First appt.

Had my first official appointment this morning with my midwife.  I really, really like my midwife.  When I had my first son we got shoved from one to another and we didn’t like any of them.  Then I finally found one that was consistently available and I didn’t mind her, but she just wasn’t a 100% fit for me.  So when I looked for one to see with my 2nd son I tried a new one and I found I really liked her.  She doesn’t lecture on every.single.little.thing in life.  Her philosophy is that you’ve been through this before, you know what is going on and what to expect and leaves it at that.  She’s availabe for any questions or concerns anytime I may have them even though I’ve ‘been there done that’ before.  She explains what all these tests are that, in the past, we had been pushed to go through (although we generally declined them and got lectured on that decision by other midwives).  She gives me the straight up answers on whether or not certain things are necessary, etc.  Plus she’s just down to earth and can relate to a person.  I haven’t gotten lucky enough to have her at the actual deliveries yet, but there is always hope she’ll be on call this time.  lol  But anway.


So she came in and she was all smiles and just genuinely super excited for us that we were having another baby.  She told me she had 3 babies in 4 years so she can totally relate to where we are at right now.  And reassured me that going from 1 to 2 children was super hard but going from 2 to 3 was way more easy.  That seems to be the consensus from all the mother’s I know that have 3+ children.  So here’s hoping they are all right!


My appt lasted about an hour.  Way past the time she was supposed to be out of there for another appt.  Oops!  But that’s just how she is, she takes her time and is thorough in what she does to make sure you never leave there with questions or concerns.


Because there had been some question as to when exactly I may have conceived we talked about that a little bit.  She said that we would listen today and see if we could hear the heartbeat.  If we couldn’t, or if my measurements didn’t seem to be consistent with where we think I am then she would send me down for an dating ultrasound right away.  I was secretly hoping that maybe I would be getting an u/s today so I could see the little bean, but no such luck.  She measured and then went to the doppler and after some searching finally ran across the heartbeat.  It was strong and steady so that is always a good sound.  Then came the Pap and internal exam that every woman just LOVES.  yeah, right!   And I guess based on that exam as well she said that I am at LEAST 16 weeks, not at most like originally thought.  So since I was where we all expected I was she said there was no need for the u/s today because everything seems to be right on track at this point.    Again, all good news (well, except I didn’t get to see my little person today.  🙁  )     I always hate the pap tests when pregnant because they always warn you that you can expect spotting and cramping.  I’ve had slight cramping after that procedure the last two pregnancies but never the spotting.  But I have alittle of both this time around.  🙁  Thankfuly tough they tell you ahead of time so you aren’t alarmed when it happens.  But it’s not a big deal.


After the appt. I was sent down for a whole ton of labs.  Again, always fun.  Especially when you get the grumpiest lab tech in the place.  Oye.   They are also the ones that administer the flu shots, which I want to get.  I had asked last week at my appt if I could get one and they said it was fine.  So I asked while in the lab about getting one, she made some screwy face and said I should talk to my regular dr about it before getting.  Whatever.   So I didn’t get one this time.  I guess I’ll just have to wait until next time and get it then.  How can people who administer these things not know if they can give it to you or not???


So now I don’t have to go back for a month.  My next appt. I will have my u/s first and then see my midwife after.  So we’ll get to see our little person just before Thanksgiving.  Just have to figure out who’s going with me this time.  DH said I could go alone this time if I wanted and he’d stay with the boys.  Especially since we get a recording of it all and pics, and he’s been through two of them before so he was ok with not being there this time.  But we’ll see.  If the dates are correct, then I should be around 20 weeks then.  So we should be able to get a good look at our little one.  but we will not be finding out what we are having this time.  This is our last baby and we are keeping it a surprise!


BP was good today 117/70 I think it was.  And I’ve lost a little over 2 lbs since my appt last Friday.   So everything looks really good at this point. 

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October 29, 2008

Hello fellow-Wisconsinite! I love children, I’m looking forward to it in my future. =] -Sam

October 29, 2008

Kind of a bummer that you didn’t get to see your little bug today. But I suppose it is a great thing that everything looks good and one wasn’t warranted. I can’t believe your so far along!! You just found out for sure, and in a few more weeks you’ll be half way through your pregnancy! 🙂

October 30, 2008
