
Today it’s raining outside.  No, correction,its POURING outside.  But I won’t complain because it could be way worse and be snowing. 

After all the crap (literally) I’ve been dealing with this past week with the whole family being sick I thought I was safe.  But guess what?  That’s right now it’s my turn apparently.  Hence the title of blech.  lol

Felt a little "off" yesterday.  Figured I was just hungry.  But after eating that only seemed to help just so much and the yucky feeling was still there.  My poor tummy was gurgling and sounded like it was alive.  My son kept going "what’s that Mommy, what’s rawring?!?"  lol  Thankfully I’ve not thrown up but I have most certainly had a chance to inspect the inside of my bathroom alot yesterday!  lol  I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that I have to spend that much time in there or that having to run up and down the stairs to get there.  both are wearing me down.

I went to bed early last night.  Thought maybe if I got plenty of rest I’d feel more human like today.  But I guess that was not to be either.  Because at 2 a.m. the fun returned in full force again.  And then the kiddos decided they both needed to be up early today so that’s been a real treat.  And so far today it’s been another repeat of yesterday.  Oye.

Talking with DH last night I said "so, after taking care of the kids all last week when they were sick. And takig care of you when you were home sick, who is going to be taking care of me tomorrow if Im sick?"  And do you know what that knob said "you’ll just ahve to deal with it!"  HELLOOOOO?!?!?  Yeah, his solution to it all was to jsut take some medication to stop the problem so I had a better chance of not having to deal with it, get rest as much as I could, and then he told the boys that they would have to behave and help Mommy out as much as they can.  Good grief!  Yeah, first off "get as much rest as you can".  HA  I have a 4 yo and 1 yo, how much "rest" do you think I get with them???  lol  And seriously, to tell them they ahve to be good and help out is just absurd.  They are kids for God’s sake!!  I couldn’t help it I laughed out loud like a loony person when he said this stuff.  I told him it was real nice that Momma has to take care of everyone else but when Momma gets sick she’s on her own!  Isn’t aht just how it goes though.  Men.

didn’t get out of the house all weekend though. So I have officially been confined to these four walls now since we returned home from my Mom’s on Easter Sunday.  Uggghhh.  And because of that we need groceries.  And guess what we didn’t get this weekend?  Yeah.  So if DH wants to eat this week then he might have to step up and actually go and pick up groceries tonigth after work.  I think that’s the least he can do, don’t you?  lol

Well, I’m off.  going to go and rest my weary tummy for a bit.  Or as Pooh bear would say "I have a rumbly in my tumbly".  lol  Seems like a good day to kick back under a cozy warm blanket and maybe get caught up on the boys’ photo albums while they nap later.  But we’ll see.


So I ended up doing what one of my faves suggested and I took a nap this afternoon while the kiddos napped.  I didn’t mean to but I did.  I only meant to get comfy on the couch, enjoy the peace and quiet and watch a little tv.  But I got so comfy and listened to the rain on the roof that it put me right to sleep!  But I probably did need the sleep so all was not lost.

And now DH is actually stopping to pick up the few groceries that we needed.  I doubt he’ll pick up anything for dinner so I’ll likely still end up making that but that’s fine I guess.  He was hoping that I was just magically all better and actually sounded disappointed that I wasn’t saying he hopes I ‘get over it all soon’. 

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I wish it was raining here.

March 31, 2008

you should nap while they nap, not do photos, silly mama! u need rest ! I hear ya about the mama’s not getting to relax when they’re sick. Although Gary is pretty good about it cuz he has been so sick, he’s more empathetic. I hope you feel better soon!