Holiday time

Dear Diary,
Well the season is upon us.  I am usually a humbug but this year I decided to put up my little trees and put green lights in my ficus tree.  That looks really awesome.  I bought a candy cane made from bells and hung it on my front door.  I am doing this for me this year to make me feel good.  It does too! 
I ran and walked 5 miles yesterday morning then came home and goofed around…sorting laundry which I haven’t done yet.  I will do it today while putting up my little trees.  I think I’ll put them at the top of the stairs. 
Last night I went to a Christmas party for the running club and met some really nice folks.  There was SO much food I couldn’t believe my eyes.  I didn’t eat much because I had eaten dinner before I left and wasn’t that hungry.  I had a glass of wine but didn’t finish it.  I mostly talked and laughed with some old running friends.  I had a great time.  I drove up with C and T, two running friends of mine.  We decided to do the winter series in Freehold this winter to keep in shape, so we will take turns driving….good deal with the price of gas.
I sent away for 3 more books on the holocaust from Amazon.  I don’t know why but I have a sudden fascination with the mind set of that event.  I just finished reading "Night", by Elie Wiesel.  He gave a talk at the University I graduated from so Cookiepuss gave me the book to read.  I then got the book, "I Have Lived a Thousand Years", by Livia Bitton-Jackson.  That was an excellent book.  I find it utterly fascinating how these people were able to endure such struggle in their lives.  How the Nazi’s could treat people sub human.  The scars that were left from that horrific event is still with us and God only knows when true  healing will occur.  I made an attempt to read about Dr. Josef Mengele, but I just couldn’t.   I feel he was worse then Hitler himself. 
After such a travesty, how can we possibly allow discontent in this world?  Why don’t we choose peace instead of fighting for wealth, power and land?  Why is it always said that world peace cannot exist? 
Haven’t we learned anything in all this time?

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December 9, 2007

I can’t read about the Holocaust because it gives me nightmares.

December 9, 2007

Nero fiddled while Rome burned and HE set fire to it.. We today forget about Hilter and Rome and watch sports and play video games and WE think that it won’t happen to us??? I think the world needs a reality check.. I too put up decorations this year to make me happy.. it’s so pretty and comforting.. BIGGEST HUGS

December 9, 2007

That storm gave me a real heads up let me tell you.. Thanks for your kind thoughts.. it will be many months to repair the damage.. I truly was blessed to not get hurt or have worse damage to my home than I did.. BIG HUGS

A book that forever changed me is: All But My Life by Gerda Klein. It is her story on how she survived the work camps and was the only one of her family to survive. Another good read is I Will Bear Witness, A Diary of the Nazi Years by Victor Klemperer. This is published in two volumes covering 1933-1941 and 1942-1945. It can be sort of a tedious read in spots as this is the day to day journals ofa cranky professor. It really illustrates as to how the Nazis took power and control a little at a time over the course of years. You can see the parallels in this book to what is happening to America today…