Happy Thanksgiving!

First off, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!   


I’ve barely had a chance to even check email this week let alone do an update.  But I have time now while the rest of the house is sound asleep and I sit here awake, don’t ask me why.


My Mom arrived on Saturday.  We were expecting her sometime on Sunday.  So we ran out Saturday and got all our goodies we would need for our Thanksgiving feast and all our other errands that we normally do on Sunday.  And on our way home she was right in front of us heading to our house.  So her visit started a day early.  Let me just say, that I am SOOOOOO glad I didn’t listen to my DH when he kept yapping at me to stop cleaning and just do it on Saturday because I would have "plenty of time".  Because had I not busted my butt on Friday the house would have been a diseaster when she arrived.  So pbbbbbt to hubby on that one!  lol


Sunday we just hung out at the house all day.  But did manage to go out to TGIFriday’s for dinner that night.


Monday Mom and I and the kids just hung out at home, chatting and what not.  It was a nice relaxing day.  Finished off by a yummy Chicken Parmigian dinner. 


Tuesday would have been my Grandma’s 92nd birthday.  And it was also my big ultrasound day.  Yay!  I had invited my Mom to go along with me because she never had one with me and has never seen one before.  So I thought since this was our last baby and her last chance to experience something like that we’d take her along.  Besides, DH didn’t really want to go since he has been to the other ones we’ve had.  But last minute he decided to come along to, so it was a big ol’ party.  lol 

Ultrasound went fine.  My Mom was amazed I think when she first saw the image of the baby appear on the screen.  She was transfixed to the screen throughout going "look at that".  lol  So I think she enjoyed being there.  My oldest son was watching the "special movie" too and was figuring out what it was.  At one point the tech flipped the image so that we were looking directly into the baby’s face and little one put both of it’s hands up next to it’s head and wiggled it’s hands.  K started to giggle and said "look Momma, it’s a baby Reindeer!"  lol  So now he’s pretty sure he’s getting a reindeer.  lol  Gotta love him!

Baby is healthy and growing.  Two arms, two legs and what appeared to be the right amount of fingers and toes.  Heart beating a steady, normal rhythm.  It was moving around some.  And we even got to see it opening and shutting it’s mouth as if it were talking.  Which is exactly what my son thought it was doing.  lol  

The only eh moment about the whole thing was that going into it everyone had been thinking I was around 19 weeks.  But when the first measurement was taken it came up less, lots less.  At first I thought, well maybe it was just a small baby.  But then she continued doing measurements and lo and behold they all came up the same.  So it was determined that our original dates we "thought" we had gotten pregnant were definitely wrong.  Wahhhhh!  So in an instant I went from thinking I was almost half way through this pregnancy to being 16 weeks all over again.  🙁   Oh well, not the end of the world.  All it means is that NOW we know exactly when we got pregnant, no doubts about it.  And that my due date went from April 22nd to May 16th.  No big deal.  But because I was ‘early’ for the ultrasound after we discovered we were off I get to have another one.  The one I had this time was only supposed to be a 20 minute scan.  But now they have me scheduled for a full 45 minute scan so they can get all of the measurements they really couldn’t do this time and all that good stuff.  But I did get the DVD from this scan and a few pics.  And I will again next time too.  🙂  So there is an upside to it.  And at least this time I’m getting two scans done becuase of a dating mix up and not because there is something they are watching.  So it’s all good.  But boy, am I having a hard time wrapping my head around the whole May thing and getting pushed back 3 weeks.  lol  I had gotten so used to thinking April and thinking I was 3 weeks further along that it’s suddenly like having someone jam you into reverse from drive.  It’s messing me up!  lol  BUt I’ll live.  And at least when April 22nd rolls around I can say "only 3 more weeks and this should all be over with!"  lol

