Christmas cuteness

I just had to share a moment I had with my son yesterday.  It was just to darn cute not to share


While K and I were out shopping last night he was just kind of looking around while I was looking for something.  Then I heard him holler out "Momma, Momma Santa is here!" and by the time I turned around I saw him bolting down the aisle to the end.  He stood there bouncing around and pointing with his HUGE smile on his face still hollering "Momma, Momma there he is.  I think he’s looking for me!"  lol

By the time we started out going to where we were going to look for trees "Santa" was no where in sight.  Then we turned a corner and there he stood right by the trees.  lol  Kyle’s eyes just lit up and he satarted in again with "there’s Santa, we found him Momma!".  lol 

It wasn’t Santa. But it was a guy who was wearing a red jacket, had a long white beard and a big ol’ tummy and he was wearing a Santa hat.  I’m guessing that going out and about dressed like that he gets ALOT of that sort of reaction.  lol  He was standing and talking with someone he obviously knew and Kyle just crept by him, just staring at him in awe and going "Momma, it really IS Santa!".  Everyone around got a big smile on their face at this wide eyed little boy in awe of finding Santa!  lol


Then a little while later we were walking through the tree display area and I was asking K if he saw anything he liked.  I should have known better than to ask a 4 year old if he saw anything he liked.  lol  He promptly got all excited and said "there Momma, I found it!" so I asked him to show me.  He pointed out a BRIGHT RED METALLIC tree!  He said "Momma, it’s so bootiful!"  I could only laugh.

Then he asked if we could please take it home and ‘decoration’ it.  lol  I told him I was sorry but we wouldn’t be getting that bright red tree.  A guy just happened to be passing by us at the time and he chuckled and sai "aww come on Mom, where’s your sense of adventure!"  lol


I love how into Christmas K is.  He loves every.single.thing about it.  He’s so excited about Santa coming this year.  He told Santa on Saturday morning at the breakfast what he wanted.  And when Santa had to leave K was positive that he was going to our house and couldn’t wait to get home to see if Santa had brought what he had asked for.  So we have repeatedly had to remind him that it will be a while before Santa actually can come.  We told him that now that Santa knows what he wants he had to go back to the North Pole and get busy making it.  He promptly informed us that Santa doesn’t do that, he has elves that do that for him.  Excuse us!  lol   Then last night he was talking aobut where Santa gets the things he needs to make the toys.  Well, the one (and only thing) he asked Santa for is wooden.  So he got talking about that.  And he has come to the conclusion that Santa has the elves go to ‘the Depot’ (aka Home Depot) to get the stuff so they can make the toys kids want.  lol 

 I lLOVE the innocence and pure excitement of Christmas through a child’s eyes!  I hope he never loses that.   I have always loved Christmas, but seeing how my kids light up at the sight of a tree, Christmas lights and the thought of Santa bringing the toys they have asked for.  It’s just awesome. 

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December 8, 2008

Awww, what a nice story. 🙂

December 8, 2008

Awwwww how adorable!! lol I love the innocence of children. I’m still amazed that Gavin believes in Santa and elves. I’ll be sad when he grows out of the wonder of Christmas.

December 9, 2008

That is so cute!

December 10, 2008

ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really mom where IS your sense of adventure!?!?!?!? LOLOLOL… I love how he found Santa – I do that to all the white haired bearded guys .. lol.. K is so sweet 🙂 Meanwhile… J was at home SCREEEEEEEAMING .. heehee…

December 11, 2008

How old is he? I love this age with my son, 3 years-old. It’s fun and they are still so innocent! ryn: I try to buy two tops and two bottoms in most outfits so they can mix and match in case of accidents, dirtying one outfit or losing a piece. I don’t always but sometimes. And I always buy a few extra shirts that are just solid colors and match with everything (white, pink, brown, blue etc).