The Sky is Falling…

evidently, the major news networks have decided they are going to adopt the "opinion" that we have become a society so dependent on electrical devices that we are affecting the world’s climate through our power generating practices and the pollution it creates.


This is in contrast to the "opinion" the major news media expressed in recent years, stating that global warming was a "hoax".


Now I have to listen to a few half baked nit wits every fucking day who didn’t realize that pollution and global warming has been a problem well within our radar for some time, and still can’t grasp the concept.


Some cling to the fantasy they’ve  created in their own pea brains and still deny the facts ….these are the woefully misinformed.  Some cling to the idea that immediate profits are all that matters…these are the nihilistic or evil.


New headlines are bringing our inner logicians  to the fore as we  grapple with a "changing reality".


I had to listen to some well intended and confused moron expound on his theory that "Ice Ages have happened before, therefore we are in no danger " (and , obviously, under no obligation to change our polluting patterns) simply because I stopped into a minimart to buy a newspaper and beer today. I was baffled by his logic, but I politely listened to his half baked theories  and then said, " You may have a point, thanks. Maybe after we’re all dead the pollution will quiet down and the earth will recover"


I have no words for the present insanity…these cultural delusions, and the responsibility  the US media bears in being such toothless blow job artists that their constituency writhes and squirms in such embarrassing ignorance, defies description.

But I do have manners.

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February 5, 2007

Yes, it’s funny — a couple of weeks ago the movie ‘Soylent Green’ was on TV — made in the seventies — and the phrase Global Warming was used in the dialogue. But some people seem to think it is something new.

February 10, 2007

solyant green is people, and it’s not far off being a reality