After my ultrasound I had my regular midwife check up.  That went well.  Except for the fact that she was running like 40+ minutes behind.  Ughhh.  My Mom was wrangling the boys out in the lobby while I went in because I assured her it would only be about 10-15 minutes because thes appts are short.  Yeah right!   But we went over all of the things about the ultrasound.  Went in and updated my records to reflect the new information we had all just learned.  And then I got to hear Reindeer’s heartbeat.  Strong and steady, as it should be.  My midwife was just absolutely amazed that we had heard fetal heart tones at my last app.  She said I would have been at the very earliest that they can usually hear that sort of thing and it was amazing that 1) we found it at all at that point, 2) found it so easily as if I were further along.  She said "bet you never knew I was that good!"  and we laughed and then she said "neither did I!".  lol  My uterine measurements still measure around where we though I had been.  But she said given the dating from the u/s she figures that right nwo I am carrying all totally up front.  Now that may change as time goes on, but that’s what she figures right now.  All was well though.  So now its back for another ultrasound and midwife check in a month.

After the clinic Mom and I went to Walmart to pick up the  last few things I needed for Thanksgiving.  And then headed home to get the boys down for a nap.  It had ended up being a much longer day than expected.  So the yummy chinese for dinner was a good way to end it.  lol


Wednesday I cleaned my kitchen so that I could have alot of space to work on the big feast that was coming up.  And when I got done with that we headed to the mall.  Mom had got some new shoes for J but he needed a bigger size so we went and exchanged those.  After we got out of there I was getting pretty hungry so we stopped at McDonald’s (or Donalds as my son calls it) and had a quick lunch.  My youngest son decided it would be a good idea to embarrass Mommy.  So he started to hurl fries over onto the table of the people sitting behind us.  Ugggh!  And when that didn’t seem to be effective he decided to chew one up a little bit before hurling it in their direction.  Thankfully they didn’t seem to notice or they

simply didn’t care because when they got up to leave they didn’t give a disgusted look or anything.  But I was about to sit on him behaving like that.  Ugggh.  Then he discovered that it kind of echoed in the room so he decided to start singing loudly.  At that point I just packed him up and we left.  I had had enough of his antics for the day.  I just couldn’t tolerate him being a misbehaved monkey like that.  My kids do not act like that EVER.  But yesterday J was in rare form all day and about had us at the ends of our ropes by the end of the day.  My Mom even said "I don’t know how you do that for 12 hours a day if he’s like that’.  Well, normally he’s not like that.  But for whatever reason yesterday he was like a tasmanian devil.  I hope today is a better day with him. 


And today, of course, is Turkey Day!   My turkey is defrosting in the sink of cold water.  And soon will be making it’s journey into the oven to warm up after it’s long cold bath.  lol  Yesterday I made the Raspberry Supreme pie and Pumpkin fluff.  When I get done with this I will get busy peeling the sweet potatoes and getting them all set.  Then later it’s making the mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and stuffing.  The pumpkin pie is all taken care of.  So I think everything is in order.  Just waiting for the eating part to begin!  lol  (maybe today would be a good day to break out the maternity pants!  lol)  


Tomorrow I *think* we are going Black Friday shopping.  I don’t know when exactly.  I have yet to actually look through all of the ads I got in the paper today.  That will be a task for later while the house fills with yummy smells.  lol  All I know is that I hope I can find things I want to buy and at great deals since I need to get my butt in gear and actually START my Christmas shopping.  Usually Black Friday provides me with the last few random things I need to complete my shopping, but this year it kicks off my shopping.  Yikes!  But hopefully it goes ok.  And tomorrow I also get my hairs cut.  Yay!!!!  I can’t tell you how excited I am about that finally.  As my son says "then you’ll look like a lady Mom".  I won’t even ask him what he thinks I look like now!  lol


Well, it’s time to get my butt in gear and get cookin’.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Eat lots, enjoy family, and safe travels to you all!

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November 27, 2008

sounds like you have a great family, your right about the cleaning, I clean for a living so we were busy as s———– yesterday, my whole body aches today, but we were able to clean everyone’s home in time for the holiday, the same thing goes for Christmas, I will ache then too.

November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!!! Sounds like you’ve been busy busy busy. lol