Holiday recap

So now that the holidays are finally over with and things are settling back down I think I actually have a few minutes to myself to sit down and write an update.  So we’ll start with how our holidays started and go with as much of it as I can remember.


Monday, Dec. 22nd —   My Mom and her Moron arrived at 2 p.m.  I had expected them to arrive earlier than that, but I think I need to learn NOT to expect them at any certain time becuase they are always hours behind that.  Immediately when they got here I could tell that things weren’t right.  Finally my Mom said that they think they had eaten bad Chinese food the afternoon before at a buffet because they were both not feeling well the day before.  And the Moron came along with her STILL not feeling well, complaining of being so freezing cold he couldn’t get warm, etc.  So he sat here with his winter coat on, two layers of shirts on underneath that, heavy boot socks on with fur lined slippers and covered up to his eyeballs with a huge quilt and was still complaining about being freezing cold.  (only one small reason why he has earned the name Moron….)  I was furious because I told him that I had a suspicion that he had the flu and not just a reaction to bad food.  But he insisted on staying even though he said he felt like he just wanted to turn around and head back home.  I wish he had.  So DH picked up dinner and brought it home, of which my Mom hardly touched anything, Moron ate nothing basically nothing, and continued to just lay around for the rest of the night being a miserable lump.


Tuesday, Dec. 23rd —  Everyone was feeling way better apparently.  That was evidenced by us waking up to breakfast being made.  And Moron said he still had Christmas shopping to do, so we ventured out to shop.  Of course, like normal, he didn’t buy a damn thing.  Grrrrr…..   So Mom and I bought groceries for our big Christmas dinner and called it a day and went home.  It was a ridiculous trip to say the least.


Wednesday, Dec 24th —  I was greeted by a sick child first thing in the morning.  J had thrown up, then went back to sleep.  So when I went to get him up for the day I opened his door and was greeted by that wonderful sick smell.  Yuck!   Threw him in the tub, stripped his bed and threw it in the washer  all while DH slept in.   Grrrr…  And while everyone else sat and pondered how he POSSIBLY could have gotten sick.  Hmmm, lets think back two days and what I said was making them sick in the first place!   

So J laid around and was pretty lethargic all day long.  Wouldn’t eat anything or drink anything really.  So we just kept an eye on him and tried to make him as comfortable as possible.  And lo and behold, by 2 p.m. K started throwing up too.  Joy!  At least at his age he feels that urge to throw up and runs to the bathroom so there is alot less mess involved with him.  But what a great way to spend Christmas Eve, cleaning up puke after two sick kids.  🙁  It was like deja vu, since Christmas 2007 was spent doing the exact same thing. 

But after naps (and more of J throwing up) they felt better and were perkier.  So we decided to move forward with our traditional Christmas Eve present opening plans.  So DH, K, J, my Mom and I all huddled in his room with the lights out watching out of the window for Santa’s sleigh.  And while we did that the Moron dressed up like Santa and delivered the presents.  K was so excited he just giggled and giggled.  lol  So it was a good thing after all.

Got lots of nice things.  And the kids enjoyed opening presents and playing with their new things.  But then after everything was all opened and it was bedtime we put the kids down.  And J got sick again.  So it was back to stripping everything and washing in the middle of the night.  Mom, DH and I ended up sitting up with him until almost 4 a.m. before he seemed to be better and able to try and rest.  When he fell asleep on me and was quite obviously out cold for the night we put him to bed and went to try and get some sleep ourselves.


Thursday, December 25th —  The kids were feeling better.  Still not eating or drinking much of anything.  But at least starting to look and act more like themselves.  J was still kind of laying around and tkaing it easy but I don’t think anyone threw up that day.  So we just had a lazy day of hanging out around the house taking it easy, playing with new things and recovering.  We had our yummy big Christmas ham dinner and that was about it for Christmas for us.


Friday, December 26th —  At 2:15 a.m. DH jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and started throwing up.  Between him and J it was a short night for me, if it wasn’t one of them making noise it was the other and they seemed to take shifts.  JUst enough that I hardly got any sleep at all.  Then around 7 I felt like I needed to get up and use the bathroom.  I started out with diarrhea.  Which, after seeing what the kids went through, was better than the alternative.  But that only last so long before I got hit with both ends. (sorry TMI)  So it was fun, DH and I ran in shifts to the bathroom until eventually I just had to give him a bucket, just in case. 

