Bad news

DH’s Mom called us tonight.  We assumed it was because it was his birthday and she always calls for stuff like that.  But that wasn'[t the only reason for the call tonight.

Apparenlty last week DH’s Grandma (his Mom’s Mom) went to the Dr because she’d been ahving some problems with hemorroids.  Her Dr, who also happens to be a neighbor to her son, told him that with her older patients that come in for stuff like that she tells them they have to have a colonoscopy done if they want anything done with their hemorroids.  I guess with the older people if they aren[‘t told that they never get the tests done and that is just not a good thing.  So anyway, she had a colonoscopy done at the end of last week. 

During the course of the test they found she had a mass on her colon that is at least 5 cm (approx. 2 inches).  Big enough that the scope used for the colonscopy couldn’t get past it.  They apparently took a biopsy of it and the results came back Friday as being cancerous.

So tomorrow she gets admitted into the hospital and on Wednesday she is having surgery to hopefully remove the mass.  From what we were told so far they figure it *should* be a clean removal.  They will remove the mass and approx. 10 inches of colon I think his Mom said.  She only has a 5% chance of ending up with a colostomy bag, so that sounded promising. 

Over the weekend the prognosis was pretty dire I guess.  But today it sounded a little better with further contact with the oncologist and the surgeon that is going to be doing the surgery. 

So we’re hoping and praying for a good outcome in all of this.  For me, and for my DH, this is just too soon to be dealing with this whole colon cancer thing again after losing M to that.  She’s going to be 82 in a few weeks.  We actually have a trip planned to go and visit her and other family on that side of the state the 3rd weekend in July.  Just weren’t expecting to hear news like that.  No one ever is I don’t think.

And my idiotic MIL is only obsessed about one stupid facet.  IF she’s worried about her Mom a person certainly can’t tell.  But she is absolutely LIVID that her sister (they dont get along all that well) called out of the blue to tell her this news and then to rub it in that she’s power of attorney for her Mom.  Big frickin’ deal.  Come to find out that she is a co-power of attorney along with DH’s uncle who already handles all his Mom’s stuff the way it is and is the one who takes her in when she is recovering.  So it’s not really a big deal.  But my MIL of course got all bent out of shape to hear that she was even involved.  All I have to say to that is grow up!  She drives the whole family nuts with her craziness with that sort of thing.  Stupid, stupid stuff I tell ya. 


So if your the praying type or whatever it is that you believe in or do, please keep our Grandma in your prayers this week as she undergoes surgery.  And pray that He guides the surgeons to remove all the cancerous mass and anything affected by it so that she cna have a clean bill of health in the end.  She’s a hypoglycemic so we hope that they can control that during her surgery and recovery period.  She may be 82 yrs old but none of us is ready to lose her to something like this.  So please keep her in your prayers if you would.  It would be much appreciated.

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June 16, 2008

aw, that is sad news. I’ll pray for your gramma! =)

June 17, 2008

I’m so sorry – she’s definitely in my prayers *hugs*

June 20, 2008

This is what I get for not signing onto OD for several days… why didn’t you tell me 🙁 {{BIG BIG HUGS}}