Black Friday = Tired

While I didn’t go totally insane like in past years and venture out shopping in the middle of the night I did go out shopping on Black Friday.

We got a ‘late’ start this year, we waited and left at 7:45 this morning and got to the first store, Menards, by 8 easy since we live like a half mile from it.  We got the things we wanted right away and then went and stood in line.  When we finally got to the check out the stupid things we had bought rang up at a totally different price than advertised in the flyer and what is on the shelf.  I brought it to the clerks attention, they checked and said nope they couldn’t do that.  So we checked through the flyer and found it listed and the price.  I told them we specifically brought a person over from that dept when we were looking at them and asked them if they were in fact the correct ones for that price and we were guaranteed by that person they would ring up for the propery price.  So when they came up $20 higher than advertised I told him he could shove them and said that they were overpriced at that price because every other store has them for $10 than their listed price.  So I got out of there cheap since I didn’t have to buy what they screwed up in price.  But man, we almost froze to death at that store.  They had the checkouts in the outdoor garden center and it was soooooo cold.  It is late November in WI after all, but boy, that was insane.

Then we went to Target, that was easy to get in and out of.  I was actually very surprised, I figured that we would be waiting in line for ages like we had just done.  But it was actually very easy.  I got what I wanted and got out of there in no time at all. 

From there we went to Toys R Us.  That was jammed full of people.  I couldn’t find some of the things I went there to get.  But I did get some things that I had on my list.  But I think one of the things I will be taking back at some point just because I think it cost more than it should have.  But I’ll have to do some more checking just to see before taking it back.  The lines were wrapped around and around but it went pretty quick.

Then it was off to Home Depot and Walmart.  Only found a couple of things at Walmart, which was kind of disappointing.  I was just not having any luck finding the things I went out to buy today.

By that time it was time for me to head over and get my hair cut.  Boy, that felt great to finally get my haircut.  While I was in the salon DH had called and checked with my Mom to make sure I made my appt ok and hadn’t forgot about it.  So since I was done and it was about lunch time we decided to meet up with him and grab some lunch in town while we took a break from our shopping.  After we ate he made quick stops at Best Buy and Target which were in the same parking lot as Culver’s.  But he didn’t find anything he wanted so he came back, picked up the kids and headed back home with them while we continued on our shopping journey.

At that point we journeyed out to the mall.  It wasn’t as crowded as I would have thought.  We hit all of the stores I wanted to go to.  I got some awesome deals at Macy’s on some new work clothes for DH.  That store is great for that.  I got him 4 new dress shirts for less than the cost of one normally and they gave me an additional 15% off, so it was an even better deal.  Got some great deals at the game store too and ended up walking out of there with a buy 2 get 1 free Wii games.  That was about the extent of my bargain shopping at the mall.  My Mom bought us each a yummy coffee on the way out.  That was a real treat for me, I never buy those things for myself even though they smell so good.

The last stops were at Farm and Fleet to check on a gift for DH.  But they were out of the things I was looking for and the others they had in stock were higher than what I was planning on paying.  So I didn’t end up getting anything for him.  Instead I wandered through Toyland and found a couple of things for the boys.

One last stop and we finally made it home just before 6 tonight.  It was a looooooonnnnnngggg day.  And I am exhausted from all of the walking.  As my best friend says, she has no idea why I would be so tired growing another human and all.  lol  Apparently I thought it was a good idea to go shopping for , oh 10 hours or so anyway.  lol

It by all means will not be a huge Christmas for my family.  But I do have some things I found.  Now I just have my impossible Mother to figure out and I think I might be set!  lol


I just hope that any of you that ventured out today had a safe experience.  I was shocked to come home and hear that people actually were KILLED today because of the crazy behaviors of shoppers today.  There is nothing in this world that is worth another person’s life.  Stupid.

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