Torturous Week Part 3…
So a hospital bed fell on my leg about 12 days ago, and I still have a bruise the size of a dinner plate on my right thigh and knee..
Thank you God, or the physics of falling objects, for sparing my knee.
I wrenched my back a bit, trying to pull the 300 to 400 pound bed off my leg, so that when I lean forward, there’s some nerve irritation that makes it hard for me to breathe…( from the twist and jerk I made to pull the bed up, I guess ) But my knee still works, and that’s important too, lol.
And a waa haa! And a boo hoo too. When my thigh and knee are less tender, I’ll go get reconfigured by the magical pretzelations of my chiropractor, and the world will be alright again, I guess.
did you fill in an incident report so you can sue the buggers ?
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