Laying Low

Dear Diary,
Well 2007 is almost over.  I wasn’t able to go up to the Peaceweavers because of being sick for 16 days (GOD).
I haven’t been really bed ridden for the entire 16 days but it sure put a damper on my vacation! 
I went to seen Margabandhu again yesterday for my sinus infection.  The antibiotics are still sitting on the bathroom shelf unopened.  The first time I went up to see him, he worked on my for an hour.  He works with the meridians, moxa, massage and acupuncture.  He is an amazing person.  I was still in excruciating pain when I left but when I got to my parkway exit I noticed the pain had changed places and by the time I pulled into my parking area, the pain was gone.  I was amazed.
I was very tired so I came in and promptly fell asleep and slept like a baby.
I went to see him again yesterday for a follow-up and I am still doing ok.  He told me not to eat protein and for a few days to eat just fresh veggies and fruit.
So be it.
I did go to the annual quilting club party and had a great time.  So I haven’t had to stay in the whole time but am laying low.
Today I may start to take down some Christmas decorations because when I go back to work forget about it LOL.  I have to clean up a bit and I do want to go and take a short walk to get back into some kind of routine.
One of my good friends gave me "A WALK IN THE WOODS" for Christmas and I want to read that.  I am in the middle of another book so I want to finish that one first.  I’ve been reading a lot this year for some reason but enjoying it.
So this was one INTERESTING Christmas holiday LOL.
Blessings to all.

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December 30, 2007

sorry you didn’t get to spend the weekend like you wanted. sure am glad to hear you are feeling better. school starts here next wednesday. i think i will be glad when blake goes back to school. take care,

December 30, 2007

Thanks for your nice note and wishing you peace and health in the new year.

December 30, 2007

Louis had me reading A Walk in the Woods before I got on the AT. It let me not feel so awkward using all his cast off equipment and prepared me for meeting up with many of the characters who frequent the trail…. It is a fun read but it was responsible for getting a lot of people walking who should not have been on the trail at all. Experienced trail guides have many horror stories of these uneducated people. I know some of the people who started out with us at Springer Mt back in 2003 were very unprepared… one guy had a pack that weighed 70 lbs!! We saw one guy with a cast iron frying pan hanging from his pack!! The stories just go on and on!! Have a great New Year..hope you are feeling better soon…