Didn’t take long and I simply was feeling very strange.  I couldn’t describe it very well other than I just felt like Jello all over.  I tried walking down the stairs and every step made me feel as if I would just crumple into a heap.  I could hardly stay awake, was still not feeling well or spending much time outside of the bathroom.  And by 9 it was even worse.  So I decided to just call into my midwife and see what she might suggest for me to do.  Of course, she wasnt in.  But I had the chance to talk to someone else who said I needed to get into the clinic ASAP and made an appt for me right away that morning.  They suggested I not go to the ER just because they were afraid I would only get sicker sitting there.

So my Mom took me to the clinic.  By this point it was about 4 hours after I initially got sick and I could barely operate under my own power.  I got in, they did weight checks, temp checks, BP checks and all that other good stuff.  And the midwife that I ended up seeing (I was supposed to see the OB on call but he sent the midwife instead) she immediately said I was severely dehydrated and that they were going to hook me up to IV fluids.  So I got put in a patient living room suite and within minutes had two nurses, two IV techs and the midwife all buzzing around me.  They started wrapping my arms both in hot towels to bring out the veins and I finally got the IV in.  About half way thorugh the 1st bag they pushed in Zofran (an anti-nausea drug).  I ended up  being hooked up to IV’s for over 4 hours.  Finally they released me and sent me on my way to get a prescription filled for the Zofran to have at home.

So Mom and I headed over to the pharmacy to get it filled.  Ended u

p having to wait for it for about a half hour.  When they finally came out with it they said "good news is that you saved $183 on this".  Yikes!  So I asked how much the prescription was going to cost me and the pharmacist says "it’s $155".  Holy crap!  So I sent them back to make sure that 1) it was the generic brand and 2) they had actually ran it through our insurance.  Finally he comes back and said he might as well take my insurance card to make sure they had everything correct.  A few minutes later he called me back up and said it was all straightened out.  So the $300+ prescription suddnely went down to $12 after insurance. Whew!!! 

Finally was able to head home after like 5 hours after leaving.  The boys were napping when we got back.  DH was still sleeping on and off and feeling slightly better.  So the rest of the night was the two of us laying on the couch together taking naps on and off. And suddenly DH looked at me and said Ilooked super flushed, so he went and got the thermometer and checked and I had went from no temp to spiking over 101.  So he said he would keep an eye on me all night.   I finally gave up early and went to bed.  Slept pretty decently after that.


Saturday, December 27th —  Again, just another lazy day around the house.  With the kids and DH and I all recovering there wasn’t much that could be done otherwise.  My Mom was a huge help through all of this because she helped out with everything the boys needed and kept things rolling.


Sunday, December 28th —  I made a yummy supper of roast, carrots and potatoes.  It smelled so good. I tried to eat but didn’t get much in.  But the good news was it also didn’t come back up.  Just wasn’t ready for food yet.   DH and I thought that Mom was heading back home that night.  But then when it got to be bedtime for the boys and she was still here we all figured they weren’t heading home that night.   So we just hung out watching movies on the TV pretty much.


Monday, December 29th —  They finally decided to go back home.  We were all sitting around watching a movie, playing with the kids, doing whatever.  And all of a sudden Moron jumps up and starts packing everything up.  My Mom kind of gave him a confused look but he kept on packing.  This was around 10 or so.  He gets everything loaded that he can and comes and starts to ‘wait’ for my Mom.  You could see he was in a hurry for some reason, that he was antsy and wanted to be gone already.  Mom asked him what was going on, he just sat there acting like he was pouting and said "nothing" and continued to sit there waiting like he was late for something.  So my Mom got fed up with him, put away what she was doing and threw it at him and told him if he was in such a damn hurry then to load that up to.  he jumped up and went and loaded that too.  It was very strange.  He was just hurry, hurry, hurry at that point and it was strange.  And he refused to say what the big hurry was no matter how many times he was asked.  Which got on my Mom’s nerves because she wasn’t ready to go back home yet, the kids were asking if she could please stay longer (she was off all week yet and was planning on maybe staying until Friday).  So everyone was getting irritated.  So she asked Moron once more what his big hurry was, he just ignored her and kept doing crap around her.  So she got ticked and was very noticeably upset at having to be rushed out of here.

So I asked him what his all fired hurry was.  Well that set off WWIII with him.  Let me tell you.  He was just being a snotty ass when he talked to me.  So Mom yelled at him for talking so stupid to people.  Which you could see got to him, he set his jaw, face turned red and he was even more pouty than before.   So I asked him why it was so important for him to always rush Mom out of here as if she’s late for something.  He said he just wanted to get home.  So we told him to go, which of course he wouldn’t do unless she went with him.  So I reminded him that Mom was off the rest of the week and had nothing to rush back home for and if he wanted to go so badly then maybe he should just go and get it over with.  That lead to one thing and another and before you knew it there was an all out screaming match going on. 

