
I’ve had several friends comment on my lack of ‘sharing’ lately, so I thought I’d address it.


I do not refrain from whining to be unfriendly.

And, contrary to the assertions of some,  I feel like I complain alot.


I complain about so many things.

The state of the world. The economy. My concern about the future for our children and grand children.


I feel like I whine  ALOT. I feel like I express my fears almost all the time.


Mostly, I just listen.


I can be accusatory, and some times I’m self blaming, but I don’t think that the world is organized around me. I do name names on occasion, and can be strident when I feel like it. But I hold us all accountable, when it comes down to it. I think this is the Catholic catechism in me, but I really do feel that the end product of my life is determined by me. I do think that anything good or bad that flows from my actions comes from me, and the direction of my heart and soul. And I think that the outcome of this next  minute is determined by me..and (surprise, surprise!) by you.


We all have this power . The power of ‘reaction’.


How will I react,  interpret, and effect the next minute? And the minute after that? And the minute after that?And how about you? What is our individual and mutual agenda? What do we have to contribute?






Or a sad self interest?



And I’m sorry if this seems unfriendly, and I’ll always appreciate your stories, but I don’t want to dwell in that place…..


I’m more interested in the future.  Because I already know  too much about the past. 


And this thinking influences my present.


PS…That being said, I miss the old days. Women our age would be bitching about varicose veins,  tetanus, and how to parboil Tyrannasorus Rexes …….


and what ever happened to ‘the power of action’?




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June 10, 2005

Sharing is only yours to give and nobody’s to take.

June 10, 2005

if only those days were still around. i commend you. i don’t know what i would do if i didn’t pour my whiny self onto a blank page. here’s to self-improvement in the healthiest way possible.

July 1, 2005

we are grumpies and we are proud