2008 in review

2008 In Review



[1.] What did you do in 2008 that you have never done before?

It kind of continued from 2007 but this year I wrapped up and closed out the Estate and put that chapter of my life behind me.

[2.] Did you keep all of last years resolutions?

I didn’t make any

[3.] Have you any resolutions for next year?


[4.] What countries did you visit?


[5.] What would you like to have in 2009 that you didn’t have in 2008?

a third child

[6.] What date in 2008 will remain etched in your memory?

Oct 2 — the day we found out we were expecting another baby

[7.] What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Closing the Estate.  After 18+ months I was more than ready for that.

[8.] What was your biggest failure?
  It was both a success and a failure at the same time.  But dealing with a situation with a friend that ended up

being drawn out for WAY to long until there wasn’t much left to the relationship because of it. But it did get resolved in the end.

[9.] Did you suffer any illness or injury?
  The flu but nothing else that I remember.

[10.] What was the best thing you bought?

Didn’t buy much of anything important this year, except for a new ceiling fan for our room.  So I would have to say

it was something that the kids really wanted, didn’t think they would get and were surprised when they got.  That always makes it the "best" thing ever!

[11.] Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
  M’s family.  I don’t think I could ever understand how people can act that way towards another person.  And then there’s D, my Mom’s moronic ‘friend’.  It amazes me that a grown man can be such a selfish, scamming, mooching lowlife to other people and see nothing wrong with it.  He acts worse than my 4 yr old!

[12.] Where did most of your money go?
the house, kids, and of course thanks to the economy we lost a bunch of it that we had tucked away for the future. 🙁

[13.] What did you get really really really excited about?
  finding out we were having another child.  It wasn’t expected and was a total surprise, but it was exciting once the initial shock wore off.

[14.] What songs will always remind you of 2008?
I dont know

[15.] Compared to this time last year are you :
[A] Fatter or thinner?
 same, actually just a little bit lighter than this time last year.

[B] Happier or sadder?

[C] Richer or poorer? 

[17.] What do you wish you’d done less of?
 Being crabby

[18.] How will you be spending Christmas?
with my Mom and the moron at our house, the kids were sick and recovering.  So pretty much the same as last year!

[19.] Which OD users did you meet for the first time?

[20.] Did you fall in love in 2008?
I have been in love since 1992.

[21.] How many one night stands?

[22] What was your favourite TV show?
Dont forget the lyrics, House, So You Think You Can Dance, Big Band Theory, and others.

[23.] Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don’t like to "hate", but there are a couple of people that have managed to get themselves on that list.  But there are a few that I dislike strongly for the things they do and how they have treated people.

[24.] What was/were the best books you read?
I read so many i am not sure

[25.] What was your greatest musical discovery?

[26.] What did you want and get?
  another baby (well not yet)

[27.] What did you want and not get?
my wedding ring fixed

[28.] What was your favourite film this year?
can’t think of one.

[29.] What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?

didn’t do much of anything that I recall,maybe went out for dinner.  I was 32

[30.] What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
  to not have had to worry about the economy so that we could have enjoyed doing more things with the kids.

[31.] How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
I wear what makes me comfortable.  I don’t care if it’s the latest and greatest or if other people like it, I dress for me for the most part.

[32.] What kept you sane?
my friends (one in particular more than others!), OD, my kids

[33.] Which celebrity did you fancy the most?

[34.] Which political issue stirred you the most?
the history changing election

[35.] Who did you miss?
M, it’s hard to believe it will soon be coming up on 2 years now that he’s been gone.  And my Grandma.

[36.] Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year?

That if you do the right thing and keep moving forward there is nothing or noone that can hold you back. 

That when your back is against the wall and you feel like giving up that you can still be ok if you just decide to not give up.

That I have more strength than I thought.  And I learned that because of the hard things I’ve had to deal with recently.


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