Warts and All…

I’m trying to figure out what I would like to do with my ‘future’. My daughter is moving to Norway, and I am living in the land of flags and jobs, and very prepared to abandon her girlhood home in Central New York. ( I’d like to say that it felt like my home, but that’s not true. I think that children who are raised in the old military system, moving every 2 or 3 years, have no home. They have no childhood friends, there is no community, or school system that records their faults and talents, and they are basically free to reinvent themselves on that bus/train/car/ or plane trip between towns. I only wish this seemed like an adventure at this point). I’ve only lived in this area for this long to offer my daughter something I never had…

something to miss.


After 20 years of this, I need to get out…

It would be nice if I felt welcome in the land of my birth ( Canada), but the government is again going to try to save itself some money by denying their citizens of the services of 5,000 nurses in the province of Ontario in the next year ( this is the statistical equivalent of firing 50,000  nurses in New York). Maybe there are no nursing jobs there. Because we all know what a luxury nursing care is…unlike accounting, say, or stock specualtion,  which is a vital component of a thriving society.


Right now I am thinking about buying some cheap land in Canada, and shacking up like a hermit. Because I am really tired of the happy horseshit…


I think this is what is meant by ‘disenfranchised’.

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April 22, 2005

Meh. I don’t feel like I have a home anymore. Its sad, really. Love,

April 23, 2005

We moved a lot, too. And my parents sold the place where we lived for most of my formative years, which I had come to consider home, although it was not my place of birth. There was a point in my life where I definitely felt rootless. Politically I have always been disenfranchised. But after eight years in my current neighbourhood, and bringing up the kids here, it does feel like home.

April 23, 2005

The health care penny-pinching of the Province of Ontario makes no sense. Their cuts are in the wrong places, in my view. Primary health care is being cut in favour of supporting expensive technology that keeps people alive well past the time when they can enjoy a decent quality of life.

April 25, 2005

i think the hermit idea is a good one. for a while i plastered my walls with maps that i had found in my garage. I don’t know what happened to that idea but i think i understand the feelings you durrive from maps…maybe.

Come to England.

July 9, 2005

The idea of selling this house, which is actually worth a pile of money right now, and buying something cheap out in the hinterland, has occurred to me, too. However, I have found there is no better way to feel disenfranchised than for an artsy, urban type to try and mix with locals in rural Canada.