
I’m getting realllllly frustrated with OD lately.  I tried and tried over the past few days to write a post but no luck.  Just wish it would work ALL the time and not be so finicky.  Grrr….  But anyway.


So we were supposed to have a nice "quiet" weekend at home.  Yeah, right.  DH had other ideas about how our weekend needed to go unfortunately.  He had been saying how nice it would be to have nothing to do, nowhere to go, etc.  So I assumed that meant we were going to just hang out and enjoy being home for the first time this month plus.  Guess not.

Saturday morning he gets up and right away starts in with the "so what do you want to do?"  over and over again.  I told him nothing, I just wanted a quiet weekend.   But alas that would be a no go.   So he headed outside to start doing the trimming around the yard and what not.  I was ticked and was going to stay in the house.  But when I didn’t hear him doing naything outside I decided to go and check on him.  He was trying to weed  some of the flower beds around our house.  So I got rooked into helping somehow.  (I KNEW I should have stayed in the house!  lol)  He started doing the trimming until he ran out of trimmer line.  By that time it was getting pretty hot out there anyway and a good time to quit.

Went back in the house and went to get the kids up.  Opened their door and what do you think we find in there?  BOTH boys were in J’s crib!    Neither seemed to mind at all.  We had no idea how K got in there, we asked him but he was giving out no answers about that!  lol  Got them up, fed, dressed.  And again with the "so now what?" from DH.  I swear, I wish that man could just sit still and enjoy having NOTHING to do instead of getting bored so easily.  So he decides he wants to go out for lunch and said we were going to the ‘fancy’ McDonalds as a treat to the kiddos.  Then it was off to Home Depot to try and find new blinds for our bedroom.  The day before the shade we had in there decided to bust all apart for no reason, and since it was a room darkening shade it was pretty annoying to not have the window covered.  But we couldn’t decide on anything so we left.  Went to Walmart to pick up a couple of things.  Then home again it was.  While the boys napped DH and I watched a movie.  Finally a quiet time!  But when I went to get them up from their nap I found them together in J’s crib again.  I asked K how he did it and he finally showed me.  Boy, what a feat that was to have gotten himself in there!  Took alot of strength to do it the way he showed me.  But apparently that’s how he gets in there. 


Sunday he started out the day in the same way that he started out our Saturday morning.  Which did not please me at all since I hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, actually the two nights before.  Friday night our village had their annual Kornfest and they had a band playing.  Well, I went to bed at 11 and for an entire hour I could hear this stupid loud, thumping music playing.  Finally just before midnight I got up and went storming outside to try and figure out which of our neighbors was being so boneheaded when i realized it was from downtown!  We live over 3 miles from where they had the stage where the band was playing and I could hear every.single.word they were singing and saying!  I went back in and DH wanted to know what was wrong that I was outside.  Then he said he finally heard it too.  I was thisclose to calling the cops to complain about the noise since it was after midnight.  But I went back to bed and it wasn’t much longer when it suddenly got quiet….finally.  And Saturday night they had a band again so it was a repeat performance.  Ughh.  But this time when I finally got to sleep after midnight I didn’t get to sleep for very long.  After 1 a.m. we suddenly hear one of the kids cry out over the monitor.  DH said he’d go check.  He opened our bedroom door and said "there’s a light on in the kids room".  Oh boy.   So I got up and we both went in there, and sure enough the light was on in their room.  K was standing up in the middle of his room playing.  He had taken all of the rugs off their floor and piled them up in a big stack.  He had a book open on his bed that he had been ‘reading’.  And poor little J sat in the corner of his crib looking pretty drowsy.  So we told K to get back in bed and STAY there for the rest of the night and SLEEP.  Unfortunately for me that was not the beginning of a restful night as I woke up at 4 and stayed awake after that.  It was insane.

We ended up doing some more trimming of the shrubs and trees around the house on Sunday morning.  We have curbside chipping services once a month where we live so we were getting it all done for when they come soon.  Makes our back yard look better but we have some more to go yet before it looks really good. 

Monday was a lazy day at home for us.  Well, for the kids and I anyway.  DH had to work.  lol  Well, I wanted it ot be a lazy day anyway.  But instead the cleaning bug hit me and I started to clean out our living room.  I got rid of a bunch of junk that was just taking up space in there, put things away that somehow had found their way into the room but iddn’t belong there.  When Dh got home he looked around as if he’d just walked into the wrong house!  lol  So I guess all the work was worth it.  So he was going to be nice and make dinner, but that didn’t work out as I ended up doing the majority of it because we were having chicken parmigiana and he doesn’t like to touch raw chicken.  lol

Tuesday the kids and I made a run to Menards to pick up a hose extender/holder for the backyard.  I am tired of trying to squeeze past the overgrown shrub that is by the back faucet to turn it on.  This will help and I won’t have to battle the bush anymore.  lol  And I bought a new replacement head for the weed trimmer since we ran the other one out this past weekend but it wasn’t the right one. So I ran it back to Menards while the meatloaf baked in the oven for dinner and DH stayed home with the boys.

