Snow Day

Dear Diary,
Yesterday was my birthday.  It was quiet but really nice.  I went to work as usual and felt good so that counts for a lot.  My last class is a bilingual first grade.  Three boys stole from the art cart and other kids ratted them out.  I took them to the vice principal to write up the incident and she spoke to them.  They were no happy and started to cry, especially a little boy named Elias.  He was sobbing.  He and I have a great relationship and he always hugs me when I come to his class.  He was so disappointed in himself.  After I wrote them up, I knelt down in front of them and told Elias what should he say.  He said he was sorry, then I hugged him and told him that I still loved him.  He put his head on my shoulder and sobbed.  I told him that it was ok and that I was sure he would never steal again.  I did the same to the other two boys.  They were all crying.  I am sure they will not steal from the art cart again and hopefully from no one again.
After school my good friend W. made dinner for me and I hung out with her for a while.  By 7:30 I was exhausted and had to go home.  She understood because this is the first year of her retirement. 
I received many well wishes from the staff, my family and the children.  Nice day!!!!
Today we have our first snow day.  About 4 inches fell on the ground and this afternoon we are supposed to get freezing rain and more snow tomorrow. 
I took a few pictures from my front porch and here they are:

This is looking directly across my front porch.  There is a little section of woods that I am very grateful for!

This is looking to the right from my porch.  We have only 10 units in our building which is quiet and peaceful.  The front building which you can see is where the children are….LOL

This is looking to the left from my porch.  That is the canal which is very quiet this time of year.  The summer brings lots of boat traffic.

Today I plan on doing some cleaning and paper work….

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February 22, 2008

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! A snow day is a good birthday present, I would think:)

February 22, 2008

well, happy birthday to you. seems like a lot of little kids steal and then don’t ever again after they get caught the first time. it’s so traumatic for them. the kids here went to school today but were let out 2 hours early due to the snowstorm. take care,

February 22, 2008

Huzzah for February birthdays! Many happy returns of the day… 🙂

February 22, 2008

Happy Birthday! Enjoy the beautiful snow – love the first & last pic).

February 23, 2008

Happy birthday and good on you for the way you handled those boys. They will always remember that. We had a lovely snow here too. Thanks for sharing!

February 26, 2008

Snow is so pretty. Wish we’d get some down here. Glad you had a great b-day!!

Happy birthday! I get chilled just looking at that snow, but it really is beautiful. Looks like Louis and I will be in Mass, VT and perhaps New Hampshire this summer on the AT.

February 28, 2008

Aloha… Here’s wishing you a (very) belated Hau’oli la Hanau… So… what is with all the white stuff in this entry…? Smiles/Me ke aloha…

March 1, 2008

Beautiful photos. Happy Belated Birthday. God bless.

March 2, 2008

“live models or from memory?” some of both, of course “live” can be other references like a Manikin or photos,..o.o

March 2, 2008

“A-live” sometimes i’ll use life models when available,’s a matter of using the resources at hand,..o.o

March 4, 2008

Have a great Tuesday!

March 6, 2008

Aloha… Ryn: Excellent…! Smiles/Me ke aloha…

March 16, 2008

Happy Very Belated Birthday. I missed this entry. Your birthday is the day before my son’s. And, I hope all that snow has melted by now.

March 16, 2008

Missing your awesome entries! Hope u r having a wonderful time. Take care!