Last night boo at the zoo didn’t happen. My sister said my niece was crabby but we could try dinner and then Maybe go. I was going to see if Terry wanted to go with me and Avery but when Terry got them home Avery had puked all over himself and his carseat. So when I got avery’s clothes off I was just going to give him a shower and Terry started the water and our poop lil guy puked twice more in the bathroom. Because I now had baby puke on me Terry insisted that it would be fine to spray avery and me with the shower head before touching Avery. Ugh. So finally I got in the shower with Avery and we got all cleaned up and we took a nap. We took a few naps really. Then around 8 he started getting dry heaves and we gave him a little bottle and two animal crackers. He Hasnt thrown up since and seems fine except a tad warm to the touch. So I came to work today and I think my blood sugar dropped cuz I was feeling awful but ate a donut and a cupcake and felt much better. I hope avery feels better, he just looked so pitiful.