Dr updates

Both E and I had Drs appts today.  It never seems to fail lately, if one of us hads to go then multiple people in my household have appts on the same day.  Doable, but tiring.  lol


Mine was earlier today.  It was my 6 week post partum check.  You know, the fun stuff.  lol  But it was all good news for me.  I’ve lost almost 22 lbs in almost 7 weeks.  Whoohoo!  I most certainly won’t complain about that!  I feel good and I even look a little better than I did pre-pregnancy.  I’ve dropped a whole size in pants and about the same in shirts.  Still hard to get used to that, makes it hard for me to dress since I’m not used to not being the size I was for so long.  Hopefully I’ll get used to it.  lol 

BP was good.  And all of the other wonderful things they check out post partum checked out A-ok as well.  Overall the appt was a success for me.  My midwife was just a little disappointed that I didn’t take the baby with me, but hey, he was sound asleep when I left the house and who am I to wake a SLEEPING BABY!  lol


E had an appt this afternoon with a pediatric cardiologist.  Nothing to worry about.  But last week when he had his one month check up our regular Dr said she heard a heart murmur.  She suggested that I make an appt with the peds cardiologist to get a second opinion.  So I called and becuase of his age they demanded that he be seen right away.  So I had to take him today.  I wanted to wait to see the real cardiologist, but the first opening to see her was July 13th, and while that was ok with me it wasn’t for them so today it was.  We saw the physician’s assistant since the cardiologist was on hospital service this week.  After 12 blood pressures, a temp, numerous stethoscope checks and a whopping HOUR and a HALF in a small room with two energetic boys we finally got to leave.  She had a hard time detecting the murmur.  Then when she did hear it she said it’s very intermittant which was a good sign.  It is just an innocent murmur, which is nothing to be concerned about at all.  Both of the other boys have it as well.  There are no concerns, no follow ups required unless something should change in the future or we have any concerns.  But he was given a clean bill of health and sent on his merry way, complete with a new pacifier.  He was getting fed up with being squeezed by the BP cuffs and just being there for so long and was getting fussy.  She wanted him to be quiet and nothing was working except me holding him, which she didn’t want, she wanted him laying down falt.  So she finally decided to go and get "sweeties" (sugar water pretty much) and a pacifier for him.  We don’t use pacifiers with our kids, but in this case it worked out for what she needed and he got to take with him for "next time" he has to go to a Drs appt and might need something.  But anyway, they have no concerns at all.  In one week he’s gained almost a pound and grew another quarter of an inch. 


So we both got a clean bill of health today.  Good news all around.

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July 14, 2009

isn’t that the first rule we’re taught…”never wake a sleeping baby!”?? lol Always happy to hear good news from checkups :o) ryn: thanks…I’m pretty confident they’ll approve, I meet all their standards. Its just a long process to GET there!