
Dear Diary,
Well I was sick AGAIN all week but feeling much better now.  Skool is getting to me but the year is almost over thank god!  I’m getting ready for the art show which will probably take me a month or so.  I’m starting early because I don’t like the mad dash near the time of the show.
I think this will be my last contract with this district or any other district for that matter LOL.

Been busy getting ready to go to Vermont to my son’s wedding which is a story in itself.  I’ll get into that some other time.  Interesting how life presents itself and the lessons in which we choose or not choose to part take.

I will be away at the Peaceweavers this coming week which will be a BREATH OF FRESH AIR!  I am really looking forward to this trip.  The mountains, the fresh air, wonderful people, the whole package.  I hope to go for a walk on the trail while I’m there as the weather will allow for more then a half hour walk.  I am bringing my pc up with me and hopefully I’ll be able to write a daily log of my days spent with them.
 I’m packing up the car today and getting ready.  So short entry but who knows when I will feel like a longer one.


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April 19, 2008

have a good time,..:)

April 19, 2008

Wow, I didn’t realize your son is getting married.

RYN: I’ll get the front end of the trip done soon..I was in Freehold for a few hours to see “Cousin Criss” who will be 100 this May. Then went right to Wayne for the phonograph show. I’ll be headed to Mass for my nephews wedding in May…another long story… UGH!!!! Everyone is getting married this year!

I guess you are going to retire. I probably will not retire until…forever…LOL!

April 22, 2008

what is peace weavers.

April 24, 2008

I hope you have been enjoying your week away!!

May 11, 2008

Happy Mother’s Day!

May 23, 2008

Great to hear from you sweet good looking lady! Missed alot your sweet entries. Have a great weekend!