Another one bites the dust.

Another weekend for the books.  lol  they go entirely way to fast. 🙁

Saturday was a nice enough day out.  We went and got lunch , made a quick stop at Sam’s Club and when we came back DH decided to mow the lawn.  Good enough for him to do since he rarely ever does that.  But his idea of mowing is to cut the front yard only and then leaving the back.  Hellloooo!!!  I told him since he was all warmed up he might as well keep going and do the back.  lol  So when he was about half way done breaking it open and getting the trimming done K and I went and got the JD rider out.  That’s "our" thing that we do together.  He’s ridden on my lap since he was little and he still LOVES doing it.  And the best part for him now is that when we are all done I shut the mower off and then let him drive it (with my help of course) around the yard a couple of times.  You’ve never seen such a huge smile on a little boys face as he does that.  😉

While we were mowing J fell asleep in his stroller outside.  It’s amazing that he kept sleeping even though the mowers were both going and passing by where he was.  Crazy little boy!  When we got all the mowing done then DH went and pulled out my pressure washer.  And yes I did say "my" because it was bought for me as a gift becuase DH doesn’t do much of the outdoor stuff.  lol  So we finally managed to get our house washed down.  Taht took some elbow grease, let me tell you.  I ended up having to use the push broom to help scrub a few areas.  DH kept chuckling thinking I was overreacting to how tiring it was.  So since he thought it was so funny I handed off the broom to him and I took the pressure washer wand and told him to hop to it.  After doing it for a couple of minutes he said "wow, that’s hard to do!"  No kidding man, that’s why I was getting tired out!!!!  lol  Men…….

Since it was such a nice day and all our outdoor work was done we all decided to just hang out in the backyard for a few.  K and I sat on my new swing that I got for Mother’s Day, it was nice and relaxing.  Dh laid on the little bench we had in the backyard before.  J sat in his stroller just relaxing and having fun.  K ran around some.  It was just a nice, relaxing time outside.  There was a slight breeze, the sun was shining, just a nice day.  Then I noticed that the sky was looking a little funky and I mentioned it to DH.  A few minutes later the wind came up and DH  said we were going to head into the house because he figured it would rain soon.  It didn’t but it sure looked pretty nasty out there.

Put the kids down for a nap and just kicked back and relaxed enjoying the peace and quiet.  Which, if you have kids, you know doesn’t happen very often!  lol  When the kids got up DH said he was going to take us out for dinner so we ended up going to TGIFridays for dinner.  Fish tacos, yummy!  lol  On the drive there we could see this bruise yellow sky, just looking worse and worse by the minute.  We arrived at the restaurant and there was lightening flashing all around in that yucky yellow sky, the wind was whipping around, it wasn’t very promising looking.  I grabbed our coats and headed in with the kids. We barely made it in before the skies opened up and it poured.  And before you knew it the storm passed.  Just strange.  Wasn’t to bad here but I guess back home where my Mom lives they got hail and all sorts of things.  I’m glad we didn’t get that!

Yesterday was a lazy day.  We went shopping for groceries.  I’ve been making small trips here and there to get a few things we immediately needed over the past couple of weeks but not doing a full shopping trip.  It seemed like we were getting low or out of everything.  So we got our big old list of stuff.  I thought it was pretty good when it came time to pay but DH was shell shocked.  lol   Made a quick stop at Best Buy before heading home to put the kiddos down for their nap.  Both fell asleep in the car so I guess it was about that time!  lol

Last night we gave K the choice of what/where he wanted to eat.  He picked Perkin’s because he wanted sprinkle cakes.  lol  He informed us while we waited that he was "mad" and proceeded to furrow his brow, pout his lips out and cross his arms to drive home that point.  lol  Apparently he was mad because the guy wasn’t brining his cakes fast enough.  lol  because when the food came he announced loudly that he was happy now becuase he had his cakes and bacon.  Silly kiddo.  While we were waiting for our food I fed J his dinner that I had brought along.  When he was all done our food finally came.  DH had gotten something that had mashed potatoes on it.  I was holding J on my lap at the time and DH decides that mashed potatoes would be a good thing to try and give him.  I warned him that when I tried that before he gagged and gagged.  I told DH that if he made J puke on me he was in trouble.  He laughed and spooned some mashed potatoes into J’s mouth anyway.  At first it didn’t seem so bad, then all of a sudden I saw his eyes water and he made a bit of a gag sound, and then he went into full out gag mode and he puked on me.  Grrrrr…..   DH sat there looking with wide eyed going "I didn’t know, I didn’t think he would do that"  over and over.  lol  I told him I hadnt warned him about that for my health!  lol  So I got to finish off my meal with a soaking wet puke filled baby on my lap along with my puke soaked shirt and pants while DH sat all nice and dry enjoying his dinner on the other side of the table..  Niiiiiiicce.  lol   We stopped at the grocery store ont he way home to get the few things DH forget when we got them before.  And when we got home then DH occasionally would go "what’s that smell?"  and it finally dawned on me, it was ME.  It was that horrible sick smell that comes from vomit.  Blech.  But Overall it was a nice weekend.

This morning when I got the kiddos up for the day I got a good laugh.  See, K always comes up with these crazy names for his brother.  Theres Stink Eye Jacob, Monster Jacob and the like.  Well, this morning I was talking with K and he was being silly and was telling me what his name was and the fact that he can say his name forward and backward in the correct order.  Skills I tell ya!  Then he would say my name, DH’s name and he always says "What’s Jacob’s name?"  (this always makes me laugh because I know what is coming  lol)  And today K decided that his brother’s name was Crushing Toys Jacob.  I laughed so hard!  lol  I LOVE this kids imagination, you just never know what he will come up with next so it’s always a hoot to have him around.  I love being a Mom.  And it’s moments like that when the kids make me laugh that makes it all worth it.

I have things to get done this week.  My Mom is on vacation this week so she is planning on coming down either Wednesday night after she gets done with work or on Thursday.  I didn’t tell the kids becuase I know that K will get so excited that Grandma is coming again.  I had a feeling she might but you just never know.   So if the weather holds out we might take a run down to the neighboring town for their Sunfish Days this weekend. They have a carnival and stuff like that so it should be fun and a parade on Saturday that we usually go to for the kids to enjoy.  So we’ll just have to see what the weekend holds.

Well, better get on that laundry.  As hard as I try it never seems to want to clean itself!  lol  I want to make some cookies too since it’s a coolish kind of day.  That way the house won’t get super heated up.  And I need to get my meat marinading for the kebabs tonight.  Yum!

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May 19, 2008

Wow, your hubby is still alive after the puking baby incident? hehe. *hugs* I know what you mean about it not wanting to clean itself *sigh*

May 20, 2008

yay for good sleepers!!! Love the names for J. That’s soooo cute!!!

May 21, 2008

Enjoy the time with your mom 🙂 Ewwwwwwww on J puking on you! I totally would have said “you want to feed him that after I warn you, YOU can hold him” … lol… that would have been sweet! When is that boy going to start listening to you?!?!! Seriously!?!? Just cuz he’s a geek doesn’t mean he KNOWS IT ALL. Yeah the weather was just weird over the weekend 🙁 {{HUGS}}