6 months

Wow, has it really been six months already?  Doesn’t seem possible.  But according to my calendar my baby is 6 months old today.


All my kids are awesome.  Each of them in their own way, all of them collectively.  But this little guy really brings alot to our family.  He is such a good baby.  He’s never fussy, rarely cries (well, except for when he decides he is absolutely starving all of a sudden!  But that’s short lived).  He has the most beautiful smile, complete with those big chubby baby cheeks that you can’t help but want to squeeze and kiss on all the time, dimples.  His whole face lights up when he smiles.  He has beautiful huge brown eyes with these gorgeous long dark lashes.  Let me tell you, all of my kids have those insanely long lashes and they know how to use them!  lol  He’s perfect in every way.  He’s got those chubby baby legs that have rolls and creases so deep that it’s like the Grand Canyon.  lol  He’s trying really hard to roll over.  And loves to play with his little stuffed Pooh and Mr. Messy toys and he LOVES soft blankies to snuggle with.


His brothers are absolutely in love with their baby brother.  They are always hugging and kissing on him, playing with him, making him giggle and smile all the time.  K can’t wait to come home so he can see his brother and tell him about his day.  It’s adorable.  J has been the best big brother I could have hoped for too.  He’s so helpful, wanting to help make the baby’s bottle, carrying it and shaking it up.  he’s tried to feed him a few times and was so proud of himself for it.  He offers to burp him and wipe his mouth with the ‘baby cloth’ (aka burp cloth).  He’s just awesome with him.  Neither of the boys can go to bed at night without getting their baby hugs and kisses.  Too cute!


Happy 6th month birthday, sweetie!  It’s been an awesome six months and you have brought so much joy into our family in such a short time.  We all love you very much Bean!

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November 16, 2009

*HUG* Sounds like a wonderful young man. My nieces are one of the greatest joys of my life. *HUG*