I told him to take his stupid dogs with him and get out of my house.  So he turns around and screamed at my Mom to get her ass in the car because they were going or she could walk home.  That ticked me off that he talked to her like that.  So I opened the door and told him he could start walking because in case he forgot the vehicle he was demanding her to get into was HERS not his and if anyone was walking back home it would be him.  That got him fired up again.  But it’s true, it’s her car, she makes the payments on it (I cosigned for it), her name and mine is on the title and he always feels that he can claim it as his own and do what he wishes with it.  So I thought he just needed a little reminder.  So he comes storming back into the house and makes this big production out of "fine, I’ll just call my brother and have him come and get me and you guys can all go to hell"  Well, he never did make that call even though he fumbled with his phone and ‘pretended’ to make the call.  Moron.  Instead he went and stood out in my driveway and decided it would be a good idea to continue screaming at Mom and I (were were still both in the house).  Until I told him if he continued to stand in my yard and scream and make a scene that someone would be calling the cops on him. 

So he came slightly closer to the front door and continued to scream and carry on.  Telling me at least he has a heart and that Mom and I don’t, that the two of us are like two peas in a pod because we act the same and treat people the same, blah, blah, blah.  Then he continued on saying how much he loves his family which is more than he can say for us becuase we dont love our family and all that crap.  AT that point he finally came in the house and continued to tell us how bad we are and how we don’t love our family like he does, etc.  and actually had the balls to bring up my Mom’s retirement party.  Which set me off.  He threw that stupid party, invited only his family and friends and REFUSED to invite anyone from our family or friends.  He told me that I was lying and was a liar and all sorts of things, but DH defended me and said that’s how it went down because I had Moron on speaker phone the day he said that so he heard it too.  To which Moron stormed out of the house again.  Mom and I still stayed in the house and continued to talk things over.  Until we hear him screaming outside again.  Oye.

By that time it had changed to a pity party that he was throwing for himself.  The whole "I try to do the best for everyone and help everyone out and they just say shit on D" and "I’ll go back to the farm and clean all of my stuff out of there and you can all kiss my ass because you wo

n’t havve me to walk on anymore"  Which was followed up promptly with "forget it, you guys can keep all my stuff on the farm, I dont need it, I just want out".  Whatever.  So I told him fine, leave it all there and Mom could sell it all off and maybe that would START to pay off all of the money he’s mooched off her over the years.  He hated that, but it’s true.  He’s been bitching to me since Mom retired about how she doesn’t have as much money and stuff and that puts a crimp in what they can do these days.  But he never thought of that while she was still working and wanted this tool, that piece of equipment or whatever and demanded that she pay for it as a ‘gift’ to him.  He rarely picks up the tab when anyone goes out to dinner, he doesn’t pay rent, groceries, utilities or help out in any other financial way.  My Mom takes care of all of that and he just moved his butt right in and stayed and expects her to take care of him.  It’s stupid.

Eventually I told him if he insisted on continuing to yell and carry on like an idiot that the least he could do was get back in the house where it wouldnt’ be disturbing the neighbors.  He finally came in, but sat like a lump on a chair and refused to talk to anyone.  My Mom finally had enough of him and said she was just ready to go.  So they loaded up and left around 2 p.m., after about 3 hours of arguing. 

Later when she got home she emailed me right away and said that she never said one word to him the entire drive home (about an hour and a half).  He turned the radio on and she said when he wasn’t looking she turned it way up to drown him out.  lol  I guess when they got back home she just went in the house and made him unload the car.  She started laundry and put away her presents and he continued to sit in the kitchen all by himself and sulk and pout.  She watched TV, emailed me, and did what she wanted.  And when she went to bed that night he was still sitting in the kitchen alone, not talking to anyone and pouting.  lol

Since then it sounds like he’s been spending more time away from the house, which is a welcome relief to my Mom.  he called New Year’s Eve and wanted to know if he could come over.  She said he came after 8 p.m., walked in and said "get ready we’re going out to eat".  She told him to get going by himself because she wasn’t going anywhere with him.  So she said he plopped down on the couch, grabbed his computer, started playing solitaire on it and pouted for the rest of the night.  She said she was perfectly content staying home, watching the movie she was watching and just relaxing.  And she wasn’t about to go out by being told "get ready we’re going".    So it sounds like it’s been a pretty quiet time around her house since she went back home.

