Welcome to your wonderful future…

So I wanted to see what would come up when I entered


in my browser.


Check it out.




Just another selling opportunity, eh? Hope you were able to shove a Big Mac  in your face, or down a chain store Latte, between part time jobs today….hunger damages.


I’m thinking about who ‘the government’ really serves now…

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July 25, 2005

Wow, I think I will quit my job and just do surveys online at $75 a shot. Then I can stay home and have only homemade lattes. : )

I found you random and I have read a few of your entries…you are a very interesting person, smart etc… I like what you write about. Kind of different artsy kind of things. I am bored with the same old same old, so..youare the breath of fresh air to me right now. Rock on! xxx