39 1/2 weeks

4 more days until my big due date hits.  So far, all is still well.

Just came from my weekly check up.  Everything is still going along quite well, just like it has forthe other 30+ weeks.  My weight and BP are still good.  No swelling to be worried about.  Nothing at all to be concerned about.

I have another weekly appt next Tuesday.  If I make it to that appt then my midwife said that we will do a check to see where my progress is.  Then a biophysical exam (ultrasound to check viability of the placents, baby’s growth, amniotic fluid, etc) to make sure baby is still doing well.  once that is done, then I can have the option to just wait it out.  If it comes up showing any signs of the baby not doing as well as it could then we’ll take a different route to get this little one here.  But I will be induced no later than Friday, May 22nd when my midwife is on call. 

she asked me how I felt about induction.  I told her since I have no personal experience with it I really don’t know.  I certainly don’t know much about it.  And what you hear from those that have had it done, the information varies so it’s hard to know what to believe or whatever.

So I don’t know what is going to happen.  She is hoping that the whole biophysical exam and/or induction will become a mute point within the next few days.  She thinks it will be, I don’t have a real feeling one way or the other on it. 

So for now I just take it day by day.  Only have one more day to wait until my Mom will be here to stay until the end of the month.  Then I won’t have to worry about what is going to happen with the boys if nature takes it’s course.  All I know, is eventually I WILL give birth!  lol

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May 12, 2009

Don’t get induced if you don’t have to! I was induced with both of my boys, and would never choose that again if it were my choice. I hope you go into labor naturally and soon! I bet you are getting pretty uncomfortable…..and anxious to meet the little bundle. 🙂

May 14, 2009

For anyone who stops by wondering… she had a little baby boy is 8lbs 12 1/2 oz and 20 inches – still un-named – he has fuzzy dark hair and born at 8:42pm, on 5/13 … she got to the hospital at 4pm and went from 7 to 9 in about 5 minutes – and he was out in a heartbeat pretty much after that. Cord was around his neck once but he was fine, the DR just had to unwind him. Let’s hope they can decide on a name soon!!!