I think I would have been a hippie

I find myself going on my computer throughout the day and just being angry.

People these days are seriously awful to one another. Posting about things online makes people feel like they can just say whatever they want without consequence. It is really sad to step back and see this. With everything…reviews on Yelp, comments on news articles, comments on stories of people getting killed…it is just frustrating. I feel we are all so numb because of the amount of shit that gets thrown at us. Like seeing stories about a family killed in a car crash or a couple being murdered on their daily walk..people just glace past these things and move on to the next thing.

It’s just how we are now.

I for one ABSOLUTELY hate facebook. I cannot stand how people can sit in the same room as their significant others and POST ON THAT PERSONS wall about how much they love them. Hey, how about you put your phone down and say it to their face. Or are you not that happy and just want to appear that way? Because I , for one, don’t give a shit. I give shit about my friends and families true happiness. I did this nonsense when I first started dating Josh and I have sense swore to never be that person again.

It is like we have forgotten how to BE with people. I will peek out at the front at work and people waiting in line are ALL on their phones. Every. Single. One. Why? Has something happened since you checked it when you parked your car?

It is just strange to me. Or being at dinner with an old friend or family and they immediately set their phone out on the table; check it as soon as you get up to go to the bathroom. Why.

I know it seems like I am just complaining, but I honestly just don’t understand where this is all going and what it is going to lead to.

I asked out a boy. Face to face. People seriously were like crazed by this story. "did you check FB first to see if he had a girlfriend? You could have just messaged him!"


I know I am not alone in these feelings..but I just feel that it is going to keep going this way. Remember going to a party and people would have to communicate with one another and not just sit on the couch looking at their phones? What are they always looking at that is so interesting?

"being sick sucks"

"Off to enjoy this great day!"

"watching a movie"

That is great people.

I have seen more than one person "check in" at a hospital.

"what should I do if my daughter has a super high fever and wont stop throwing up?"

UM how about you call a doctor and just get the fuck off facebook.


Even Josh would ‘make fun’ of his friends, but he was just as bad. "i’m sick, who wants to come take care of me?" "I’m bored"



I just wanted to get that out of my head. Whine whine whine, I know.

But I just hope people are truly happy and can enjoy the people in their lives. spend some time looking forward, not down! 



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December 29, 2013

you are right,but when it comes to me,when i look to my phone,i actually don’t look to anything,i just do it because I saw everyone doing it.