31 years ago today…..

my DH entered this crazy world.  That’s right today is his 31st birthday. 


The fact that he’s turning 31 doesn’t seem like such a big deal to me.  What is a much harder thing to grasp for me is that when we began dating he was only 15.  Just barely 15 actually.  It just boggles my mind that I have had the opportunity to watch him grow over the years.


It’s been a wild and crazy ride but its all been worth it.  So Happy Birthday, Baby!  I hope that we get even more happy years to spend together growing up, growing older, growing even more in love with each other.  Hope you have a happy one!


Love you from the boys and I




 Saturday we went to town.  Dh wanted to hit up Hobby Lobby to check on some paint and what not for his model airplane he’s building.  While we were there he ended uppicking out two more models that he wanted to build so he got those two.  While he perused the model aisle K and I went wandering around a bit.  I was hoping to find a wooden model of some type to build with K.  He is so interested in the model that DH is building but a plastic model is just not 4 yo friendly.  But we didn’t ahve any luck finding something like that.  So we just wandered around and we came across the unfinished wood aisle.  K’s face just lit up when he saw the birdhouses and birdfeeders.  He’s absolutely in LOVE with bird feeders and houses.  We are always feeding birds in the yard, and he wants houses all over the place so he can have birdies.  lol  It’s rather cute.  I asked him if he would like to pick one out and his face lit up even more.  So he picked one, then decided he wanted a different one so he put that back.  That little house he picked up and hugged to his chest and gave it a kiss and then he looked up and I could just see it in his face that he had spotted "THE one".  lol  So he put the little house back and asked me to reach the feeder on the top shelf.  It looks like a gazebo, really cute.  He’s been so excited ever since he picked that out that he just bubbles with excitement.  DH said it was ok that he wanted to get that.  How many 4 yo little boys do you know that would want a little wooden bird feeder over a toy??  Not many I can assure you.


He’s been carrying that thing all over the house since he got it.  So yesterday we stopped in to Menards and let him pick out the paint for it.  He decided he wanted it painted all white.  And then picked out a really pretty blue color as well to paint some of the panels and such on it.  Should be pretty cute when it’s done.  He and I went out last night and painted it all white.  So far it looks really good.  Can’t wait to see what the blue looks like on it when we get that on.  He is forever looking out the window at his feeder with a huge smile on his face and then comes running to me to throw his arms around my neck to give me a hug and a kiss and a "thank you Momma for my birdie feeder".  Just to cute.  But only one small thing in life that makes me pretty darn proud to be a Momma. 



Well, yesterday was Father’s Day.  After the boys were up and had their breakfast I had them deliver their presents to Daddy.  K was so excited he could hardly wait to have Daddy open them!  lol  So DH let him open the presents.  Thankfully DH liked all of the things he got. I’m glad because I had to run out on Saturday afternoon to try and find something so I was concerned he wouldn’t like them.  But I guess I did ok.  lol

Later we went out to lunch at Panera, DH’s choice.  It’s been a long time since we’ve been there.  Pretty pricey to go there too often.  But since Dh wanted to go we went.  I got a yummy chicken salad sandwich and a strawberry poppy seed salad.  That salad was sooooo YUMMY!  lots of strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, and mandarin oranges it with this yummy sweet and tangy poppyseed dressing.  {licks lips}  The only p0roblem with that is that now I want it again!!!  lol

Came home and just spent a nice quiet afternoon at home doing nothing much.  It was rather nice.  We had been deciding what to do about dinner.  The original plan was to go to TGIFridays for dinner.  But as the day went on and it was so nice and relaxing DH started to sound like he didn’t want to do that anymore.  So I gave him the choice of going or staying in and making something here.  At the last minute he opted for staying in and we made spagetti.

Overall it was just a pretty good day.  and it seemed like he had a lot of fun with the boys and with his new stuff he got for Daddy’s day.



And since today is his birthday he gets to enjoy some more fun stuff.  Well, that is after he gets home from work.  lol  The boys have presents for him and cards.  And he chose what he wanted for dinner tonight so we’ll be grilling out tonight.  And I currently have a marble cake baking in the oven {sniffs air} and the whole house smells yummy.  Later I’ll frost it and let K help but the ‘prinkles on it.  lol    Then we’ll give him his presents later.

And after today that is it, he’s not getting any more "nice" days!  lol  No, jsut kidding.  At least Father’s Day and his birthday landed on two different days this year.  Sometimes its on the same day.  To me that kind of seems like having a birthday at Christmas, there is no real distinction between the two events so you don’t get that special treatment on two different days.  He could care less, but then again he’s a man and says he doesn’t care about that sort of thing.  lol



K was excited today when the mail came.  I had bought him and J a whole bunch of books from this kids website online, it has all used items that are like new.  I think we counted them up and he got 36 books.  He was so excited he had to sit right down and start reading them.  He kept telling me "thank you Momma, I LOVE them.  I love you, thank you for the books"  I love that he loves books.  I love to read and I’m glad that he seems to be following in those footsteps.  He can spend a ton of time "reading" to himself and looking at books, telling me his own stories about what is going on even though he knows the stories quite well.  He has a HUGE imagination and books are only fueling that and making him even more wonderful. 


Well, almost time to get the cake out of the oven to cool.  So I’m off!

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June 16, 2008

Oh my goodness!! The story about the birdhouse is soo sweet! What a cutie! That sounds like a really good salad!! Now I want to try it too!! Happy Birthday to your Hubby! 🙂