past cleared?
So Cedrick had a party this weekend, Me, Pete, Erik, Al, Luke, and Jare all went together. They were all out in back, and I went up to pee. Tim was waiting for it after me. I walked down the stairs saying "shit, shit shit"
So I found Erik and saw the look change on his face when I told him I saw Tim.
Tim actually talked to me, which was weird. he seemed pretty fucked up, I knew this for certain when he introduced himself, and me saying "Yeah, I am Bri, don’t you remember?" "No, I am pretty fucked up"
So Erik was pretty upset by his presence, and not being able to talk to Tim after everything that happened.
So today I get home from work, and I have a message from him. So completely un-expected, and much appreciated?
I told Erik, and right as the words were coming out, I wish I wouldnt have. I think it was one of those "So he still cant talk to me?" type things.
So now is where I need the advice.
I want to say something to Tim like "Erik really misses you, and he regrets everything that happened with the 3 of you"
I want to make this whole situation better. Even though Friday was the first time I had even seen Tim since Meghans, I know it is still on his mind, even with it being out of sight.
so do I butt myself in where I dont know if I am welcomed?
The thought going on in my head, is that I really have nothing to lose. I could care less if I offend tim because I never really knew him, or would it be a loss to not know him knowing he could not forgive Erik, the most forgiving person I know. (that has to be the coolest sentence ever)
grr..I dont know.
I need to get to sleep.
then a nice week off.
Perhaps I should just talk to Erik about it…
I hate how doing something right to you, could be taken way wrong, or hurt other people. When is the right thing REALLY the right thing?
woo I am cool. Ha