Never Again.

I will never be in a relationship with a man ever again.  Once I am able to get out of this trap I’m in now, I’m not doing this again.  I’ve been hearing other women’s stories and reading other women’s diaries on here, and it is all so heartbreaking.  These women get in relationships with people they think are good/loving men, and they pretend to be that way for the first 3-6 months, then BAM.  Completely different person. . . someone that is not emotionally supportive/available, someone that makes you feel bad about yourself, someone that turned cruel.  And before someone says, “Not ALL men!”  I get it, okay?  I’m sure there is a handful of men that are alright, but not from what I’ve seen.  All the stories I’ve heard, even from women that I know. . .  I’ve never come across a woman that’s in a long-term relationship that is happy.  It’s fucking scary.  I’m not subjecting myself to it ever again.  And neither should any other woman.  It’s a trap.  There are studies that show that single, childless women are the happiest, and that’s what I’m going to do.  Other studies show married men are happiest. . . because the women are taking care of them like their mothers, and allowing the men to emotionally and/or physically abuse them.

I’ve seen angry men on TikTok saying shit like, “When a woman focuses on her career instead of a family, she ends up alone, with $100,000 in her bank account, and a couple of cats.  That’s just sad.”  Um, no.  That doesn’t sound sad to me.  That sounds like a fucking dream come true!!  Stop trying to threaten us with a good time.  LOL.  Okay, I’m done ranting for now.  I just want to be alone with my cats and happy and peaceful.  I’ve always been so much more peaceful without a man in my life.

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October 10, 2022

I find this an interesting topic. I’ve read a lot of OD entries over the years and have shaken my head at what women fall for. I usually can see it coming. This does not, however, excuse the shitty behavior by the men involved. We reared our daughter to be independent, feminist, etc., but at 16, she fell head-over-heels for a boy and went crazy when the inevitable breakup occurred (and he wasn’t an evil kid, just thoughtless as you are at the age of 18-19). The fact that “history repeats” itself over-and-over is evident here. I wish I knew the answer. We have to teach our daughters not to be fooled (and we tried) without being cynical and we have to teach our sons not to be jerks…but I’m not too hopeful that either will have much impact given hormones seem to make all of us blind. Rant over!

October 10, 2022

Having money in the bank and a soft warm friend is a bad thing?
I guess it’s all supposed to go to his mommy’s failure, him.
That’s too funny!!!!!