3 years

 3 years, 13 hour and 25 minutes ago we welcomed a beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed baby boy into our lives.


I know I say it all the time, but where does the time go????  


I look at him and I can’t believe how big he’s gotten and how much he’s changed in that amount of time.  He keeps me on my toes, no doubt about  that!  I always say that he was in a hurry to get here (beginning of labor to holding him was a little over 2 hours) and he’s not sat down since!!!  lol

He’s spunky, he’s active, he’s always on the go.  He’s a snuggler, a fighter, and the craziest little boy you could ever imagine when he wants to be.  He may be my little guy but his personality by far exceeds his size.  

since his big brother has started school I’ve had a lot more one on one time with him and he has just grown in leaps and bounds.  He loves to sit on my lap when he gets a chance and snuggle.  He is always coming up and giving me hugs and kisses and telling me how much he loves me.  A few months ago he wasn’t quite as much like that.  But I have to say, I am loving the change!  

He’s an awesome little boy and I couldn’t love him more!  He wakes up bright eyed, with a smile on his face, dimples in his cheeks with a "morning Momma!" for me every day and a hug and a kiss every time I walk out the door, even if it is just to walk to the mailbox and back.  And he is genuinely happy to see me walk back in, even if I’ve only been gone for a few minutes.  He brightens my days and warms my heart.  There are days he does try my nerves, but by far, the days he makes me smile are greater.


Happy Birthday, J!  Today you are 3 and one step closer to being that "big boy" that you so often talk about becoming.  But for just a little while longer I wouldn’t mind if you would stay the ‘little’ boy that I have grown to love over the past 3 years.  Please don’t be in such a hurry to grow up, life goes by fast enough as it is.  I love you Crazy Man!  {{HUGS}}   <3           

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February 3, 2010

*ryn* Thank you! So far, the hospital has been amazing and has done everything totally right, unlike my local hospital.

February 6, 2010

I hope he has a great birthday!