Christmas Day
Dear Diary,
I think I missed Christmas this year. I have had this horrible virus for almost two weeks now. It’s been one of the worst colds I have ever had. I thought I was getting better twice but no cigar.
I went to the doctor Thursday and the doc told me that it was viral and to take good care as not to get an infection because being put back on antibiotics would "stir things up" concerning lyme disease.
Well Friday night I went to our annual Christmas party and maybe I partied a little too much. I had a blast but I paid for it. I danced, drank and danced some more. I laughed and laughed and laughed!!
Saturday morning I didn’t feel all that well. I decided to go to Cookiepuss’s house and finish making Christmas cards. I packed up my laundry to do there as well and drove over. I started laundry and we proceeded to make cards. The house was freezing and the longer I sat in the cold the more I didn’t feel well. I fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up I had supper with them. Her daughter and son in law were there. After dinner I packed up and went home feeling horrible. I went to bed and slept late. I woke up sick again, but went out to do a little Christmas shopping. I came home and slept again. I’ve been eating nothing but soup and some fruit.
Christmas Eve I went out again for wrapping paper and a few things. By that night I had the worst sinus headache on the right side and it was intense. I tried several over the counter medications but nothing seemed to work. I finally fell asleep and woke up with the same sinus headache. I got up, made some juice and by 10am my son was knocking on the door with his Fiance.
They came in and it was such a nice surprise. I was supposed to go to his house but I just couldn’t do the drive. We fixed some breakfast and talked for a while, then it was time to open gifts. They forgot to bring all the gifts and I thought that was so funny. I told them that they were gift enough.
I made them a stocking and they seemed to LOVE that the most. Ca. told me that next year we are going to do stockings! I thought that was cute. I didn’t spend a lot of money on them but got them small fun things and they really loved them. They told me that they were starting to collect some Christmas chochka and funny thing was I got them some Christmas knicknacks.
We talked some more and I had a great time with them but I had to do something about the pain in my face and I didn’t want them to be concerned so I sort of kicked them out LOL.
They stayed about 4 hours and it was soooo nice to have them over.
After they left for my son’s dad’s house. I tried to do something about the pain in my face. Nothing seemed to work. I ate some soup then went to the store to get a different medication. THAT didn’t work so I talked myself into going to the walk in medical center. I had to do something because I couldn’t lay down LOL
They were empty to my surprise and joy! I got right in. The doctor told me that there was so much of this around that they have been full for the past couple of weeks.
The nurse said that people are having a difficult time shaking this too and I can attest to that!
He gave me some meds (can’t remember the name) and sent me home with two pain killers. I haven’t taken them yet as the medicine he gave me seemed to work. I am going to get the prescription filled today for nasal spray.
I don’t usually get sick like this and I do hope I never do again!!!
So that was my Christmas. My Christmas was seeing my son and his Fiance, but the rest SUCKED! LOL
For the New Year, I PLAN on going to the Peaceweaver celebration in the finger lakes. I am going to nurse this poor body back to health and go.
be well,…:)
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Wow that sounds miserable…. and even more so when it happens over a major holiday. I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but glad you’re on the mend now! There’s always next year!
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“why? ” chaos is the real “natural order”,.. that’s why we never can sus all the answers,..o.o
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You need to start taking “Airborne.” Everybody I know who takes it swears by it. It helps build your immune system.
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Thanks a lot indeed! Rejoice and be happy! Hugs and smiles.
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Aloha… Perhaps the stress of the holiday season… makes us vulnerable to illness… Whatever the reason… sorry you’re “under the weather”… Sigh…
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I hope you feel better by now and continue to mend:)
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We always get sick around Christmas…or on Christmas…UGH! It is funny how stockings are a big hit even for adults.
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