z
What’s your zodiac sign? I’m a Pisces.  Funny, I’m a fish, but I can’t swim!  lol
Do you believe in the zodiac?  I think it’s interesting to read about and such but I don’t dictate my life by it.
Favorite zoo animal?  I like all the animals.

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March 6, 2008

greg makes great egg benedict! I may have to steal this, I am a fish that can’t swim also

March 6, 2008

Still some of these things are obviously written for middle schoolers :c) I worked at Baskin Robbins for three years, and there was always something about the people who love rum raisin ice cream… :c) Why is “Are you one to cry?” under the Letter R? :c)

March 6, 2008

Oh your horrible!! I’m going to have to steal this one too! 😀 And how can you be a pisces and not know how to swim???? LOL I couldnt imagine my life without water!