It wasn’t the way that anyone would have expected our holiday visit to end.  But it’s not like it was the first time it happened like that either.  Moron pulls that ever so often after major holidays or events.  Heck, the night we were getting ready to head home after M’s funeral he started an argument and fight amongst everyone.  And it’s just getting really old to have to deal with an adult man who acts worse than my 4 yo.  And the worst thing is when he tries to pull the kids into the middle of it all and tries to pit them against my Mom or whatever.  That’s when we tell him to get to stepping and not come back.  He pouts for a few days afterwards,and within a short time he forgets it even happened and goes on as if nothing ever happened.  It’s stupid.  And I am so tired of him jeopardizing my time with my MOm and her time with her grandkids.  She can’t visit unless he comes along becuase otherwise he pouts like a 2 yo.  He can’t seem to manage being alone, ever.  It’s just ridiculous.  So Mom said she’ll find a time and she’ll come down to visit just herself.  And I’m hoping that when the baby comes in May that she will be able to come alone, but I won’t hold out hope until I actually see that happen.  I’m sure at some point he’ll have to come, sit around and mope and pout, eat all the food I have in the house and then complain nothing is here to eat or that there’s nothing that he likes around.  But yet he won’t budge to go and buy groceries to eat for himself, he’ll tell my Mom to do it.  We all certainly would be better off without him around.  He talks down to my son because he’s still potty training and isn’t 100% trained yet, he won’t listen to me when I tell him to do or not do certain things with the kids and then gets all pissy with me for telling him that stuff.  He doesnt’ respect how we do things in our house and tries to make everything the way he wants it to go.  He threw some stuff out last weekend when teh garbage man came that I discovered was missing after the fact.  When I asked him where it went he feigned ignorance like he had no clue what happened to it, but he was the only one that rearranged my garage and cleaned  off things that I told him to leave alone.  But he wouldn’t fess up to moving things or throwing them out but you could see it on his face that he had and just didn’t want to to admit it and get int trouble for it.  Stupid.

But I guarantee you, that in 3 weeks when my son turns 2 that they will visit again and he’ll be in tow.  And we’ll have to put up with all of his stupidity again.  I have never liked this guy.  But when he started hanging around my Mom all the time I put up with it for her sake.  I’ve told her several times I don’t like him and don’t approve of him hanging around like he does.  He puts everyone else down in the dirt for living together and not being married but fails to see that he’s talkinga bout himself too since he moved his butt into my Mom’s house without her inviting him to do so.   He apparently, at one point, wanted to marry my Mom and she said no way no how.  lol  Then he found out that he wouldnt get the farm just handed to him anyway he seemed to have lost interest in that with time.  I figuerd that was why he wanted to marry her was to inherit the farm and everything on it to call his own, until she told him that would never happen.  He’s just a giant mooch in life.  I even heard a supposed "Freind" of his say to a guy that he sometimes works for that for years he’s mooched off of him living rent free, has been provided a huge workshop to supposedly work in and run his business out of (which he no longer does) and he doesn’t do a thing that he’s supposed to in return for all of that and he said now he found my Mom and he’s doing the same thing to her.  At least I’m not the only one that sees that he mooches off people and doesn’t do what he’s supposed to in life.  He refuses to work for anyone else because "no one will tell me how to do things".  So he calls himself a ‘contractor’ and works when he feels like it (which is hardly ever anymore).  He’s just a huge joke to everyone.  All of our old family friends that know him make jokes at his expense and make fun of him for how stupid he is and he takes it as a compliment and thinks everyone really l

ikes him and without him people would never get things done.  He has inflated sense of self that just gets old really fast.  Just so over him and his stupid dogs.


So that was the big drama that ensued with our holiday.  Fun stuff.


DH has been off since the 23rd.  Today was his first day back to work. Silly I know.  For the first time in a long time it was really nice having him home.  Especailly once my Mom left and he could spend more time with just us.  He’s been giving me a break and helping out a ton with the kids, been asking if there’s anything he can do for me, been even offering to cook.  So it’s been nice.  Now next week we all return to our normal routine.  There won’t be any more vacations for us for a long time now.  The next time he will be taking any time off will be once the baby comes.  Not exactly a vacation.  lol


So that’s what life has been around here for us.  The holidays could have been better (or at least healthier for everyone), but they were still ok.   Just hoping that next year we can celebrate Christmas WITHOUT the flu being a part of it. 

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January 2, 2009

Oh Boy! I say next time moron arrives sick you send him away asap. I agree with you in not liking the guy, he sounds like a mooch, no one living off retirement should have someone mooching off of them. Ugh, it frustrates me. I hope some day your mom sees the light and ditches him. Here’s to a better year! 🙂

January 4, 2009

OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMG ….. I swear I just wanna……. UGH! Hummmmmmm … we really have to make a trip down there… J can’t turn 2, it’s NOT ALLOWED