Annual Art Show 2008
Dear Diary,
School is almost over and I’ll have a week off before I start my summer job. I’m glad I am working in the summer and saving some mula.
We just had our annual art show and I have to say that this was one of the best. The highschool ceramic department was the hit of the show with pieces that I would have bought. There were some that were professional quality especially work done by a student from Cambodia.
Nothing much has been going on except for being extremely busy with the art show; staying after school until 6 most nights. I haven’t been walking this week but I plan on walking today with some jogs inbetween.
My summer guests are starting to come down which is nice as well. My neice and nephew are graduating so I will be going to both graduations and parties so June is a busy month.
I think about my retirement all the time and since 4 people from school will be retiring this year it is coming close. There are hardly any teachers left that I started with and being one of the senior teachers is mind boggling!
I plan on staying for at least two more years so I can start to put a plan into place and figure out where I will live and a place I can afford (state included).
Well here are some pics from the art show.
these self portraits look exactly like themselves.
Really well done!
I had to convince this student to put this in because he wanted to take it home. He is in the 4th grade and ended up winning a ribbon. He was SO HAPPY! I am proud of him.
you really can’t see the details of this boot but it was great. This student is going into 6th grade and also won a blue ribbon.
This is a watercolor by a student in 3rd grade. I was impressed with the perspective. It does look like the city is flooding lol.
This is a rendition of the Mona Lisa by a 3rd grade student. This boy is very talented which is indicated by the blue ribbon.
This is TIRED me with two of my students. The girl is the winner of the blue ribbon behind her head. Not bad for 1st grade. The boy is her little brother. They are wonderful students. I was really tired after spending 5 hours putting up the show, running home to shower and change and driving back.
The show was a success so that is all that matters. I was very happy with it.
wonderful pics!!! i hope the kids are encouraged to carry on with art!… old are they?? im afraid the year system means nothing to me or i would work it out. They look kinda small!
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It sounds like you have a lot of fun teaching art. Too bad you have to put up with school politics.
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These are great!! You are a wonderful teacher, I know. You look great in that picture also. You have such a healthy look about you:) J
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I remember the pictures from last year. These are even better. This is wonderful art. I love that water colour picture. It is very good.
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Good to see you here and that things will wind down for a while for you.. Great art work… BIG HUGS
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First, you are just absolutely beautiful!!! Then second, my gosh….I am not only impressed with the pictures but I’m amazed at the ages of the artists. It’s almost unbelievable, but I do believe you!! IMPRESSIVE!!! I’m so glad you shared the pics..I enjoyed them.
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