The weird thing about the Internet is

That no one is ever  goofy.

They aren’t  overwhelmed, or unsure, or stupid, or idiosyncratic, , and they speak in  short witty bursts, recounting the fascinating details of their day, complete with a soundtrack, and a bibliography.


They’re  all clever, in a Gatsby-an way…



I wonder what planet these people are posting from.

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Hi, i’m from planet Australia.Nice to meet you!

August 13, 2006

i like your insight/observation. we only show snippets, and nothing is really real.

August 13, 2006

ha! This is probably the ONLY alternate universe in which someone would find me clever, in a Gatsby-an way. Thanks!

August 14, 2006

I guess that is the thing about writing — you have time to consider and edit until it comes out the way you want it. As opposed to real time conversation, where you can put your foot in your mouth.

August 14, 2006

planet aiberdeen in the north east quadrant of galaxy scotland

October 5, 2006

ryn: the dogs are from Aberdeen , i’ve been to many a hootenanny with them playing :o)