
can I please go to bed before like 8 am some day this week?

Yeah, I just got home, and I am soooooooo tired.

We were suposed to watch Garden State at Erik’s, but somehow in the 9 hours i was there, never got around to it.

everyone pretty much left around 2, and nick showed up around 3, and then it was just us 4. We didnt even do anything, but everytime i looked at the clock it was an hour later. We all planned on going ang eating breakfast, but decided we were just to tired.


I dry heaved over the toilet for like a half hour after eating a bowl of cheerios. That was great. guess it is EVERYTHING i eat. Except oranges, those dont seem to make me sick, but I am all out of those now.

Tomorrow, or tonight I should say, I guess I am seeing OCeans 12 with Nick. I guess this is a half ass attempt at a date or something..but we are meeting at the theatre. Weird. So we’ll see how that goes.

I am super glad that Jimmy decided to tell a select few that I thought I was pregnant, and that they promised not to say anything. They did a really fantastic job at that. God.

My business.

Thank god that turned out negitive.

One thing I made him promise "please dont say anything"


I am rambeling, probably making no sense. Thats the tired side or me coming out.

I have my orientation today. Yes, I can go alone lol. thanks though

my knees and neck are probably both going to have bruises when i wake up. sweet

K I am done

going to bed


Good morning?


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