Wedding with pictures
Dear Diary,
Thanksgiving weekend was fun. I had Thanksgiving with Cookiepuss, my mom, her husband and mother in law.
It was a very nice dinner and I had a nice time.
Saturday morning I got up and started the long drive to the Fingerlakes, NY.
I arrived with half an hour to spare for the wedding. I had a great time. The wedding ceremony was held upstairs in the meditation room and it was very warm up there but it was a great ceremony.
The bride W. and GL walking her down the isle.
The ceremony and I couldn’t get any closer. It was a very nice ceremony.
The bride and groom walking down the isle. It was sweet seeing them together.
Drumming and singing before we ate. Everyone was participating. That is GL (head of the Peaceweavers), drumming and singing. The tiny child was dancing to the drumming and she was adorable!
More singing and drumming.
This is Dr. Mahan Rishi Singh, a kundalini yoga master who is friends of the Peaceweavers. I sat at their table and he is quite funny. Here he is in a serious conversation with some guests.
This is Mahan Rishi’s wife, Nirbhe Kaur Kahlsa. Here she is speaking with A., the groom and O. another yoga master and artist.
Cutting of the cake. They are very happy together. They met 15 years ago and have two children ages 10 and 7. The 10 yr. old was in her glory!!
GL announcing the engagement of the young couple standing next to the wedding couple. We all toasted the young couple.
They gave me a room upstairs in one of the dorm room. I slept well. We all met at a local restaurant for breakfast the next morning. I left from the restaurant. I had a great drive home thinking of the great time I had and all the super nice folks I met there.
I will be going back up there in January for a week’s cleansing retreat. I’m looking forward to the week.
Everything has been going well. I have been jogging again and I am up to jogging about 4 miles. I thought I would never run again, but here I am jogging again. I need to lose a few more pounds but I’m sure it will come off with the jogging.
School is going well. I am busy, very busy at work with two more classes then last year. The kids are getting excited for the holidays.
Listening to the radio and reading the paper, I hear that this country is not doing well financially. They are having a special on the real estate market tonight. The housing market is falling and houses are falling by from 4% to 13% in Florida. Some predict a recession and I surely hope not. People who have interest only loans and adjustable loans are losing homes and with the cost of living, people cannot afford to buy. It is also stated that the industries that support the housing industry are suffering 50% decrease in sales.
Sounds like things are REALLY slowing down.
Because New Jersey is in serious dept (so they say), a 58% tax increase for gas and doubling of parkway and turnpike tolls are the talk of the state capital. I have no idea how people are supposed to live.
I was just notified by mail that our rent will increase by $50.00 a month. That works out to $600.00 a year in rent increase. I think this is legalized robbery. I am really upset about this and plan on writing a letter to the management and owners.
I sometimes wonder when this madness will end. GREED!
Aloha nui loa… I love going to… other people’s weddings… Smiles…
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Gorgeous pics indeed! I enjoyed this very entry a lot! Thanks a lot for sharing it here at OD. Thanks for the lovely note too. Regards.
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looks like the wedding was beautiful and a lot of fun!
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What a beautiful wedding…I miss driving through the Finger Lakes region. The economy scares me…I’m reminded too much of how things were in the early to mid 1970’s. That was such a depressed time. People were broke, but the country was not in a debt crisis like today. Back then there was at least some blue collar industry to get things moving again. How todays service economy can do that function is beyond me……Alabama is #3 in the country for bankruptcies.
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Looks like all are having a wonderful time.. I don’t know how people make it these days? I am so glad I bought my house outright.. Taxes are another issue..! I live a VERY simple life and want to make it even less than it is. Can’t take any of it with me so why bother? Warmth, shower, clean clothes, food.. what more do we need?? LOVE..for all… BIG HUGS
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Aloha (again)… Ryn: Thank you for your words of encouragement… yes… the doc is using a general anesthesia… I have never had a tooth pulled… and this one is a molar… top right… in back… and I am such a baby… hence my “complaining” about it… Smiles…
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