And today I am busy, busy doing laundry.  The never ending ‘fun’ that seems to multiply every time I look in it’s direction.  lol  I was going to mow the lawn and then set the sprinklers out since it was in the 70’s and not the 90’s for a change.  But the overcast, cool looking day has quickly turned into a heated up mess of a day again.  So I am not going to be doing that today it doesn;t look like.  So instead it’s laundry day and whatever else I get the motivation to do.  And later I’ll make pigs in a blanket for dinner.


Oh, and the best news of all….  I have a hearing coming up on Friday afternoon for the Estate.  It’s the final hearing.  All of the final paperwork is being put before the Judge.  And the

attorney’s fees, my fees and all the propsed distributions to the heirs will be put up for approval.  I have been dreading the coming of this day.  If you’ve read me for any length of time you will understand why with the situations that some of the heirs have put me through.  I hadn’t heard from my attorney in over a month since he told me of the court date and time.  So I finally just bit the bullet yesterday and shot off an email to them to find out if everything was still on track.  And then I proceeded to try and avoid checking my email to see if there was an answer.  I have a hard time dealing with all fo this stuff yet.  But i finally checked and I had an email back.  And they are operating under the same assumption that I am at this point, no news is good news.  See the heirs were told of the court date too.  They were also supposed to sign a waiver saying they agreed with the final paperwork and figures and send it back.  We held out no hope that they would actually do that though, but it’s still a requirement so it was sent out.  They were also told that if they did not agree with any of that stuff they were to send an objection, complaint, or whatever to my attorney in writing in advance of the hearing.  So far, no waivers signed, no written objections or anything like that either.  We are all assumign that at least the one Witch that has created so many problems along the way will show up at the hearing hoping to throw a fit and what not, she always does.  But the best news of all is that I DO NOT have to appear in person!!!   Yay!!!!!!!!  I soooo did not want to be there in person if all of them showed up because I know they would attack me every step of the way and I just don’t want to deal with that.  But my attorney said I didn’t have to appear in person, all I had to do was give him my phone number to take along in case they had to call me.  But they said they would be willing to bet that they won’t have to do that.  And with the Judge we got I think that is a safe bet.  I have only heard a few things about this particular Judge but they have all said the same thing. She’s a no nonsense, don’t waste my time with trivial crap kind of Judge.  So the attorney’s office said that if they think they will be throwing a fit and delaying this again it won’t happen because she won’t put up with it in her courtroom.  So that is reassuring to me.  I knew there was a reason he waited until he could get the ‘right’ Judge that he wanted.  Heck, it sounds like if she throws a fit in this Judge’s presence that she would run the risk of getting slammed with a contempt of court charge!  That would be icing on the cake for me after all she’s put me through.  lol   But anyway.  So on Friday afternoon all of this should be over.  Early next week they hope to send out all of the remaining checks to all fo the heirs so all of the money they so eagerly ahve wanted will be all gone and sent out to them.  I’ll get paid, the attorney will get paid.  And then in the next couple of weeks all of the final estate tax forms will be sent in and that will be that.  Like a friend of mine said, it’s been a long time coming but it’s finally here.  She also reminded me that as much as I look forward to having this all over with it will be a very bittersweet day for me.  I’m sure it will be to a point, but overall it will just be a huge relief to be able to put it all behind me and know deep down in my heart that I did everything he wanted the way he wanted it done.  Can’t do much better than that.  It’s a relief and an honor to know that I did what he entrusted me to do.  I’m proud that I was able to weather the storms and obstacles that his family threw up in front of me along the way.  But now it’s time to move on, put all fo this behind me, remember him everyday like I do, and know I did right by him. 


So Friday will be party time once I get the thumbs up from my attorney that everything went down without a hitch and we are DONE.  lol 

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August 20, 2008

I hope it all goes off without a hitch! It should be a huge weight off your shoulders to have it over and done with. I hope that you get your quiet weekend sometime soon!!

August 23, 2008

good gawd tell that boy to sit down and do nothing for once… tell him to get re-addicted to WOW… lol..